Foundry and Forging Multiple Choice Questions Highlights
- 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) in Foundry and Forging with a detailed explanation of every question.- These MCQs cover theoretical concepts, true-false(T/F) statements, fill-in-the-blanks and match the following style statements.
- These MCQs also cover numericals as well as diagram oriented MCQs.
- These MCQs are organized chapterwise and each Chapter is futher organized topicwise.
- Every MCQ set focuses on a specific topic of a given Chapter in Foundry and Forging Subject.
Who should Practice Foundry and Forging MCQs?
– Students who are preparing for college tests and exams such as mid-term tests and semester tests on Foundry and Forging.- Students who are preparing for Online/Offline Tests/Contests in Foundry and Forging.
– Students who wish to sharpen their knowledge of Foundry and Forging Subject.
- Anyone preparing for Aptitude test in Foundry and Forging.
- Anyone preparing for interviews (campus/off-campus interviews, walk-in interview and company interviews).
- Anyone preparing for entrance examinations and other competitive examinations.
- All - Experienced, Freshers and College / School Students.
Foundry and Forging Chapters
Here's the list of chapters on the "Foundry and Forging" subject covering 100+ topics. You can practice the MCQs chapter by chapter starting from the 1st chapter or you can jump to any chapter of your choice.- Casting Processes
- Sand Moulding
- Concept of Gating and Risering
- Moulding Machines & Special Moulding Processes
- Melting Furnaces
- Foundry Introduction
- Pattern Materials & Moulding Sand Tests
- Foundry
- Forging
1. Casting Processes
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on patterns materials and its functions, bis colour coding, binders types in moulding sand, base sand types, binders and its applications.
2. Sand Moulding
The section contains questions and answers on base sand requirements, sand moulds types and methods, binders and methods of core making, cores and types.
3. Concept of Gating and Risering
The section contains MCQs on gating and risering principles, casting defects, gates and risers types, castings fettling and cleaning.
4. Moulding Machines & Special Moulding Processes
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on moulding machines, green sand moulding, core and shell moulding, gravity and pressure die casting, centrifuging processes, carbon dioxide mould and squeeze casting.
5. Melting Furnaces
The section contains questions and answers on gas fired pit furnace, electric arc furnace and cupola furnace.
6. Foundry Introduction
The section contains MCQs on foundry principles and raw materials, cores and core prints, foundry advantages and applications.
7. Pattern Materials & Moulding Sand Tests
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on moulding sand properties, sand control tests, pattern materials, foundry sections, moulding sand preparation, binders and conditioning, sand moulds and pattern types.
8. Foundry
The section contains questions and answers on gating system, cupola charge calculations, casting defects, shell moulding, facing materials, core venting, settling and finishing, sand casting design, mechanized foundry, heat and surface treatment for castings, continuous castings, melting practises, cores types and hot blast cupola.
9. Forging
The section contains MCQs on forgeable materials, forging temperatures, hand forging tools, heating furnaces, steel oxidation, smith forging operations, forging processes, heat treatment, cleaning and finishing, forging defects, drop forging, forging operations, press and machine forging, open drop die forging, roll forging, induction forging, forging applications, advantages and disadvantages, stretch forging, cold forging, hydraulic and mechanical presses, embossing and coining, seamless roll forging, metal ball forging, metal sizing and piercing.
Wish you the best in your endeavor to learn and master Foundry and Forging!