Professional Communication Questions & Answers – Quotation, Orders and Tenders

This set of Professional Communication Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Quotation, Orders and Tenders”.

1. Quotations are letters of enquiry.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The statement is true. Quotations are letters of enquiry in which an organisation or an individual asks another organisation or individual to quote its or his rates and terms of payment for the goods intended to be purchased.

2. Where is the name of the company inviting mentioned in an invitation of quotation?
a) Top left corner
b) Bottom left corner
c) Top right corner
d) Bottom right corner
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Answer: c
Explanation: The name of the company inviting is mentioned in the top right corner on an invitation of quotation along with the address and date.

3. Where is the name of the company which is invited mentioned?
a) Top left corner
b) Top right corner
c) Bottom left corner
d) Bottom right corner
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Answer: a
Explanation: The name of the company which is invited is mentioned in the top left corner in an invitation of quotation below the address of the inviting party.

4. Where is the courteous leave-taking mentioned in an invitation of quotation?
a) Top left
b) Bottom right
c) Top right
d) Bottom left
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Answer: b
Explanation: The courteous leave-taking is mentioned in the bottom right corner along with signature and designation.

5. Quotations are friendly letters.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The statement is false. Quotations are letters of enquiry and thus are business letters. It is normal to invite quotations from a large number of sellers.

6. A tender is advertised in ______
a) newspapers
b) business environment
c) domestic markets
d) sellers
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Answer: a
Explanation: There is a difference between quotations and tenders. A tender is advertised in newspapers, magazines, etc..

7. Which of these is not mentioned in a tender?
a) Date
b) Notice number
c) Sign
d) Designation
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Answer: c
Explanation: A tender does not have the sign of the authority mentioned in it. It only has the designation mentioned.

8. Where is the designation of the authority giving the tender mentioned?
a) Top center
b) Bottom left
c) Bottom right
d) Top left
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Answer: c
Explanation: The name of the authority is mentioned in the bottom right corner along with the organization’s name and branch.

9. Where is the name of the organization mentioned in the tender?
a) Top left
b) Top center
c) Top right
d) Bottom center
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Answer: b
Explanation: The name of the organization along with tender notice number and date is mentioned in the top center in bold in the beginning.

10. Which of these is mentioned in a tender?
a) Notice number
b) Signature
c) Address of the tenderer
d) Courteous leave-taking
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the top center, the name and address of the organisation is mentioned along with the tender notice number and the date.

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