This set of Professional Communication Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Rules of English Language”.
1. The ‘e’ which is silent in any word, is dropped if a suffix beginning with a vowel is added to it.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The statement is true. The ‘e’ which is silent in any word, is dropped if a suffix beginning with a vowel is added to it. For example, “love” becomes “lovable”.
2. Courage becomes :
a) Courageous
b) Couragous
c) Courageable
d) Couragable
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Explanation: “Courage” becomes “Courageous”. The silent e is retained in words ending with “ce” or “ge”. For example, “induce” become “inducive”.
3. Rot becomes _____ and pen becomes ______.
a) roted, pened
b) rotting, pened
c) rotting, penned
d) rotted, penned
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Explanation: Rot becomes rotting and pen becomes penned. A monosyllabic word which ends with a consonant preceded by a single vowel letter has its consonant doubled if a suffix beginning with a vowel is added to it.
4. A monosyllabic word with one vowel cannot end in “c”.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Though most monosyllabic words with one vowel end with “k” (sack, rock, sock and so on), there are some exceptions that end with just “c” (sac, zinc, talc).
5. A monosyllabic word containing two vowel letters ends with:
a) k
b) c
c) ck
d) kc
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Explanation: A monosyllabic word containing two vowel letters ends with “k” and not “ck”. For example, book, creak, etc..
6. A word which is monosyllabic and has one vowel must end with:
a) mm
b) ll
c) p
d) t
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Explanation: A word which is monosyllabic and has one vowel must end with ll. For example, fill, ball, etc.. The only exception to this is “pal”.
7. A word which is monosyllabic and has two vowels must end with:
a) ll
b) l
c) ck
d) c
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Explanation: A word which is monosyllabic and has two vowels must end with l. For example, meal, fool, etc..
8. Which of these words is correct?
a) Allign
b) Align
c) Alignn
d) Alline
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Explanation: The correct word is “Align”. It is often misspelt. Other such words are antenna, aperture, beginning, etc..
9. Choose the correct statement:
a) I asked him if he was leaving.
b) I asked him whether he was leaving.
c) I asked him that if he was leaving.
d) I asked him weather he was leaving.
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Explanation: The correct statement is: I asked him whether he was leaving. We use whether instead of if where or not is implied.
10. Choose the correct statement:
a) The boy gave his examination.
b) The boy took his examination.
c) The teacher took his examination.
d) The boy gave away the examination.
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Explanation: The correct statement is: The boy took his examination. The teacher gives the examination and the boy takes or sits for it.
Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Professional Communication.
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