Professional Communication Questions & Answers – Effective Communication

This set of Professional Communication Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Effective Communication”.

1. Which of these is not an information based system?
a) MIS
b) DSS
c) SIS
d) SDS
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Answer: d
Explanation: In today’s dynamic environment, information is the lifeblood of business. Information based systems such as MIS, DSS and SIS all rest on the communication.

2. Which of these factors is not required for communication growth?
a) Growth in size of organisations
b) Negative atmosphere
c) Globalisation
d) Public relations
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Answer: b
Explanation: Communication growth requires eight factors. They are: growth in size of organisations, globalization, growth of trade unions, public relations, and so on. A negative atmosphere isn’t conducive to communication growth.

3. Globalization, growth of trade unions, public relations and a positive atmosphere are some of the factors that enable ____________.
a) Good friendships
b) Happiness
c) Isolation from society
d) Communication growth
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Answer: d
Explanation: Communication growth requires eight factors. They are: growth in size of organisations, globalization, growth of trade unions, public relations, and so on.

4. Every organization has a social responsibility.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The statement is true. Every organization has a social responsibility, specially towards the customers, government, suppliers and the public at large.

5. Which of these does not come under behavioural sciences?
a) Globalization
b) Psychology
c) Sociology
d) Transactional Analysis
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Answer: a
Explanation: Modern management is deeply influenced by exciting discoveries made in behavioural sciences like Psychology, Sociology, Transactional Analysis, etc.
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6. Which of these element is not involved in the process of communication?
a) Pipe
b) Sender
c) Message
d) Channel
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Answer: a
Explanation: There are four elements in the process of communication. They are: sender, message , channel, receiver.

7. A sender is the person who transmits a message.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The statement is true. A sender is the person who transmits a message. A message could be verbal or non- verbal as appearance, body language, etc..

8. Which of these is the third element of communication?
a) Sender
b) Channel
c) Message
d) Receiver
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Answer: b
Explanation: Channel is the third element in the process of communication. A message may be sent via an electronic word processing system or through the printed work or other media.

9. For effective communication, which of these commandments should one not follow?
a) Objective of communication
b) Inadequate medium
c) Clarity
d) Adequate medium
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Answer: b
Explanation: In order to ensure effective communication, one must take care of the ten commandments. They are: objective of communication, clarity in the use of language, adequate medium, etc.

10. To make our communication effective, we should follow _____ C’s and _____ S’s.
a) seven, four
b) seven, three
c) six, four
d) six, three
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Answer: a
Explanation: The correct statement is: To make our communication effective, we should follow seven C’s and four S’s.

11. Which of these does not come under the four S’s?
a) Simplicity
b) Strength
c) Sincerity
d) Shock
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Answer: d
Explanation: To make our communication effective, we should follow seven C’s and four S ’s. The four S’s are: Shortness, simplicity, strength and sincerity.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Professional Communication.

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