Internship: Summer | Winter | Semester | 1-6 Months | FAQ
Qualification (Pursuing): UG | PG | Diploma | 11th-12th Graders
Qualification (Pursuing): UG | PG | Diploma | 11th-12th Graders
- Probability and Statistics - Content Writer (1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-25027)
- Engineering Chemistry - Content Writer (1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-25028)
- Engineering Physics - Content Writer (1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-25029)
- Basic Civil Engineering - Content Writer (1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-250210)
- Numerical Methods - Content Writer (1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-250211)
- Environmental Engineering - Content Writer (1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-250212)
Internship Title: Probability and Statistics - Content Writer
Code: 1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-25027
Location: Work From Home
Type: Any (Part-Time | Full-Time)
Start Date: Immediately
Duration: 1-3 months
Stipend: 5000 INR (Lumpsum)
Perks: Internship Certificate / Letter of Recommendation
Apply By: 2025-02-28
Apply: Internship Application Form
Code: 1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-25027
Location: Work From Home
Type: Any (Part-Time | Full-Time)
Start Date: Immediately
Duration: 1-3 months
Stipend: 5000 INR (Lumpsum)
Perks: Internship Certificate / Letter of Recommendation
Apply By: 2025-02-28
Apply: Internship Application Form
Internship Description:
The intern will join a team of technical writers and will focus on creating question banks, quizzes, articles and tutorials on this topic.
Skills Required:
Student of any engineering branch is eligible
The intern will join a team of technical writers and will focus on creating question banks, quizzes, articles and tutorials on this topic.
Skills Required:
- Intern should have fundamental knowledge on the concepts of probability and have knowledge of standard distributions which can describe real life phenomenon.
- Require good knowledge on the topics like basic concepts of one and two dimensional random variables.
- Should be capable of applying the concept of testing of hypothesis for small and large samples in real life problems.
- Should know how to apply the basic concepts of classifications of design of experiments in the field of agriculture and statistical quality control.
- Must have the notion of sampling distributions and statistical techniques used in engineering and management problems.
- Skill to apply the statistical tools in engineering problems is required.
- Should have knowledge on the basic concepts of probability and random variables.
- Must know how to develop probability distribution of discrete, continuous random variables and joint probability distribution occurring in digital signal processing, design engineering and microwave engineering.
- Should have an insight into applications of complex variables, conformal mapping and special functions arising in potential theory, quantum mechanics, heat conduction and field theory.
- Must know how to construct joint probability distributions and demonstrate the validity of testing the hypothesis.
- Must use the concepts of analytic function and complex potentials to solve the problems arising in electromagnetic field theory.
- Should know how to utilize conformal transformation and complex integral arising in aerofoil theory, fluid flow visualization and image processing.
- Should know how to apply discrete and continuous probability distributions in analyzing the probability models arising in engineering field.
- Should have the ability to make use of the correlation and regression analysis to fit a suitable mathematical model for the statistical data.
Student of any engineering branch is eligible
Internship Title: Engineering Chemistry - Content Writer
Code: 1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-25028
Location: Work From Home
Type: Any (Part-Time | Full-Time)
Start Date: Immediately
Duration: 1-3 months
Stipend: 5000 INR (Lumpsum)
Perks: Internship Certificate / Letter of Recommendation
Apply By: 2025-02-28
Apply: Internship Application Form
Code: 1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-25028
Location: Work From Home
Type: Any (Part-Time | Full-Time)
Start Date: Immediately
Duration: 1-3 months
Stipend: 5000 INR (Lumpsum)
Perks: Internship Certificate / Letter of Recommendation
Apply By: 2025-02-28
Apply: Internship Application Form
Internship Description:
We are looking for a content developer in "Engineering Chemistry". The intern will work with a technical team which is responsible for creation of detailed tutorials, articles, and questions and answers for Sanfoundry.
Skills Required:
Student of any engineering branch is eligible
We are looking for a content developer in "Engineering Chemistry". The intern will work with a technical team which is responsible for creation of detailed tutorials, articles, and questions and answers for Sanfoundry.
Skills Required:
- Intern must be capable of recognizing and applying basic knowledge on different types of polymeric materials, their general preparation methods and applications to futuristic material fabrication needs.
- Ability to identify and apply basic concepts of nanoscience and nanotechnology in designing the synthesis of nanomaterials for engineering and technology applications is required.
- Should be familiar with identifying and applying suitable spectroscopic technique for material analysis and different forms of photochemical reactions.
- Should be able to recognize different forms of energy resources and apply them for suitable applications in energy sectors.
- Must be capable of demonstrating the knowledge of water and their quality in using at different industries.
- Being familiar with the basic concepts of polymers, their properties and some of the important applications.
- Require knowledge on the basic principles and preparatory methods of nanomaterials.
- Understanding of the laws of photochemistry, photo processes and instrumentation & applications of spectroscopic techniques is required.
- Should be familiarized with the operating principles and applications of energy conversion, its processes and storage devices.
- Should be capable of inculcating sound understanding of water quality parameters and water treatment techniques.
- Should understand the use of free energy in equilibria, rationalize bulk properties and processes using thermodynamic considerations, electrochemical energy systems.
- Causes & effects of corrosion of metals and control of corrosion.Modification of surface properties of metals to develop resistance to corrosion, wear, tear, impact electroplating and electroless plating should be known.
- Should have knowledge on production & consumption of energy for industrialization of country and living standards of people, electrochemical and concentration cells, classical, modem batteries and fuel cells, utilization of solar energy for different useful forms of energy.
- Should be familiar with environmental pollution, waste management and water chemistry.
- Different techniques of instrumental methods of analysis, fundamental principles of nano materials should be known.
- Intern should have knowledge on engineering materials, fuels, energy sources and water treatment techniques.
- Intern must be conversant with boiler feed water requirements, related problems and water treatment techniques.
- Must be familiar with the basic concepts of phase rule and its applications to single and two component systems and appreciate the purpose and significance of alloys.
- Preparation, properties and applications of engineering materials should be known.
- Must be aware of types of fuels, calorific value calculations, manufacture of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.
- Should have knowledge on principles and generation of energy in batteries, nuclear reactors, solar cells, wind mills and fuel cells.
- Require basic knowledge of engineering chemistry for building technical competence in industries, research and development.
- Knowledge in the fields of use of free energy in chemical equilibrium, electrochemistry and energy storage systems, corrosion and metal finishing is required.
- The importance of energy systems, environmental pollution, waste management, water chemistry, instrumental methods of analysis and nanomaterials must be known.
- Should know how to use different analytical instruments.
- Should be capable of measuring molecular/system properties such as surface tension, viscosity, conductance of solution, chloride and iron content in water.
- Measuring hardness of water should be known.
- Should be capable of estimating the rate constant of reaction.
Student of any engineering branch is eligible
Internship Title: Engineering Physics - Content Writer
Code: 1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-25029
Location: Work From Home
Type: Any (Part-Time | Full-Time)
Start Date: Immediately
Duration: 1-3 months
Stipend: 5000 INR (Lumpsum)
Perks: Internship Certificate / Letter of Recommendation
Apply By: 2025-02-26
Apply: Internship Application Form
Code: 1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-25029
Location: Work From Home
Type: Any (Part-Time | Full-Time)
Start Date: Immediately
Duration: 1-3 months
Stipend: 5000 INR (Lumpsum)
Perks: Internship Certificate / Letter of Recommendation
Apply By: 2025-02-26
Apply: Internship Application Form
Internship Description:
We are looking for a content developer in "Engineering Physics". The intern will work with a technical team which is responsible for creation of detailed tutorials, articles, and questions and answers for Sanfoundry.
Skills Required:
Student of any engineering branch is eligible
We are looking for a content developer in "Engineering Physics". The intern will work with a technical team which is responsible for creation of detailed tutorials, articles, and questions and answers for Sanfoundry.
Skills Required:
- Selected intern must be capable of applying quantum mechanical principles towards the formation of energy bands in crystalline materials.
- Require knowledge on electromagnetic waves.
- Should know the basics of oscillations, optics and lasers.
- Understanding the importance of quantum physics.
- Should be aware of importance of mechanics.
- Capable of recognizing the elastic properties of materials for engineering applications.
- Apprehend theoretical background of laser, construction and working of different types of laser and its applications in different fields.
- Must be familiar with the various electrical and thermal properties of materials like conductors, semiconductors and dielectrics using different theoretical models.
- Should be familiar with the application of quantum mechanics towards the formation of energy bands in crystalline materials.
- Understanding various types of oscillations and their implications, the role of Shock waves in various fields.
- Realizing the interrelation between time varying electric field and magnetic field, the transverse nature of the EM waves and their role in optical fiber communication.
- Ability to compute Eigen values, Eigen functions, momentum of Atomic and subatomic particles using Time independent 1-D Schrodinger's wave equation.
- Intern should be able to solve the classical and wave mechanics problems.
- Should have adequate knowledge on laws of thermodynamics and their application in various processes.
- Should be able to formulate and solve the engineering problems on Electromagnetism & Electromagnetic Field Theory.
- Should be aware of limits of classical physics & to apply the ideas in solving the problems in their parent streams.
- Should know how to apply the basic concepts of vector calculus and understanding of various co-ordinate systems and related properties.
- Evaluate the electrostatic field due to symmetric charge distributions and should be familiar with the utility of formulation of electric potential and solve related problems using special techniques and boundary conditions.
- Require knowledge of electrostatic fields inside matter and should be able to explain the magnetic field due to moving charge distribution, evaluate the magnetic field due to current distribution in space.
- Should be aware of importance of Maxwell’s equations and understand the electromagnetic wave propagation in free space categorisation of materials on the basis of band structure.
- Being familiar with the quantum mechanical origin of band formation in solids, describing the energy state of electrons in crystalline materials, comprehend basic carrier properties.
- Require basic knowledge of formulation and electric field produced by static charge distributions.
Student of any engineering branch is eligible
Internship Title: Basic Civil Engineering - Content Writer
Code: 1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-250210
Location: Work From Home
Type: Any (Part-Time | Full-Time)
Start Date: Immediately
Duration: 1-3 months
Stipend: 5000 INR (Lumpsum)
Perks: Internship Certificate / Letter of Recommendation
Apply By: 2025-02-25
Apply: Internship Application Form
Code: 1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-250210
Location: Work From Home
Type: Any (Part-Time | Full-Time)
Start Date: Immediately
Duration: 1-3 months
Stipend: 5000 INR (Lumpsum)
Perks: Internship Certificate / Letter of Recommendation
Apply By: 2025-02-25
Apply: Internship Application Form
Internship Description:
The intern will join a team of technical writers and will focus on creating question banks, quizzes, articles and tutorials on this topic.
Skills Required:
Student of any engineering branch is eligible
The intern will join a team of technical writers and will focus on creating question banks, quizzes, articles and tutorials on this topic.
Skills Required:
- Intern must capable of explaining the usage of construction material and proper selection of construction materials.
- Should be familiar with the Civil Engineering components of Projects.
- Capable of measuring distances and area by surveying.
- Intern must identify the components used in power plant cycle.
- Being familiar with the demonstration of working principles of petrol and diesel engine.
- Must possess the knowledge on the components of refrigeration and Air conditioning cycle.
- Must be familiar with the basic knowledge of Civil Engineering.
- Intern should be familiar with the materials and measurements used in Civil Engineering.
- Require knowledge on the fundamental elements of civil engineering structures.
- Intern must be capable of distinguishing the components and working principle of powerplant units, IC engines and R & AC system.
Student of any engineering branch is eligible
Internship Title: Numerical Methods - Content Writer
Code: 1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-250211
Location: Work From Home
Type: Any (Part-Time | Full-Time)
Start Date: Immediately
Duration: 1-3 months
Stipend: 5000 INR (Lumpsum)
Perks: Internship Certificate / Letter of Recommendation
Apply By: 2025-02-24
Apply: Internship Application Form
Code: 1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-250211
Location: Work From Home
Type: Any (Part-Time | Full-Time)
Start Date: Immediately
Duration: 1-3 months
Stipend: 5000 INR (Lumpsum)
Perks: Internship Certificate / Letter of Recommendation
Apply By: 2025-02-24
Apply: Internship Application Form
Internship Description:
The intern will join a team of technical writers and will focus on creating question banks, quizzes, articles and tutorials on this topic.
Skills Required:
Student of any engineering branch is eligible
The intern will join a team of technical writers and will focus on creating question banks, quizzes, articles and tutorials on this topic.
Skills Required:
- Intern should have knowledge on the basic concepts and techniques of solving algebraic and transcendental equations.
- Should be able to use the numerical techniques of interpolation and error approximations in various intervals in real life situations.
- Must know how to apply the numerical techniques of differentiation and integration for engineering problems.
- Intern should know how to solve first and second order ordinary differential equations arising in engineering problems using single step and multistep numerical methods.
- Should be able to solve the partial and ordinary differential equations with initial and boundary conditions by using certain techniques with engineering applications.
- Must have an insight into Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, Difference equations and Z-transforms.
- Intern must have proficiency in variational calculus and solving ODE’s arising in engineering applications, using numerical methods.
- Should have a clear perception of the power of numerical techniques, ideas and would be able to demonstrate the applications of these techniques to problems drawn from industry, management and other engineering fields.
- Should know how to use Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform in solving differential/integral equation arising in network analysis, control systems and other fields of engineering.
- Should know how to demonstrate Fourier series to study the behaviour of periodic functions and their applications in system communications, digital signal processing and field theory.
- Intern must be aware of how to make use of Fourier transform and Z-transform to illustrate discrete/continuous function arising in wave and heat propagation, signals and systems.
- Should be capable of determining the externals of functionals using calculus of variations and solve problems arising in dynamics of rigid bodies and vibrational analysis.
Student of any engineering branch is eligible
Internship Title: Environmental Engineering - Content Writer
Code: 1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-250212
Location: Work From Home
Type: Any (Part-Time | Full-Time)
Start Date: Immediately
Duration: 1-3 months
Stipend: 5000 INR (Lumpsum)
Perks: Internship Certificate / Letter of Recommendation
Apply By: 2025-02-24
Apply: Internship Application Form
Code: 1st-Year-Engineering-Intern-CW-250212
Location: Work From Home
Type: Any (Part-Time | Full-Time)
Start Date: Immediately
Duration: 1-3 months
Stipend: 5000 INR (Lumpsum)
Perks: Internship Certificate / Letter of Recommendation
Apply By: 2025-02-24
Apply: Internship Application Form
Internship Description:
The intern will work with a team of SMEs who are working on creating technical content such as multiple choice questions, tutorials and exam questions for Sanfoundry.
Skills Required:
Student of any engineering branch is eligible
The intern will work with a team of SMEs who are working on creating technical content such as multiple choice questions, tutorials and exam questions for Sanfoundry.
Skills Required:
- Intern should have knowledge on the importance of environment by assessing its impact on the human world; envision the surrounding environment, its functions and its value.
- Should be capable of applying emerging technologies for treatment of waste water.
- Ability to design treatment units for water and waste water.
- Should be capable of investigating physical, chemical & biological parameter of water.
- Should have knowledge on the nature and facts about environment.
- Should be capable of finding and implementing scientific, technological, economic and political solutions to environmental problems.
- Should be aware of interrelationship between living organism and environment.
- Ability to assess water demand and optimal size of water mains.
- Should have knowledge on the dynamic processes and understand the features of the earth's interior and surface.
- Must be familiar with the integrated themes and biodiversity, natural resources, pollution control and waste management.
- Should be aware of environmental pollution, such as air, water, solid, noise, various pollutants sources, adverse effects, Environmental Legislation.
- Must have adequate knowledge on the meteorological aspects air pollutant dispersion, sampling and measurement, control methods and equipment.
- Should be able to layout the distribution system & assess the capacity of reservoir.
- Capable of designing various waste water treatments.
Student of any engineering branch is eligible