Professional Communication Questions & Answers – Types of Listening

This set of Professional Communication Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of Listening”.

1. Listening means to respond to advice or request.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The statement is true. Listening means to give one’s attention to what others say. It also means to respond to advice or request.

2. Which of these is not a step in the listening process?
a) To stop talking
b) Receiving
c) Misinterpreting
d) Responding
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Answer: c
Explanation: Listening consists of four main steps. They are: To stop talking, receiving, interpreting and responding. Hearing is different from listening.

3. Which of these is the first step in the listening process?
a) Stop talking
b) Receiving
c) Interpreting
d) Responding
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Answer: a
Explanation: Being a good speaker isn’t everything. Being a good listener is also important. For that, one has to know when to stop talking. Not only is it respectful towards the speaker, it also enables the listener to gather more from the speech. One must keep quiet when speaker has begun his speech.

4. Which of these is the third step in the listening process?
a) Stop talking
b) Interpreting
c) Responding
d) Receiving
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Answer: b
Explanation: Interpreting is the third step in the listening process. After listening to the talk seriously and noting important points, interpret the contents of the speech.

5. _______ is the last step of the listening process.
a) Receiving
b) Interpreting
c) Responding
d) Stop talking
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Answer: c
Explanation: The correct statement is: Responding is the last step of the listening process. One way to respond is to ask questions to the speaker.
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6. Hearing means perceiving with ears.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The statement is true. Hearing means perceiving with ears. It is the effort to decipher the phonetic sound from the speaker. It is a physical act.

7. Which of these is not a type of listening?
a) Appreciative listening
b) Superficial listening
c) Focused listening
d) Musical listening
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Answer: d
Explanation: Listening can be of six types. They are: superficial listening, appreciative listening, focused listening, evaluative listening, attentive listening and empathetic listening.

8. Which of these types of listening lacks depth?
a) Appreciative listening
b) Superficial listening
c) Focused listening
d) Evaluative listening
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Answer: b
Explanation: Superficial listening is apparent listening lacking depth or understanding. It is not thorough listening, it is cursory listening.

9. In which of these types of listening, does the listener feel grateful?
a) Superficial listening
b) Attentive listening
c) Appreciative listening
d) Evaluative listening
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Answer: c
Explanation: When the listener expresses gratitude or pleasure for the speech, it is called appreciative listening. Listeners applaud the speaker.

10. Which of these types of listening is followed by skilled listeners?
a) Focused listening
b) Evaluative listening
c) Attentive listening
d) Empathetic listening
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Answer: b
Explanation: In evaluative listening, the listener evaluates the contents in terms of accuracy, objectivity and adequacy of the message.

11. In which of these, the listener puts himself in place of the speaker?
a) Focused listening
b) Evaluative listening
c) Attentive listening
d) Empathetic listening
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Answer: d
Explanation: Empathise means to understand and share the feelings of another. During empathetic listening the listener puts himself in the position of the speaker.

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