Manufacturing Engineering Questions & Answers – Casting Terms

This set of Manufacturing Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Casting Terms”.

1. The lower molding flask is also known as?
a) Drag
b) Cope
c) Check
d) Chill
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cope and Drag refer to the two halves (top and bottom, respectively) of a Pattern or Mold that is used in the green sand-casting method.

2. Which of the following is an entry point through which molten metal enters mould cavity?
a) Gate
b) Chaplet
c) Chill
d) Riser
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gating system refers to all the sections through which the molten metal while entering the mould cavity. We pour the molten metal through the pouring cup, the molten metal flows into this sprue, the vertical passes. Then, it falls into the sprue well, then it passes through the runner, the horizonal passes, then it passes through the gate.

3. A small funnel shaped cavity at the top of the mould into which the metal is poured is known as?
a) Sprue
b) Core
c) Pouring basin
d) Gate
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Answer: c
Explanation: In metal casting, a basin on top of a mold that receives the molten metal before it enters the sprue or downgate is known as pouring basin.

4. Which of the following is used to support the cavity from inside?
a) Chill
b) Chaplet
c) Sprue
d) Core
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Answer: b
Explanation: Chaplet is a metal support that holds a core in place within a casting mold; molten metal solidifies around a chaplet and fuses it into the finished casting.

5. The riser is a reservoir of molten metal provided in the casting so that hot metal can flow back into the mould cavity when there is a reduction in the volume of metal due to?
a) Compression
b) Solidification
c) Expansion
d) Melting
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Answer: b
Explanation: Riser is a reservoir of molten metal provided in the casting so that hot metal can flow back into the mould cavity when there is a reduction in the volume of metal due to solidification.
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6. The passageways in the parting plane through which molten flow is regulated is known as?
a) Core
b) Chaplet
c) Gate
d) Runner
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Answer: d
Explanation: Runners are passages that distribute molten metal from the sprue to gates or risers around the cavity inside a mold.

7. The channel through which metal or plastic is poured into a mould?
a) Sprue
b) Gate
c) Flask
d) Riser
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Answer: a
Explanation: The passageway in the parting plane through which molten flow is regulated is known as sprue. It may be used to control the flow of metal in mould cavity.


8. The replica of the final object to be made is known as?
a) Parting line
b) Flask
c) Pattern
d) Mould
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Answer: c
Explanation: A pattern is a replica of our product. It can be made of wood, metal or plastic. It is used to design and prepare the die. To make our product we need to have something in which we can pour our material for the required shape. That something is called as mould which has the shape of our product.

9. Which of the following term can be used to describe flask?
a) Drag
b) Cope
c) Check
d) Chill
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Answer: d
Explanation: Drag is situated at lower molding flask, cope is situated at upper molding flask, check is situated at intermediate molding flask.

10. Which of the following is made of wood?
a) Gate
b) Riser
c) Bottom board
d) Chill
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Answer: c
Explanation: A chill is an object used to promote solidification in a specific portion of a metal casting mold. Normally the metal in the mold cools at a certain rate relative to thickness of the casting. When the geometry of the molding cavity prevents directional solidification from occurring naturally, a chill can be strategically placed to promote it.

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