Manufacturing Engineering Questions & Answers – Expendable Mold Permanent Pattern Processes

This set of Manufacturing Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Expendable Mold, Permanent-Pattern Processes”.

1. Applications of sand casting include __________
a) machine bases
b) large turbine impellers
c) propellers
d) automobile gears
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Answer: d
Explanation: Typical applications of sand casting include machine bases, large turbine impellers, propellers, plumbing fixtures, and a wide variety of other products and components.

2. Sand casting consists of __________
a) placing a pattern in sand to make an imprint
b) incorporating a gating system
c) removing the pattern and filling the mold cavity with molten metal
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Basically, sand casting consists of
a) placing a pattern (having the shape of the desired casting) in sand to make an imprint,
b) incorporating a gating system,
c) removing the pattern and filling the mold cavity with molten metal,
d) allowing the metal to cool until it solidifies,
e) breaking away the sand mold, and
f) removing the casting.

3. Which of the following are used to mold the sand mixture into shape of the casting and may be made of wood, plastic, metal?
a) Vents
b) Patterns
c) Cores
d) Chills
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Answer: b
Explanation: Patterns are used to mold the sand mixture into the shape of the casting and may be made of wood, plastic, or metal. The selection of a pattern material depends on the size and shape of the casting, the dimensional accuracy and the quantity of castings required, and the molding process.

4. Which of the following fill the flask uniformly with sand under a high-pressure stream?
a) Sandslingers
b) Patterns
c) Cores
d) Chills
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Answer: a
Explanation: A sand slinger is an automatic machine equipped with a unit that throws sand rapidly and with great force into the mould box. Sand slingers fill the flask uniformly with sand under a high-pressure stream, they are used to fill large flasks and are operated typically by machine.

5. In which of the following technique, sand is compacted by a controlled explosion or instantaneous release of compressed gases?
a) vacuum molding
b) impact molding
c) blow molding
d) rotational molding
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Answer: b
Explanation: In impact molding, the sand is compacted by a controlled explosion or instantaneous release of compressed gases whine in vacuum molding the pattern is covered tightly with a thin sheet of plastic.
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6. In which of the following technique, the pattern is covered tightly with a thin sheet of plastic?
a) vacuum molding
b) impact molding
c) blow molding
d) rotational molding
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Answer: a
Explanation: In vacuum molding (also known as the V process), the pattern is covered tightly with a thin sheet of plastic while in impact molding, the sand is compacted by a controlled explosion or instantaneous release of compressed gases.

7. Shell-molding applications include ____________
a) small mechanical parts requiring high precision
b) such as gear housings
c) cylinder heads
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Shell-molding applications include small mechanical parts requiring high precision, such as gear housings, cylinder heads, and connecting rods. The process also is used widely in producing high-precision molding cores.

8. Along with plaster of paris, with the addition of tale, which of the following is added in the plaster-molding process?
a) copper
b) iron
c) silica
d) calcium
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the plaster-molding process, the mold is made of plaster of paris (gypsum or calcium sulphate) with the addition of tale and silica flour to improve strength and to control the time required for the plaster to set.

9. Typical parts such as impellers, cutters for machining operations are made by?
a) plaster-molding process
b) ceramic-mold casting process
c) shell-molding
d) metallic-mold casting process
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Answer: b
Explanation: Typical parts made are impellers, cutters for machining operations, dies for metalworking, and molds for making plastic and rubber Components. Parts weighing as much as 700 kg have been cast by this process.

10. The surface finish in a plaster-molding process is?
a) rough
b) good
c) slippery
d) bad
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the plaster-molding process, castings have a good surface finish with fine details. Because plaster molds have lower thermal conductivity than other mold materials, the castings cool slowly, and thus a more uniform grain structure is obtained with less warpage.

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