This set of Manufacturing Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Forging Operations-2”.
1. In which forging process cross section of a bar is reduced or shaped by passing it through a pair of rolls with shaped grooves?
a) Skew rolling
b) Roll forging
c) Press forging
d) Upsetting
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Explanation: Roll forging is a process where round or flat bar stock is reduced in thickness and increased in length. It is performed using two cylindrical or semi-cylindrical rolls each containing one or more shaped grooves.
2. In which of the following process a hardened punch is pressed into the surface of a block metal?
a) Upset
b) Press
c) Hubbing
d) Swaging
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Explanation: Hubbing is a process consists of pressing a hardened punch with a tip geometry into the surface of a block of metal.
3. Which of the following statement is not correct about coining process?
a) It is a closed die forging process
b) It is used in minting of coin, jewellery etc
c) Lubrication is not used
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: Coining is a forging process which is used for the minting of coins, jewellery etc.
4. In which of the following process radial movement of shaped died occur?
a) Upset
b) Press
c) Hubbing
d) Swaging
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Explanation: The swaging dies perform high frequency radial movements with short strokes. The stroke frequencies are ranging from 1,500 to 10,000 per minute depending on the machine size, with total stroke lengths of 0.2 to 5 mm. The radial movements of the dies are for most applications simultaneous.
5. In which process surface is intended with a punch in order to produce a cavity or an impression?
a) Heading
b) Hubbing
c) Piercing
d) Swaging
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Explanation: Piercing is a process of indenting the surface of a workpiece with a punch in order to produce a cavity or an impression. The piercing force depends on the x-sectional area and the tip geometry of punch, strength of material, and magnitude of friction at the sliding interfaces.
6. Which defect occurs in drop forging due to incorrectly aligned dies?
a) Miss match
b) Misrun
c) Swell
d) Cold shut
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Explanation: Mismatch is caused by the misalignment of the die halves. Using mistake proofing for proper alignment for e.g. Providing half notch on upper and lower die so that at the time of alignment notch will match each other.
7. If scales are not removed from dies, then which of the following defects occur?
a) Miss match
b) Scale pits
c) Swell
d) Cold shut
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Explanation: The forging defects, scale pits are due to improper cleaning of forged surface. This defect generally associates with forging in open environment. It is irregular deputations on the surface of forging.
8. Which of the following defects results due to improper forging?
a) Seams
b) Cracks
c) Laps
d) All of the Mentioned
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Explanation: Seams, cracks and laps are the defect, which arises due to improper forging method.
9. To remove the scales after forging operation which of the following cleaning operation is done?
a) Pickling in acid
b) Shot peening
c) Pickling in acid & Shot peening
d) Smith forging
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Explanation: Scales generated after forging operations are removed by using pickling in acid method and shot peeing method.
10. Edging and fullering operations are not used in which of the following operation?
a) Drop forging
b) Smith forging
c) Coining
d) Press forging
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Explanation: Edging and fullering operations are not used in press forging operation.
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