Manufacturing Engineering Questions & Answers – Lathe-3

This set of Manufacturing Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Lathe-3”.

1. Which of the following can be effectively used for holding eccentric job?
a) Four jaw chuck
b) Three jaw chuck
c) Both three jaw chuck and four jaw chuck
d) Two jaw chuck
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Answer: a
Explanation: Four jaw chucks are used for holding eccentric job because of good manual balancing capability of four jaws.

2. Which of the following can be effectively used for holding irregular job?
a) Four jaw chuck
b) Three jaw chuck
c) Both three jaw chuck and four jaw chuck
d) Two jaw chuck
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Answer: a
Explanation: Four jaw chucks are used for holding irregular job because of good manual balancing capability of four jaws.

3. Which of the following is also known as universal chuck?
a) Four jaw chuck
b) Three jaw chuck
c) Both three jaw chuck and four jaw chuck
d) Two jaw chuck
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Answer: a
Explanation: Four jaw chucks are used for holding eccentric job as well as irregular job apart from holding symmetric job because of good manual balancing capability of four jaws.

4. Which of the following is mostly used for holding bored part of the job?
a) Mandrels
b) Dogs
c) Collet
d) Angle plate
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Answer: a
Explanation: Mandrels are used to hold bored job during machining process of jobs.

5. What will be the value of half taper angle in degrees if diameter of big end is 100mm and diameter of small end is 60mm for a 1m long job?
a) 3.19
b) 5.29
c) 1.14
d) 2.29
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Answer: c
Explanation: Half angle can be calculated by using- tan (half taper angle) = (D-d)/ (2*L).
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6. What will be the value of half taper angle in degrees if diameter of big end is 500mm and diameter of small end is 60mm for a 1m long job?
a) 31.10
b) 52.30
c) 31.10
d) 12.40
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Answer: d
Explanation: Half angle can be calculated using- tan (half taper angle) = (D-d)/ (2*L).

7. What will be the value of diameter of big end in mm for tapered job if diameter of small end and length of job is 60mm and 1m respectively? Given half taper angle is equal to 12.4 degrees.
a) 600
b) 500
c) 400
d) 300
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Answer: b
Explanation: Big end diameter can be calculated using- tan (half taper angle) = (D-d)/ (2*L).

8. What will be the value of diameter of small end in mm for tapered job if diameter of big end and length of job is 60mm and 1m respectively? Given half taper angle is equal to 1.14 degrees.
a) 600
b) 200
c) 100
d) 300
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Answer: c
Explanation: Small end diameter can be calculated using- tan (half taper angle) = (D-d)/ (2*L).

9. During taper turning operation 100mm of smaller side diameter and 800mm of bigger side diameter was required. What will be the value of taper gradient for a job of 1m in length?
a) 15.01
b) 19.29
c) 28.35
d) 56.31
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Answer: b
Explanation: Taper gradient= tan (half taper angle) = (D-d)/ (2*L).

10. During taper turning operation 100mm of smaller side diameter and 800mm of bigger side diameter was required. What will be the value of Conicity for a job of 1m in length?
a) 31.20
b) 23.20
c) 56.32
d) 38.58
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Answer: d
Explanation: Conicity=2* tan (half taper angle) = (D-d)/ (*L).

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