Dairy Engineering MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

Here are 1000 Dairy Engineering MCQ (Chapterwise).

1. What does dairy technology mean?
a) Study that deals with the domestic animals which produce milk
b) Study that deals with the production of milk
c) Study that deals with the processing of milk and milk products
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Dairy technology is a discipline of engineering that studies the processing of milk and milk products. Dairy technology research includes bacteriology, nutrition, and biochemistry, as well as the processing, storage, packaging, distribution, and transportation of dairy products.

2. Which of the following is not a diary product?
a) Custard
b) Ice Cream
c) Fermented milk
d) Coconut milk
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Answer: d
Explanation: Coconut milk is lactose-free by nature and isn’t classified as a dairy product because it comes from a plant, not an animal. As a result, coconut milk is suitable for a dairy- or lactose-free diet and is suitable for persons who have lactose intolerance or allergy to milk.

3. What is the USDEC?
a) United States Dairy Export Council
b) United States Dairy Export Corporation
c) United States Dairy Export Center
d) United States Dairy Export Company
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Answer: a
Explanation: The U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC) is an organization which is non-profit, independent and that represents the global trade interests of U.S. dairy producers, proprietary processors and cooperatives, ingredient suppliers and export traders. Dairy Management Inc. founded USDEC in 1995 and, through the dairy check off program, is the organization’s primary funder.

4. Why dairy products are required for human body?
a) Important source of nutrients
b) Important food source
c) They’re not important
d) Because they’re available abundantly in nature
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Answer: a
Explanation: Carbohydrates, protein, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A, D, B12, riboflavin, and niacin are all abundant in dairy products.

5. What is not the justification for government involvement in the marketing of milk?
a) To reduce the consumption
b) Price and Income support for Dairy farmers
c) Improve market power of farmers
d) Reduce price and income flexibility
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Answer: a
Explanation: The government is involved in the marketing of milk in order to support the price and income of dairy farmers; reduce price and improve the market power of farmers.

6. Of the listed below products, which contains no dairy ingredients?
a) Sorbet
b) Gelato
c) Custard
d) Sherbet
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gelato, sherbet, and custard all three have dairy ingredients in them. Sorbet on the other hand lacks any dairy ingredient in it.

7. Dairy Rations for lactating cows should be not be calculated based on:
a) Season
b) Body Size
c) Stage of lactation
d) Milk Production
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Answer: a
Explanation: Body Size, Milk Production and Stage of lactation all three factors contribute towards the calculation of dairy rations of lactating cows.

8. Which of the following membrane separation technique would be most suitable for the concentration of milk proteins in dairy industry?
a) Nano filtration
b) Ultra filtration
c) Membrane filtration
d) Reverse osmosis
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Answer: b
Explanation: UF in dairy industry is typically used for concentration of milk proteins in milk and whey and for protein standardization of milk intended for cheese, yoghurt and some other products.

9. Which of the following material is used for heat transfer in the dairy industry?
a) Copper
b) Stainless steel
c) Platinum
d) Iron
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Answer: b
Explanation: For food processing, the normal material is stainless steel. It has fairly good heat transfer characteristics.

10. What breed of the dairy cow was first raised on the Island of Guernsey in the English Channel?
a) Jersey
b) Guernsey
c) Brown Swiss
d) Holstein
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Guernsey cattle breed came first into being in the Channel Islands between France and England and is named for the Isle of Guernsey, which is the most western of the group.

11. What form of milk is made by the churning of whipping cream?
a) butter
b) cream
c) ghee
d) curd
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Answer: a
Explanation: Butter is a popular dairy product made from cow’s milk. It is composed of milk fat that has been separated by the churning of whipping cream from other milk components.

12. Which one of the following “selected dairy products” has the greatest production in the U.S.?
a) Butter
b) Non-fat dry milk
c) Evaporated milk
d) Yogurt
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Answer: d
Explanation: Among the options the largest production is reported to be of Yogurt. It is also consumed as a frozen dessert.

13. What stomach is a magnet typically used in to remove metal objects that cause Hardware disease?
a) Rumen
b) Abomasum
c) Omasum
d) Reticulum
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Answer: d
Explanation: Hardware disease is a common term for bovine traumatic reticuloperitonitis. It is usually caused by the ingestion of a sharp, metallic object. These pieces of metal settle in the reticulum and can irritate or penetrate the lining. It is most common in dairy cattle but is occasionally seen in beef cattle. It is very rarely reported in any other ruminants.

14. Which of the following fatty acids found in milk have been associated with health benefits in humans?
a) Conjugated Linoleum Acid
b) Oleic acid
c) Lactic Acid
d) Butyric Acid
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Answer: a
Explanation: Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are a family of at least 28 isomers of linoleic acid found mostly in the meat and dairy products derived from ruminants. They are reported to have major human health benefits.

15. What percentage of whole milk is fat when compared on a dry matter basis?
a) About 73%
b) About 25%
c) About 38%
d) Exactly 46%
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Answer: c
Explanation: Whole milk can be divided into fat and dry matter. Fat is almost 25% of milk when compared on a dry matter basis.

16. Which of the following is not one of the duties of the bulk milk hauler, who plays a critical role in milk handling?
a) Making sure equipment has been cleaned correctly
b) Examining milk to determine appearance
c) Collecting a representative sample to be used for tests
d) Checking milk temperature
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Answer: a
Explanation: Milk hauler is responsible for checking the milk temperature. He is also held responsible for examining milk to determine the appearance and collecting a representative sample to be used for the test.

17. Milk protein allergies are a form of milk intolerance. This generally occurs only in infants and is usually outgrown by?
a) 4 month of age
b) 16 months of age
c) 24 months of age
d) 36 months of age
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Answer: c
Explanation: Fortunately, most babies outgrow milk allergies by their second year.

18. Which fluid milk product accounted for the largest use of fluid milk production sales?
a) Non-fat milk
b) Whole milk
c) Reduced/low-fat milk
d) Flavored milk
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Answer: c
Explanation: Fluid milk accounts for several products. Reduced/Low fat milk is accounted for the largest use of fluid milk production sales.

19. Milking is done by which of the following methods?
a) Machine Milking
b) Hand Milking
c) Shaking
d) Hand Milking and machine milking
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Answer: d
Explanation: Milking can be done both by hand and by machine. But automated milking is preferred over manual milking as it reduces the risk to contamination.

20. Which of the following can be the method to compute fat crystallization in cow milk?
a) DMR
b) JMR
c) CMR
d) NMR
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Answer: d
Explanation: The NMR method can also be utilized to find out the degree of fat crystallization as a function of the time of crystallization.

21. Which of the following factors does not affect the viscosity of milk?
a) Temperature and Age of Milk
b) State and concentration of proteins
c) Spoilage
d) State and concentration of Fat
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Answer: c
Explanation: Important factors that influence the viscosity of milk are State and concentration of protein. State and concentration of fat; Temperature of milk and Age of the milk also influence viscosity.

22. Which of the following is not a source of infection in milk?
a) Litter
b) Milker and cow
c) Heat
d) Ambient air
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Answer: c
Explanation: When cows are milked by hand, bacteria can get into the milk via the milker, the cow, the litter and the ambient air. Hence, milker and cow are primary source of infection.

23. Which is the pre-dominating organism in dirty utensils of milk?
a) Streptococcus lactis
b) Propionibacterium
c) Phosphorous
d) Lactobacillus bulgaricus
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Answer: a
Explanation: Streptococcus lactis, Members of the Lactococcus genus (lactis, milk; milk cocci) are facultatively anaerobic, catalase-negative, gram-positive cocci that occur singly, in pairs, or in chains. They are extensively found in dirty milk utensils.

24. Which of the following has the largest particle size in milk?
a) casein micelles
b) lactose
c) minerals
d) fat globule
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Answer: d
Explanation: More than 95% of the total milk lipid is in the form of globules ranging in size from0.1 to 15 µm in diameter, with milk fat having a size ranging from 1 – 10 µm, depending on cow breed and season.

25. Which of the following is the effect of homogenization on the appearance of milk?
a) Whitish appearance
b) Yellowish appearance
c) Blackish appearance
d) Dusty appearance
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Answer: a
Explanation: Homogenization of milk increases its whitening power due to an increase in the number and surface area of the fat globules. Adsorption of casein micelles and serum proteins on newly created fat globules surface increases scattering of light thereby causing whiter appearance.

26. When evaluating a dairy ration, what do the letters TDN stand for?
a) Total Digestible Nutrients
b) The Dairy Network
c) Total Diet Needed
d) Tested Digestible Nutrients
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Answer: a
Explanation: Total digestible nutrients (TDN) are another method of expressing the energy content of feeds or the energy requirements of cattle. TDN is comparable to digestible energy. It has been in use longer than the net energy system and more values are available for feedstuffs.

27. Properly processed UHT milk may be stored at room temperature for?
a) 6 months
b) Several weeks
c) 24-28 hours
d) 10-15 days
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Answer: b
Explanation: An alternative process is HTST pasteurization (high temperature/short time), in which the milk is heated to72 °C (162 °F) for at least 15 seconds. UHT milk packaged in a sterile container, if not opened, has a typical unrefrigerated shelf life of six to nine months.

28. The U.S. also imports certain dairy products. The dairy products imported which accounted for the largest dollar value was?
a) Cheese and curd
b) Casein and casein products
c) Dry whey
d) Milk protein concentrates
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Answer: a
Explanation: USA also imports a lot of dairy products in order to meet the demand. Cheese and curd are two dairy products which accounted for the largest dollar value in the imported products.

29. One of the mechanisms used by the USDA to remove surplus dairy products from the supply is to subsidize manufacturers who sell overseas at a loss. This is called the?
a) Price Support Program
b) Commodity Credit Program
c) Butter-Powder Formula
d) Dairy Export Incentive Program
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Dairy Export Incentive Program (DEIP) is a program that offers subsidies to exporters of U.S. dairy products to help them compete with other nations. USDA pays cash to exporters as bonuses to help them sell certain U.S. dairy products at prices below the exporter’s cost of acquiring them.

30. The establishment of a Federal milk marketing order is generally initiated by ________
a) Dairy farmers, milk handlers and consumers
b) Milk handlers in the market
c) Dairy farmers, through their cooperative association
d) Consumers
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Answer: a
Explanation: Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMOs) establish certain provisions under which dairy processors purchase fresh milk from dairy farmers supplying a marketing area. Federal orders serve to maintain stable marketing relationships for all handlers and producers supplying marketing areas, thus facilitating the complex process of marketing fresh milk.

Chapterwise Multiple Choice Questions on Dairy Engineering

Dairy Engineering MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Our 1000+ MCQs focus on all topics of the Dairy Engineering subject, covering 100+ topics. This will help you to prepare for exams, contests, online tests, quizzes, viva-voce, interviews, and certifications. You can practice these MCQs chapter by chapter starting from the 1st chapter or you can jump to any chapter of your choice.
  1. Primary Production of Milk
  2. Chemistry of Milk
  3. Rheology
  4. Micro-organisms in Milk
  5. Collection and Reception of Milk
  6. Building Blocks of Dairy Processing
  7. Pastuerization of Milk and Long Life Milk
  8. Quality parameters
  9. Products
  10. Regulations
  11. Dairy Laws
  12. Cattle Health
  13. Cow Health

1. Dairy Engineering MCQ on Primary Production of Milk

The section contains Dairy Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on milk production, cow milk and milk marketing.

  • Milk Production – 1
  • Milk Production – 2
  • Cow Milk
  • Milk Marketing
  • 2. Dairy Technology Multiple Choice Questions on Chemistry of Milk

    The section contains Dairy Engineering questions and answers on basic chemical concepts, cow milk composition, milk physical properties, changes In milk and its constituents.

  • Basic Chemical Concepts – 1
  • Basic Chemical Concepts – 2
  • Composition of Cow Milk
  • Changes In Milk and its Constituents
  • Physical Properties of Milk
  • 3. Dairy Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on Rheology

    The section contains Dairy Engineering MCQs on rheology definitions, flow behaviour models, measuring equipment and techniques.

  • Definition and Basic
  • Flow Behaviour Models
  • Measuring Equipment and Technique
  • 4. Dairy Technology MCQ on Micro-organisms in Milk

    The section contains Dairy Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on bacteria, fungi and mold.

  • Bacteria
  • Fungi
  • Molds
  • 5. Dairy Science Multiple Choice Questions on Collection and Reception of Milk

    The section contains Dairy Engineering questions and answers on milk storage, testing milk quality, milk collection and reception.

  • Collection of Milk
  • Testing Milk for Quality
  • Milk Reception
  • Storage
  • 6. MCQ on Building Blocks of Dairy Processing

    The section contains Dairy Engineering MCQs on heat exchangers, centrifugal seperators, standardization, homogenizer, membrane filter, evaporator, deareator, pumps, cows in dairy, tanks, pipes, valves and fittings.

  • Heat Exchangers – 1
  • Heat Exchangers – 2
  • Centrifugal Seperators
  • Standardization
  • Homogenizer – 1
  • Homogenizer – 2
  • Membrane Filter – 1
  • Membrane Filter – 2
  • Evaporator – 1
  • Evaporator – 2
  • Deareator
  • Pumps
  • Pipes, Valves and Fittings
  • Tanks
  • Cows in Dairy – 1
  • Cows in Dairy – 2
  • Cows in Dairy – 3
  • Cows in Dairy – 4
  • 7. Dairy Technology MCQ on Pastuerization of Milk and Long Life Milk

    The section contains Dairy Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on dairy farm and livestock.

  • Dairy Farm – 1
  • Dairy Farm – 2
  • Dairy Farm – 3
  • Dairy Farm – 4
  • Livestock
  • 8. Dairy Science MCQ on Quality parameters

    The section contains Dairy Engineering questions and answers on quality and milk quality farm.

  • Quality – 1
  • Quality – 2
  • Quality – 3
  • Milk Quality Farm – 1
  • Milk Quality Farm – 2
  • Milk Quality Farm – 3
  • Milk Quality Farm – 4
  • 9. Dairy Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on Products

    The section contains MCQs on dairy products.

  • Dairy Products – 1
  • Dairy Products – 2
  • Dairy Products – 3
  • Dairy Products – 4
  • 10. Dairy Engineering MCQ on Regulations

    The section contains Dairy Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on regulations.

  • Regulations – 1
  • Regulations – 2
  • Regulations – 3
  • Regulations – 4
  • 11. Multiple Choice Questions on Dairy Laws

    The section contains questions and answers on dairy facts.

  • Dairy Facts – 1
  • Dairy Facts – 2
  • Dairy Facts – 3
  • Dairy Facts – 4
  • 12. Dairy Technology MCQ on Cattle Health

    The section contains Dairy Engineering MCQs on cattle health.

  • Cattle Health – 1
  • Cattle Health – 2
  • Cattle Health – 3
  • Cattle Health – 4
  • 13. Dairy Engineering MCQ on Cow Health

    The section contains Dairy Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on diseases and deficiency.

  • Diseases and Deficiency – 1
  • Diseases and Deficiency – 2
  • Diseases and Deficiency – 3
  • Diseases and Deficiency – 4
  • If you would like to learn "Dairy Engineering" thoroughly, you should attempt to work on the complete set of 1000+ MCQs - multiple choice questions and answers mentioned above. It will immensely help anyone trying to crack an exam or an interview.

    Wish you the best in your endeavor to learn and master Dairy Engineering!

    Manish Bhojasia - Founder & CTO at Sanfoundry
    Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. He lives in Bangalore, and focuses on development of Linux Kernel, SAN Technologies, Advanced C, Data Structures & Alogrithms. Stay connected with him at LinkedIn.

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