Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Riveted Joints – 1

This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Riveted Joints – 1”.

1. What type of failure will occur when rivets are smaller than necessary?
a) Tearing of plate between the holes
b) Tearing of plate between the edges
c) Shearing of rivet
d) Crushing of plate
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Answer: c
Explanation: Shearing of the rivet takes place if the diameter of the rivet is smaller than necessary. Tearing of the plate between the edges of the plate and rivet-hole takes place if the hole is too near the edge.

2. The necessary diameter (d) for thickness of plates (t) is ______
a) d = 6*√t
b) d =4*√t
c) d =6*√2t
d) d =4*√2t
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Answer: a
Explanation: To prevent failure, the joint should be carefully designed. For elementary work, suitable values of the rivet diameter, positions of holes etc. for a given thickness of the plates the given empirical formulae is used.

3. The thickness of the fullering tool is about the ___________ as that of the plates.
a) double
b) same
c) half
d) one third
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Answer: b
Explanation: To prevent leakage through the joint, the plates are firmly formed together by caulking or fullering processes. Both the processes are generally performed with the aid of pneumatic power. The thickness of the fullering tool is about the same as that of the plates.

4. Tearing of the plate between the holes is taken when ________________________
a) they are near to each other
b) the hole is too near the edge
c) diameter of rivet is too small
d) rivet and plate is of different metals
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Answer: a
Explanation: Tearing of the plate between the holes takes place if they are very near to each other. Tearing of the plate between the edges of the plate and rivet-hole takes place if the hole is too near the edge.

5. Tearing of the plate between the edges of the plate and rivet-hole takes place when ____________
a) they are near to each other
b) the hole is too near the edge
c) diameter of rivet is too small
d) rivet and plate is of different metals
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Answer: b
Explanation: Tearing of the plate between the edges of the plate and rivet-hole takes place if the hole is too near the edge. Tearing of the plate between the holes takes place if they are very near to each other.
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6. In a lap joint, if the plates are connected to each other when the joint is made with only one row of rivets then it is called double-riveted lap joint.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: For a lap joint, if the plates are made to connect using only one row of rivets then it is called single-riveted lap joint. A joint is said to be double-riveted, triple riveted etc. accordingly to the number of rows of rivets in it.

7. A joint is said to be double-riveted, triple riveted etc. accordingly to the number of sheets used.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: For a lap joint, if the plates are made to connect using only one row of rivets then it is called single-riveted lap joint. A joint is said to be double-riveted, triple riveted etc. accordingly to the number of rows of rivets in it.

8. Width (L) of overlap of sheets is equal to ________ when d is the diameter of a rivet in case of single-riveted lap joint.
a) 2d
b) 3d
c) 4d
d) 5d
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Answer: b
Explanation: For a lap joint, if the plates are made to connect using only one row of rivets then it is called single-riveted lap joint. The width of overlap L is equal to 3d when d is the diameter of rivet.

9. In zigzag lap joint formation when P is the pitch between the rivets, the distance between the rows of rivets should not be less than _____
a) 0.6P
b) 0.8P
c) P
d) 1.2P
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Answer: a
Explanation: When two or more rows of rivets are required, rivets may be arranged in chain or zigzag formations. In chain formation the rivets are arranged directly opposite to each other but in zigzag they are staggered.

10. In butt joint when one strap is used the thickness varies between _______ to ________ (T is the thickness of plate to be connected).
a) T, 1.125T
b) 0.7T, 0.8T
c) 0.5T, T
d) T, 1.5T
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Answer: a
Explanation: In a butt joint, edges of the plates to be connected are butted against each other and the joint between them is covered by butt-plates or butt-straps on one or both sides. At least two rows of rivets, one in each connected plate, are necessary to make the joint.

11. In butt joint when two straps are used the thickness varies between _______ to ________ (T is the thickness of plate to be connected).
a) T, 1.125T
b) 0.7T, 0.8T
c) 0.5T, T
d) T, 1.5T
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Answer: b
Explanation: In a butt joint, edges of the plates to be connected are butted against each other and the joint between them is covered by butt-plates or butt-straps on one or both sides. At least two rows of rivets, one in each connected plate, are necessary to make the joint.

12. The flat ends of a boiler are prevented from bulging out and are strengthened by means of _________
a) connection of plates at right angles
b) gusset stays
c) welding
d) riveting
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Answer: b
Explanation: Gusset stay is a plate which connects the flat end and the cylindrical shell of a boiler. Lengths of angle-section are used to make the joints. The flat ends of a boiler are prevented from bulging out and are strengthened by means of these stays.

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