This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Pencil Drawings”.
1. How is the line-group is designated?
a) As per the thickness of the thickest line
b) As per the length of the given lines
c) As per the color of the given lines
d) As per the lines are drawn at a point
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Explanation: Various lines have various thicknesses. For the given lines concerning the thickest line, lines are grouped as per the line thickness. They are called line-groups.
2. In a finished drawing drawn with pencil, what are the features of the lines except for construction lines?
a) Dense and thin
b) Dense and clean
c) Faint and clean
d) Faint and very thin
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Explanation: The final pencil drawings are having two types of line groups. All lines are expected to be dense and clean except the construction lines.
3. In a finished drawing drawn with pencil, what are the features of the construction lines?
a) Dense and thin
b) Dense and clean
c) Faint and clean
d) Faint and very thin
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Explanation: The final pencil drawings are having two types of line groups. Construction lines are expected to be very thin and faint, as they are just drawn for supporting the main drawing lines.
4. Which of the following pencil grades are used to draw construction lines?
a) H
b) 2H
c) 3H
d) 4H
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Explanation: Construction lines should be faint and very thin, as they are just the supporting lines to ease the drawing of main lines. So an H grade of the pencil is used for this purpose.
5. Which of the following pencil grades are used to draw outlines?
a) H
b) 2H
c) 3H
d) 4H
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Explanation: Outlines should be dense and clean, as they are the most important part of the drawing. So a 2H grade of a pencil is used for this purpose.
6. Which of the following pencil grades are used to draw dotted lines?
a) H
b) 2H
c) 3H
d) 4H
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Explanation: Dotted lines should be clear, as they are the supporting part of the drawing, they make the complete view of the drawing. So a 2H grade of a pencil is used for this purpose.
7. Which of the following pencil grades are used to draw center lines?
a) H
b) 2H
c) 3H
d) 8H
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Explanation: Centre lines should be visible, as they have an important part while drawing cylinders and solids of symmetry. So a 3H or 4H grade of a pencil is used for this purpose.
8. Which of the following pencil grades are used to draw section lines?
a) H
b) 2H
c) 3H
d) 8H
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Explanation: Section lines should be visible, as they are the lines that section the given drawings. So a 3H or 4H grade of a pencil is used for this purpose.
9. Which of the following pencil grades are used for arrowhead?
a) H
b) 2H
c) 3H
d) 4H
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Explanation: Arrowheads are more important when representing a dimension, they should be visible. And their length to width ratio should be 3:1. So a 2H grade of a pencil is used for this purpose.
10. Which of the following pencil grades are used to draw dimension lines?
a) H
b) 2H
c) 3H
d) 4H
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Explanation: Dimension lines should be clean, clear and visible, as they are more important when the drawings go into the production phase. So a 2H grade of a pencil is used for this purpose.
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