Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Principle and Methods of Development

This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Principle and Methods of Development”.

1. For ease of development, every line should be reduced to half of its true length of the corresponding edge on the surface.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: According to the principle of development, every line on the development should be the true length of the corresponding line on the surface of the object which is developed.

2. In _____________ development method, the surface is divided into parts of parallel lines to determine the surface.
a) Approximate development
b) Parallel line development
c) Triangulation method
d) Radial line development
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Answer: b
Explanation: Parallel line development method is a major type of development method followed by industries. Here, a surface is divided into a series of parts by parallel lines, which can help us in identifying the shape.

3. The best suitable development method for the development of polyhedron and transition pieces is ________
a) Approximate development
b) Parallel line development
c) Triangulation development
d) Radial line development
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the case of triangulation development method, the surface is divided into a series of triangles and then they are developed. This method is employed for the development of transition pieces, polyhedrons.

4. In ___________________ method, the true length of slant edges of the cones is used as radius in development of surfaces.
a) Approximate development
b) Parallel line development
c) Triangulation development
d) Radial line development
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Answer: d
Explanation: In radial line development, lines diverge from a central point for the development of the object is used. The generators true length is taken as the radius for the development of surfaces of cones.

5. Theoretically undeveloped surfaces are ______
a) Cube surface
b) Cone surface
c) Pyramid surface
d) Double curved surfaces
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Answer: d
Explanation: Theoretically, smooth surfaces with zero Gaussian curvature are considered as developable surfaces, whereas spheres, double curvature, and compound curvatures are considered as undeveloped surfaces.
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6. In ____________ method, theoretically undeveloped surfaces such as sphere, double-curved surfaces are developed approximately.
a) Triangulation development
b) Parallel line development
c) Approximate development
d) Radial line development
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Answer: c
Explanation: The surfaces are divided into zones and lunes and then they are developed in the approximate development method. Hence, this method is suitable for the approximate development of undeveloped surfaces.

7. Approximate development is the method of developing of non-developable surfaces, by divided the surface of the object into ____________
a) Parallel parts
b) Triangular parts
c) Circular parts
d) Zone and lune
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Answer: d
Explanation: A zone is a part of the surface enclosed between two planes perpendicular to the surface and a lune is a part of a surface between two planes parallel to the axis and contains axis. In the approximate development method, the surface is divided into zones and lunes.

8. Which of the following is suitable for the development of spheres?
a) Triangulation development
b) Parallel line development
c) Approximate development
d) Radial line development
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Answer: c
Explanation: We have various methods for the surface development but the sphere is theoretically considered as a non-developable method. But in approximate development of surfaces, spheres can be developed approximately.

9. Which method is best suitable for the development of the special shape which is the combination of two different shapes and sizes?
a) Triangulation development
b) Parallel line development
c) Approximate development
d) Radial line development
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Answer: a
Explanation: Transition pieces are the special shapes created by the combination of different shapes and sizes. These are usually developed by the triangulation method.

10. The best suitable method for the development of cones is ______
a) Triangulation development
b) Parallel line development
c) Approximate development
d) Radial line development
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Answer: d
Explanation: The true length of cone generator is taken as the radius and the surface of the cone is developed. This is what we do in the radial line development method.

11. In true surface development, no stretching or distortion of surfaces is observed.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: As per the principle of development, true lengths are used for the development of the 3-D object. Hence no distortions or stretchings are observed in true developments.

12. What is the method used for the following development of a square prism?
The method used for following development of a square prism is parallel line development
a) Triangulation development
b) Parallel line development
c) Approximate development
d) Radial line development
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Answer: b
Explanation: The development of the square prism in the given picture is done by dividing the object by parallel lines, hence it is the parallel line method.

13. In ____________ method, stretching and distortion of the true length are allowed in the process of development.
a) Triangulation development
b) Parallel line development
c) Approximate development
d) Radial line development
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Answer: c
Explanation: The Approximate development method can develop the surfaces of non-developable surfaces by allowing stretching and distortion of the true length. It results in the approximate development of surfaces.

14. What is the development method employed for the following development of a triangular pyramid?
Development method for development of triangular pyramid is triangulation development
a) Triangulation development
b) Parallel line development
c) Approximate development
d) Radial line development
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the triangular development method, the object is divided into triangular parts and then they are developed. The above diagram has the features of triangular development of surfaces.

15. What is the development method employed for the following development of a cylinder?
The development method for development of cylinder is Parallel line development
a) Triangulation development
b) Parallel line development
c) Approximate development
d) Radial line development
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the parallel-line development method, the object is divided into different parts by using parallel lines and then they are developed. The above diagram has the features of parallel-line development of surfaces.

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