Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Traces of a Line

This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Traces of a Line”.

1. When a line is inclined to a plane, produced if necessary. The point in which the line meets the plane is called its ________
a) meeting point
b) locus
c) complete end
d) trace
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Answer: d
Explanation: When a line is inclined to a plane, it will meet that plane, produced if necessary. The point in which the line or line produced meets the plane is called its trace. Even for planes if extended meet the reference planes at its traces.

2. If a line is parallel to both the horizontal plane and vertical plane. It will have two traces.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The given statement is false if a line is parallel to both horizontal plane and vertical plane the line will not meet those planes so the line will not have traces on those planes but it will have a trace on profile plane.

3. If a line meets horizontal plane the point of intersection is called _____________
a) horizontal trace
b) regular trace
c) parallel trace
d) general trace
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Answer: a
Explanation: The point of intersection of a line with horizontal plane is called horizontal trace, usually denoted by H.T. as this the point of intersection of a line with vertical plane is called vertical trace and denoted by V.T.

4. If a line meets vertical plane the point of intersection is called _____________
a) vertical trace
b) straight trace
c) perpendicular trace
d) general trace
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Answer: a
Explanation: The point of intersection of a line with vertical plane is called vertical trace and denoted by V.T. like this the point of intersection of a line with horizontal plane is called horizontal trace, usually denoted by H.T.

5. A line is perpendicular to horizontal plane. Its horizontal trace coincides with its _____ view.
a) front
b) top
c) side
d) isometric
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Answer: b
Explanation: If a line is perpendicular to the horizontal plane then its horizontal trace coincides with its top view which is a point. It has no vertical trace because the line is parallel to vertical plane the line will not touch the vertical plane.

6. A line is perpendicular to vertical plane. Its vertical trace coincides with its _____ view.
a) front
b) top
c) side
d) isometric
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Answer: a
Explanation: If a line is perpendicular to the vertical plane then its vertical trace coincides with its front view which is a point. It has no horizontal trace because the line is parallel to horizontal plane the line will not touch the horizontal plane.

7. If a line has one of its ends in the horizontal plane. Its horizontal trace coincides with the _________
a) front
b) top
c) side
d) isometric
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Answer: b
Explanation: As the line cuts the horizontal plane the projection of that line on horizontal plane coincides from top view and so the horizontal trace which is the point formed by cutting the line with horizontal plane also coincides with the corresponding projection end.

8. If a line has one of its ends in the vertical plane. Its vertical trace coincides with the _________
a) front
b) top
c) side
d) isometric
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Answer: a
Explanation: As the line cuts the vertical plane the projection of that line on vertical plane coincides from front view and so the vertical trace which is the point formed by cutting the line with vertical plane also coincides with the corresponding projection end.

9. If a line parallel to one plane then the line will not have trace on that plane.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Trace is that the point of intersection of line with any plane then the point of intersection is called the trace of the line with respect to given plane. So a line which is going to intersect will not be parallel to it.

10. A line AB has its one say B end in horizontal plane and vertical plane then horizontal trace and vertical trace will coincide in __________line.
a) xy reference
b) vertical reference
c) above xy reference
d) below xy reference
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Answer: a
Explanation: Vertical reference will be line formed by profile plane and vertical plane. And if trace is above or below the xy reference line it would meet vertical or horizontal plane at only once. So if single end is going to meet both planes it would definitely be on xy reference line.

11. A line AB is parallel to vertical plane and inclined to horizontal plane and held 5 cm apart from vertical plane. The expected trace will be placed at __________
a) above 5 cm from xy reference, on vertical plane
b) below 5 cm from xy reference, on horizontal plane
c) on the xy reference
d) above 5 cm from vertical reference, on vertical plane
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Answer: b
Explanation: As the given line is parallel to vertical plane the trace will not be on the vertical plane. And also given the line is 5 cm apart from the vertical plane and also the line is parallel to vertical so the trace would lie below 5 cm from xy reference, on horizontal plane.

12. A line AB is placed in such a way that the distance from A and B to vertical plane are 5 and 10 cm and distances from A and B to horizontal plane are 5 and 10 cm each. The traces would present ______________
a) one on above and other below reference line
b) below the reference line
c) on xy reference line
d) above the reference line
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Answer: c
Explanation: As the corresponding distances from vertical plane and horizontal plane are same we can say the line may act as symmetry for both the vertical and horizontal plane so the traces would fall on xy reference line.

13. A line AB is placed in such a way that the distance from A and B to vertical plane are 5 and 10 cm and distances from A and B to horizontal plane are 4 and 8 cm each. The traces would present ______________
a) one on above and other below reference line
b) below the reference line
c) on xy reference line
d) above the reference line
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Answer: c
Explanation: As the corresponding distances from vertical plane and horizontal plane are in same ratio we can say the line may act as symmetry for both the vertical and horizontal plane so the traces would fall on xy reference line.

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