Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Projection of Solids with Axis Inclined to Horizontal Plane and Parallel to Vertical Plane

This set of Engineering Drawing MCQs focuses on “Projection of Solids with Axis Inclined to Horizontal Plane and Parallel to Vertical Plane”.

1. When a solid is placed such that axis is inclined with the H.P and parallel to the V.P. Its projections are drawn in __________ stages.
a) 1
b) 4
c) 2
d) 3
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the initial stage, the axis is kept perpendicular to the H.P and parallel to V.P and projections are drawn and then turning the axis to given angle of rotation with H.P and then again projections are based on previous vertices and edges.

2. A hexagonal pyramid first placed in such a way its axis is perpendicular to V.P and one edge AB parallel to H.P and then next this is turned about its axis so the base AB is now making some angle with H.P. The top view for previous and later one will be having different shapes.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: For given positions of solid the solid is just rotated around itself and given the axis is perpendicular to V.P so the top view gives the true shape and size of its base but the base is just rotated to its given angle shape will not change.

3. A regular cone first placed in such a way its axis is perpendicular to H.P and next to this is tilted such that its base is making some acute angle with H.P. The top view for previous and later one will be ____________
a) triangle, triangle
b) irregular shape of circle and triangle, triangle
c) circle, irregular shape of circle and triangle
d) circle, triangle
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Answer: c
Explanation: For given positions of solid the solid is just tilted to some angle with H.P and previously given the axis is perpendicular to H.P so the top view gives the triangle and next with some given angle shape will change to irregular shape of circle and triangle.

4. A regular cone first placed in such a way its axis is perpendicular to H.P and next this is tilted such that its base is making some acute angle with H.P. The front view for previous and later one will be having same shape.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: For given positions of solid the solid is just tilted to some angle with H.P and previously given the axis is perpendicular to H.P so the front view gives the triangle and next with some given angle shape will not change but just rotate.

5. A regular pentagon prism first placed in such a way its axis is perpendicular to H.P and one edge is parallel to V.P and next this is tilted such that its axis is making some acute angle with H.P. The front view for previous and later one will be _____________
a) pentagon, rectangle
b) rectangle, pentagon
c) rectangle, rectangle
d) irregular hexagon, pentagon
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Answer: c
Explanation: For given positions of solid the solid is made acute angle with H.P and previously given the axis is perpendicular to H.P so the front view gives the rectangle and next with some given angle shape will rotate totally.
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6. A cylinder first placed in such a way its axis is perpendicular to H.P and next this is tilted such that its axis is making some acute angle with H.P. The top view for previous and later one will be ____________
a) circle, rectangle with circular ends
b) rectangle, rectangle
c) rectangle with circular ends, rectangle
d) circle, rectangle
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Answer: a
Explanation: For given positions of solid the solid is made acute angle with H.P and previously given the axis is perpendicular to H.P so the front view gives the circle and next with some given angle shape will change to rectangle with circular ends.

7. A cylinder first placed in such a way its axis is perpendicular to H.P and next this is tilted such that its axis is making some acute angle with H.P. The front view for previous and later one will be __________
a) circle, rectangle with circular ends
b) rectangle, rectangle
c) rectangle with circular ends, rectangle
d) circle, rectangle
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Answer: b
Explanation: For given positions of solid the solid is made acute angle with V.P and previously given the axis is perpendicular to V.P so the top view gives the rectangle and next with some given angle shape will not change but just tilt to given angle.

8. A triangular pyramid is placed such that its axis is perpendicular to H.P and one of its base’s edges is parallel to H.P the front view and top view will be _________________
a) Triangle of base, triangle due to slanting side
b) Triangle due to slanting side, triangle of base
c) Triangle of base, rhombus
d) Rhombus, triangle of base
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Answer: b
Explanation: Given a triangular pyramid which means the projection to its base gives triangle of base and other orthographic views give triangle due to slanting sides. Here given is pyramid whose axis is perpendicular to H.P so its front view will be triangle due to sides and top view will be triangle of base.

9. A square pyramid is placed such that its axis is inclined to H.P and one of its base’s edges is parallel to V.P the front view and top view will be ______________
a) Square, Isosceles triangle
b) Irregular pentagon, square
c) Isosceles triangle, irregular pentagon
d) Pentagon, equilateral triangle
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Answer: c
Explanation: Given a square pyramid which means the projection to its base gives square shape and other orthographic views give triangle. Here given is pyramid whose axis is inclined to H.P so its front view will be isosceles triangle and top view will be square.

10. A square prism is placed such that its axis is inclined to H.P and one of its base’s edges is parallel to V.P the front view and top view will be ____________
a) square, irregular polygon
b) irregular polygon, square
c) square, rectangle
d) rectangle, irregular polygon
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Answer: d
Explanation: Given a square prism which means the projection to its base gives square shape and other orthographic views give rectangle. Here given is prism whose axis is inclined to H.P so its front view will be rectangle and top view will be irregular polygon.

11. A regular cone having its axis parallel to V.P and perpendicular to H.P at first but then the cone’s axis keeping parallel to V.P and rotated such that its new axis is perpendicular to previous axis. The front view of the previous and later one is ______________
a) circle, triangle
b) circle, triangle with circular base
c) triangle, triangle
d) circle, circle
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Answer: c
Explanation: Given a regular cone which means the projection to its base gives circle shape and other orthographic views give triangle. But here given is inclination it may give irregular shape in its top view if the angle give is acute but given angle is 90 degrees so it gives perfect shapes.

12. A regular cone having its axis parallel to V.P and perpendicular to H.P at first but then the cone’s axis keeping parallel to V.P and rotated such that its new axis is perpendicular to previous axis. The top view of the previous and later one is ___________
a) circle, triangle
b) circle, triangle with circular base
c) triangle, triangle
d) circle, circle
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Answer: a
Explanation: Given a regular cone which means the projection to its base gives circle shape and other orthographic views give triangle. But here given is inclination of 90 degrees so previous ones will be circle and later one will be triangle.

13. A tetrahedron is made to place on H.P that is with its axis perpendicular to it and one of the edges of base parallel to V.P and then the tetrahedron is made to rotate w.r.t to H.P up to an acute angle. The top view of previous and later one is _____________
a) isosceles triangle, Isosceles triangle
b) equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle
c) equilateral triangle, square
d) square, irregular polygon of 4 sides
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Answer: b
Explanation: As normal a tetrahedron gives equilateral triangle for a project to its base and isosceles triangle for other view when placed without inclination but here inclination is given but given view is top view so the shape will change to isosceles triangle.

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