Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Line contained by a Plane Perpend…

This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Line contained by a Plane Perpendicular to Both the Reference Planes”.

1. Line contained by a plane perpendicular to both the reference planes will lie on the ___________ plane.
a) horizontal plane
b) vertical plane
c) straight plane
d) profile plane
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Answer: d
Explanation: In general the horizontal plane and the vertical plane are referred as reference planes. So the plane which is perpendicular to the reference planes is profile plane which is also called as a picture plane.

2. If a line is in profile plane making an angle of 30 degrees with vertical plane. In which angle the line makes with the horizontal plane?
a) Can’t say
b) 90 degrees
c) 0 degrees
d) 60 degrees
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Answer: d
Explanation: If a line placed within the plane the angles made by the line with other perpendicular planes will be complimentary that means their sum will be equal to 90 degrees.90 degrees- 30 degrees = 60 degrees.

3. The view which gives the actual length of line in profile plane is ________
a) front view
b) top view
c) side view
d) bottom view
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Answer: c
Explanation: The view which is watched parallel to the plane gives the actual length of line here as is it profile plane the view will be side view if it comes to vertical plane the view is a front view and if it comes to the horizontal plane the view is top view.


4. The length of line placed in profile plane from front view is product of actual length and ____(angle with horizontal plane).
a) cosine
b) sine
c) tangent
d) secant
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Answer: b
Explanation: As the angle is between the line and horizontal plane the height is the length of the line in front view. If angle with vertical is given the length will be product of actual length and cosine of angle between the line and vertical plane.

5. The length of line placed in profile plane and making an angle of 30 degrees with the vertical is 5 cm from front view. What is the actual length?
a) 5 cm
b) 8.66 cm
c) 10 cm
d) 5.77 cm
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Answer: d
Explanation: The length of line making an angle with vertical if viewed from front view the length will be the product of length of line cosine of angle given. L * cosine (30) =5 cm, X= 5/ cosine (30)= 5.77 cm.
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6. The length of line placed in profile plane and making an angle of 40 degrees with the horizontal is 10cm from top view. What is the actual length?
a) 7.66 cm
b) 6.4 cm
c) 13.05 cm
d) 15.55 cm
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Answer: c
Explanation: The length of line making an angle with horizontal if viewed from front view the length will be the product of length of line cosine of angle given. X * cosine (40) =10 cm, L= 10/ cosine (40)= 13.05 cm.

7. The length of line placed in profile plane and making an angle of 55 degrees with the vertical is 2 m from side view. What is the actual length?
a) 2 m
b) 3.4 m
c) 2.4 m
d) 1.6 m
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Answer: a
Explanation: The view given is side view in this view whatever the angle made by line with any of the other planes except the profile plane it gives the actual length. So here the actual length and side view length become equal.

8. The length of line placed in profile plane and making an angle of 155 degrees with the horizontal is 3 cm from top view. What is the actual length?
a) 3.31 cm
b) 7.09 cm
c) 1.26 cm
d) 2.7 cm
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Answer: a
Explanation: The line is making 155 degrees is equal to the line making 25 degrees as 180-155 =25. The length of line from top view will be cosine of actual length. L * cosine (25) =3 cm, L= 3/ cosine (25)= 3.31 cm.

9. A line of length 20 cm is placed in profile plane making an angle of 65 degrees with the horizontal. What is the length of line front view?
a) 18.12 cm
b) 8.45 cm
c) 20 cm
d) 22.06 cm
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Answer: a
Explanation: The length of line making an angle with horizontal if viewed from front view the length will be the product of length of line sine of angle given. L= length given x sin (65), L=20 cm x sin (65) = 18.12 cm.

10. A line of length 20 cm is placed in profile plane making an angle of 65 degrees with the horizontal. What is the length of line top view?
a) 18.12 cm
b) 8.45 cm
c) 20 cm
d) 22.06 cm
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Answer: b
Explanation: The length of line making an angle with horizontal if viewed from top view the length will be the product of length of line cosine of angle given. L= length given x cosine (65), L=20 cm x cosine (65) = 8.45 cm.

11. A line of length 20 cm is placed in profile plane making an angle of 65 degrees with the horizontal. What is the length of line side view?
a) 18.12 cm
b) 8.45 cm
c) 20 cm
d) 22.06 cm
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Answer: c
Explanation: The view given is side view in this view whatever the angle made by line with any of the other planes except the profile plane it gives the actual length. So here the actual length and side view length become equal.

12. A line of length 1 m is placed in profile plane making an angle of 180 degrees with the horizontal. What is the length of line top view?
a) 1m
b) 0 m
c) 0.5 m
d) 1.5 m
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Answer: a
Explanation: Given the line is making 180 degrees with the horizontal which is half revolution so the length will be constant from top view as in the side view but in front view the length will be zero meter.

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