Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Computer Aided Drawing

This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Computer Aided Drawing”.

1. The commands Erase, Copy, Mirror, Trim, Extend, Break etc belongs to which tool bar?
a) Layer tool bar
b) Style tool bar
c) Modify tool bar
d) Draw tool bar
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Answer: c
Explanation: The commands Erase, Copy, Mirror, Trim, Extend, Break, Join, Scale, Array etc belongs to ‘Modify tool bar’. The commands Donut, Block, Spline, Hatch, Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, and Arc etc belong to ‘Draw tool bar’.

2. The commands Donut, Block, Spline, Polygon, and Arc etc belong to which tool bar?
a) Layer tool bar
b) Style tool bar
c) Modify tool bar
d) Draw tool bar
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Answer: d
Explanation: The commands Erase, Copy, Mirror, Trim, Extend, Break, Join, Scale, Array etc belongs to ‘Modify tool bar’. The commands Donut, Block, Spline, Hatch, Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, and Arc etc belong to ‘Draw tool bar’.

3. The command which works on two lines or a single poly line to create a beveled edge is __________
a) Chamfer
b) Fillet
c) Stretch
d) Extend
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Answer: a
Explanation: Chamfer works on two lines or a single poly line to create a beveled edge. Fillet is used to create a round corner between two lines. Stretch command can either lengthen entities or shorten them and thus their shapes.

4. The command which is used to create a round corner between two lines is __________
a) Chamfer
b) Fillet
c) Stretch
d) Extend
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Answer: b
Explanation: Fillet is used to create a round corner between two lines. Chamfer works on two lines or a single poly line to create a beveled edge. Stretch command can either lengthen entities or shorten them and thus their shapes.

5. The command ‘Oops’ is used to ______________
a) create one or more copies of selected objects at another location
b) creates mirror image of selected objects about specified line
c) retrieves all objects erased by the last erase
d) deletes the selected entities
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Answer: c
Explanation: The command ‘Oops’ is used to retrieves all objects erased by the last erase. Mirror is used to creates mirror image of selected objects about specified line. Command copy creates one or more copies of selected objects at another location.
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6. The command ‘pedit’ is used for _______________
a) erases a portion of line, arc, circle or a 2D poly line between two selected points
b) reverses the effects of a series of previously used commands
c) breaking a poly line into individual segments
d) editing of poly line properties
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Answer: d
Explanation: The command ‘pedit’ is used for editing of poly line properties. Command ‘U’ is used for reverses the effects of a series of previously used commands. Command ‘break’ is used for erases a portion of line, arc, circle or a 2D poly line between two selected points.

7. The command ‘break’ is used for ____________________
a) erases a portion of line, arc, circle or a 2D poly line between two selected points
b) reverses the effects of a series of previously used commands
c) breaking a poly line into individual segments
d) editing of poly line properties
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Answer: a
Explanation: The command ‘break’ is used for erases a portion of line, arc, circle or a 2D poly line between two selected points. Command ‘pedit’ is used for editing of poly line properties. Command ‘U’ is used for reverses the effects of a series of previously used commands.

8. The command ‘U’ is used for _____________________
a) erases a portion of line, arc, circle or a 2D poly line between two selected points
b) reverses the effects of a series of previously used commands
c) breaking a poly line into individual segments
d) editing of poly line properties
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Answer: b
Explanation: The command ‘U’ is used for reverses the effects of a series of previously used commands. Command ‘pedit’ is used for editing of poly line properties. Command ‘break’ is used for erases a portion of line, arc, circle or a 2D poly line between two selected points.

9. The command ‘Explode’ is used for _________________________
a) erases a portion of line, arc, circle or a 2D poly line between two selected points
b) reverses the effects of a series of previously used commands
c) breaking a poly line into individual segments
d) editing of poly line properties
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Answer: c
Explanation: The command ‘Explode’ is used for breaking a poly line into individual segments. Command ‘pedit’ is used for editing of poly line properties. Command ‘U’ is used for reverses the effects of a series of previously used commands.

10. The command which is used to set a new coordinate system by shifting the working XY plane to be the desired location is?
c) UCS
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Answer: c
Explanation: UCS is used to set a new coordinate system by shifting the working XY plane to be desired location. 3DFACE is used for making planar unmeshed surfaces that have three or four sides. VPOINT is used to set the viewpoint in 3D space for viewing the 3D models.

11. The command which is used for making planar unmeshed surfaces that have three or four sides is ______________
c) UCS
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Answer: a
Explanation: 3DFACE is used for making planar unmeshed surfaces that have three or four sides. VPOINT is used to set the viewpoint in 3D space for viewing the 3D models. UCS is used to set a new coordinate system by shifting the working XY plane to be the desired location.

12. The command which is used to set the viewpoint in 3D space for viewing the 3D models is _____________
c) UCS
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Answer: b
Explanation: VPOINT is used to set the viewpoint in 3D space for viewing the 3D models. 3DFACE is used for making planar unmeshed surfaces that have three or four sides. UCS is used to set a new coordinate system by shifting the working XY plane to be the desired location.

13. The command which is used to set elevation and thickness properties for 2D wireframe objects such as line, point, circle, polygon, arc is ____________
c) UCS
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Answer: d
Explanation: ELEV is used to set elevation and thickness properties for 2D wireframe objects such as line, point, circle, polygon and arc. 3DFACE is used for making planar unmeshed surfaces that have three or four sides.

14. The command which identifies the points on drawing entities that are visible on screen is ________ and this option allows the user to pick-up the points very accurately with respect to drawing displayed.
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Answer: a
Explanation: The command which identifies the points on drawing entities that are visible on screen is OSNAP. This option allows the user to pick-up the points very accurately with respect to drawing displayed.

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