Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Diagonal Scales – 2

This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Diagonal Scales – 2”.

1. Which of the following scales is used when there are three units that need to be measured?
a) Plain scale
b) Comparative scale
c) Diagonal scale
d) Vernier scale
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Answer: c
Explanation: Diagonal scale is used when three different units of measurements are needed to be measured. With the help of this scale, we can get the reading in three different units. This scale also helps in accurate measurement of minute divisions.

2. Which of the following scales is used to accurately measure minute divisions?
a) Plain scale
b) Diagonal scale
c) Scale of chords
d) Comparative scale
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Answer: b
Explanation: Minute divisions are accurately measured by using diagonal scales. Diagonal scales are also when three different units of measurements are needed to be measured. With the help of these scales, we can get a relation between three different units.

3. What is the length of AB in the following scale?
The length of AB in the following scale is 2.74 m taken in the meters scale
a) 2.74 m
b) 3.74 m
c) 2.47 m
d) 3.47 m
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Answer: a
Explanation: Reading of the diagonal involves reading in three ways. The first measurement is taken in the meters scale, the second is from the decimeters scale and the third is from the centimeters scale. Hence in meters scale, the value is 2 m from 0; in decimeters scale, the value is 7 dm and in the centimeters scale, the value is 4 cm. Hence length of AB = 2.74 m.

4. What is the maximum length of the given scale?
The maximum length of the given scale is 4 m measured as 10 decimeter
a) 3 dm
b) 4 dm
c) 3 m
d) 4 m
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Answer: d
Explanation: The maximum length that can be measured using the given scale is 4 meters. It is clear that wee can measure 3 m from the meters scale. The rest 1 meter is measured as 10 decimeter. Hence 3 + 1 = 4 meters is the maximum length.

5. If the given scale is 1: 60, what is the length of the scale?
Find the length of the scale if the given scale is 1: 60
a) 6.67dm
b) 0.67 cm
c) 6.67 cm
d) 66.67 cm
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Answer: c
Explanation: The length of the scale is determined by the formula, length of the scale = representative fraction x maximum length to be measured, that is, length of the scale = 1 ÷ 60 x 4 x 100 = 6.67 cm. Hence the length of the scale is 6.67 cm.

6. From the given scale, we can measure 4.56 m.
The maximum length that can be measured is 4 meters beyond 4.00 meters
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The maximum length that can be measured is 4 meters. Hence any value beyond 4.00 meters cannot be measured using the above scale. Measuring a value in diagonal scale, the line needs to coincide with one of the line in the scale and not go beyond it.

7. From the given scale below, what is the length of PQ?
The distance from 0 on horizontal to the point Q is 3 yards point P lies on 1 feet
a) 3 yd 2 ft 0”
b) 3 yd 1 ft 10”
c) 3 yd 0 ft 10”
d) 4 yd 2 ft 0”
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Answer: b
Explanation: The distance from the 0 on the horizontal to the point Q is 3 yards. In the feet scale, the point P lies on 1 feet and in the inches scale, the point P lies on 10 inches. Hence, the length of PQ is 3 yards 1 foot 10 inches.

8. What is the maximum length that can be measured using the given scale?
The maximum length that can be measured using the given scale is 6 yards
a) 6 yards
b) 5 yards
c) 6 feet
d) 15 feet
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Answer: a
Explanation: It is clear that we can measure up to 5 yards directly. But in addition to the five yards, we have 3 feet in the feet scale which equals to one yard. Hence the maximum length that can be measured is 6 yards.

9. What is the length of the scale, if the scale is 1:30?
The length of the scale is 7.2 inches if the scale is 1:30
a) 0.6 yard
b) 7.2 feet
c) 0.2 feet
d) 7.2 inches
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Answer: d
Explanation: The length of the scale is measured as; length of the scale = representative fraction x maximum length to be measured. Hence, length of the scale = 1 ÷ 30 x 6 x 3 x 12 = 7.2 inches. Representative fraction for the scale 1:30 is 1/30.

10. From the given scale, we can measure 5 yards 3 feet and 0 inches.
The yards scale & 3 feet is also indicated on the feet scale
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: We can measure 5 yards and 3 feet using the given scale, as 5 yards are clearly indicated on the yards scale and 3 feet is also indicated on the feet scale. 3 feet equals 1 yard. Hence, 5 yard 3 feet is nothing but 6 yards and that is the maximum length that can be measured by the scale.

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