Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Isometric Drawing of Planes or Plane Figures

This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Isometric Drawing of Planes or Plane Figures”.

1. Front view of the square is given and has to draw its isometric view which angle the base has to make with horizontal?
a) 90 degrees
b) 15 degrees
c) 30 degrees
d) 60 degrees
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Answer: c
Explanation: While drawing the isometric view of any figure made of lines the base always makes 30 degrees with horizontal and so in square and another parallel line also makes 30 degrees with horizontal and other sides will be perpendicular to horizontal.

2. Front view of the square is given and has to draw its isometric view which angle the vertical edge has to make with horizontal?
a) 90 degrees
b) 15 degrees
c) 30 degrees
d) 60 degrees
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Answer: a
Explanation: In isometric view vertical lines exist and make 90 degrees with the horizontal so if the front view of a square is given and drawn to isometric view the angle between the vertical edge and horizontal is 90 degrees.

3. Top view of a square is given and has to draw its isometric view which angle the base has to make with horizontal?
a) 90 degrees
b) 15 degrees
c) 30 degrees
d) 60 degrees
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Answer: c
Explanation: While drawing the isometric view of any figure made of lines the base always makes 30 degrees with horizontal and so in square and another parallel line also makes 30 degrees with horizontal and other sides will be perpendicular to horizontal.

4. Top view of a square is given and has to draw its isometric view which angle the vertical edge has to make with horizontal?
a) 90 degrees
b) 15 degrees
c) 30 degrees
d) 60 degrees
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Answer: c
Explanation: In isometric view vertical lines exist and make 90 degrees with the horizontal so if the top view of a square is given and drawn to isometric view the angle between the vertical edge and horizontal is 90 degrees.

5. Front view of triangle is given and isometric view is to be drawn which of the following is correct procedure in drawing isometric view.
a) turning the triangle such that base is making 30 degrees with horizontal
b) by increasing or decreasing angles at required proportions
c) drawing parallel to isometric axes
d) drawing rectangle with base and height of triangle and the drawing rectangle parallel to isometric axes and pointing triangle in it
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Answer: d
Explanation: The surface of the triangle is vertical and the base is horizontal so base will be drawn parallel to a slopping axis. The two sides of the triangle are inclined. Hence they will not be drawn parallel to any isometric axis.
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6. When a square is drawn to an isometric view it will give rectangle.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Whatever the polygon when we are drawing it in isometric views the base will make 30 degrees and other sides will tend to show up like we are watching from some particular point as in perspective view in 1 dimension.

7. When a rectangle is drawn to an isometric view it will give parallelogram.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Whatever the polygon when we are drawing it in isometric views the base will make 30 degrees and other sides will tend to show up like we are watching from some particular point as in perspective view in 1 dimension.

8. Isometric view of equilateral triangle will be _____________
a) equilateral triangle
b) scalene triangle
c) isosceles triangle
d) right angled triangle
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Answer: b
Explanation: Whatever the polygon when we are drawing it in isometric views the base will make 30 degrees and other sides will tend to show up like we are watching from some particular point as in perspective view in 1 dimension.

9. Isometric view of isosceles triangle will be ____
a) equilateral triangle
b) scalene triangle
c) isosceles triangle
d) right angled triangle
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Answer: b
Explanation: Whatever the polygon when we are drawing it in isometric views the base will make 30 degrees and other sides will tend to show up like we are watching from some particular point as in perspective view in 1 dimension.

10. Isometric view of right angled triangle will be ___________
a) equilateral triangle
b) scalene triangle
c) isosceles triangle
d) right angled triangle
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Answer: b
Explanation: Whatever the quadrilateral when we are drawing it in isometric views the base will make 30 degrees and other sides will tend to show up like we are watching from some particular point as in perspective view in 1 dimension.

11. Isometric view of rhombus will become __________
a) parallelogram
b) rhombus
c) rectangle
d) square
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Answer: a
Explanation: Whatever the quadrilateral when we are drawing it in isometric views the base will make 30 degrees and other sides will tend to show up like we are watching from some particular point as in perspective view in 1 dimension.

12. Isometric view of rectangle will become __________
a) parallelogram
b) rhombus
c) rectangle
d) square
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Answer: a
Explanation: Whatever the quadrilateral when we are drawing it in isometric views the base will make 30 degrees and other sides will tend to show up like we are watching from some particular point as in perspective view in 1 dimension.

13. Front view of circle is given and isometric view is to be drawn which of the following is correct procedure in drawing isometric view?
a) turning the circle such that line on diameter is making 30 degrees with horizontal
b) by increasing or decreasing angles between two perpendicular line on diameter at required proportions
c) drawing line in diameter parallel to isometric axes
d) enclosing circle in a square and aligning square to isometric axes and pointing four points on circle touching the square and joining by smooth curve.
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Answer: d
Explanation: Circle will be circle even if we rotate it in angle with that plane. So to represent circle in isometric view it should be enclosed in a square and then aligning square to isometric axes and pointing points touching the square and drawing smooth curve.

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