This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Pictorial Sketching”.
1. Choose the correct order of the following stages of free-hand sketching of an object.
i. Make the object lines darker and sharp.
ii. Detailing the drawing.
iii. Sketching the outlines very light and in a correct proportion and checking the orientation of the object.
iv. Visualizing and analyzing the object.
a) i, ii, iii, iv
b) iv, iii, ii, i
c) iv, iii, i, ii
d) iii, i, ii, iv
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Explanation: In sketching, we need to give a rough and quick graphical representation of an object, so we need no instrument. Firstly, we analyze and visualize the object and get an idea about it. Secondly, we need to outline the object using light lines and proper portion and orientation of the object need to be maintained. Finally, we darken the outlines and sharpen the edges, later we will add the details for the sketch.
2. What are the lines used at the first stage of free-hand sketching an object?
a) Thin construction lines
b) Dark lines
c) Dotted and dark lines
d) Thick lines
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Explanation: In free-hand sketching, first we begin we the rough outline of the object using very light and thin lines which are called construction lines. Construction lines guide the one who is sketching to the final sketch with ease. They are very important in the beginning stage of the sketch.
3. What does the blocking-in the sketch mean?
a) Drawing the basic outline of the main face of the outline
b) Blocking the sketch for further improvement
c) Adding the details for the sketch
d) Darkening the outline of the sketch
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Explanation: In the first stage of free-hand sketching of an object we draw the outlines of the main face of the object using the horizontal and vertical thin and light lines, this stage is called blocking-in the sketch.
4. In oblique sketching, what do the lines drawn into the plane of the paper, which makes the 2D into a 3D sketch are called?
a) Construction lines
b) Darken construction lines
c) Proceeding construction lines
d) Receding construction lines
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Explanation: While free-hand sketching an object, we draw the lines extending into the plane of the paper from the 2D sketch of the object which by improving becomes a 3D sketch, these lines are called as receding construction lines which are parallel to each other.
5. The general angle range made by the receding construction lines with the horizontal axis of the sketch is ________
a) 30° to 45°
b) 10° to 45°
c) 30° to 90°
d) 30° to 60°
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Explanation: The receding construction are drawn into the paper plane making the 2D sketch into a 3D sketch, they are drawn parallel to each other and makes an angle of 30° to 45° with the horizontal plane. They are drawn to the appropriate depth of the sketch.
6. Which of the following is the correct order of sketch, so that it is easy to sketch and have an appropriate outcome?
a) Lines, arcs, and details
b) Details, arcs, and lines
c) Lines, details, and arcs
d) Arcs, lines, and details
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Explanation: While sketching we need to draw the very thin lines first for the correct idea of the object, later we darken them. Arcs and circles are added to the sketch. Finally, we add the details to the sketch. So, it will be easier if we first sketch the lines then add arcs, finally detailing the sketch.
7. Isometric sketch of an object gives the photorealistic image of it.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Isometric sketching is a type of pictorial sketching, where no face plane of the object is parallel to the paper plane, so we have no true shape. The isometric sketch of an object looks photorealistic.
8. Oblique sketch of an object gives the photorealistic image of it.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Oblique sketching is a type of pictorial sketching, where the principal face plane of the object is parallel to the paper plane, so we have the true shape of it. Hence oblique sketch of an object does not look photorealistic, yet it is easy to sketch.
9. Isometric grid paper has horizontal lines and lines inclined _____ to the horizontal.
a) 30°
b) 45°
c) 90°
d) 60°
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Explanation: Isometric sketch is one of the pictorial sketching, which is somewhat more complex to sketch than oblique sketching. It is easy to sketch when we use Isometric grid paper, where we have horizontal lines and lines inclined 30° to the horizontal lines.
10. For the oblique sketch, it will be easy to use graph papers containing which of the following?
a) Horizontal line and lines inclined 45° to horizontal lines
b) Square grids
c) Circular grids
d) Horizontal line and lines inclined 30° to horizontal lines
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Explanation: Using graph papers makes it easy for sketching. In isometric sketching, we use Isometric grid paper, where we have horizontal lines and lines inclined 30° to the horizontal lines. Where in oblique sketch graph paper with square grids serves the purpose.
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