Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Projection of Lines

This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Projection of Lines”.

1. A straight line is defined as the locus of a point that moves _____
a) parallel
b) diagonal
c) inclined
d) linearly
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Answer: d
Explanation: A straight line is defined as the locus of a point that moves linearly. It is defined as the shortest distance measured between any two endpoints. The projection of a straight line is explained by projecting its two ends, that is, the endpoints, on the respective planes of projection and joining them appropriately.

2. The location of the straight line can be described with respect to the _____ by specifying the distances of its two endpoints.
a) vertical Plane
b) horizontal plane
c) principal plane
d) diagonal plane
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Answer: c
Explanation: The location of the straight line can be described with respect to the principal plane by specifying the distances of its two endpoints from the H.P, V.P, and P.P. It can be described by its position from the reference planes.

3. The abbreviation of TL is the true length.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: b
Explanation: True length is the physical length of the line in space, measured along the line’s own direction or orientation. It is not generally visible in the projections. However, when the line is parallel to one reference plane, the length of the view formed on that plane is equal to the true length of the line.

4. The inclination of the projections that represents the apparent lengths are known as ____
a) Apparent angles
b) True inclination
c) True length
d) Apparent length
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Answer: a
Explanation: The inclination of the projections that represents the apparent lengths are known as apparent angles and these are always more than the true angles of inclinations of the line. The apparent angle made by the projection in the front view is denoted by α and that in the top view is denoted by β.

5. When the line is placed parallel to both planes, that is H.P and V.P, its true length is visualized in its __
a) top view
b) front view
c) side view
d) top and front view
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Answer: d
Explanation: The line is placed parallel to both planes, that is H.P and V.P, its true length is visualized in its top and front views and both projections are marked parallel to the reference line, at distances of h and w, being their distance from the H.P and V.P respectively.

6. When a line is contained by one reference plane or otherwise lying on that plane, it is parallel to that reference plane and the distance between the plane and the line is ____
a) one
b) zero
c) two
d) infinity
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Answer: b
Explanation: When a line is contained by one reference plane or otherwise lying on that plane, it is parallel to that reference plane and the distance between the plane and the line is zero. Its projection on the other perpendicular reference plane falls on the reference line.

7. The VT is _______
a) The intersection of the extended line with VP
b) The intersection of the extended line with HP
c) The intersection of the perpendicular drawn from HT with xy line
d) The intersection of the perpendicular drawn from HT with the extension of the front view
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Answer: a
Explanation: When the line or its extension intersects the vertical plane (VP), the vertical trace (VT) is obtained. A VT is necessarily a point on VP, and therefore, its top view is on the reference line and is represented as v.

8. As per the rules of traces of line, FV, _____and ______ lie on the same line.
a) v and HT
b) H’ and HT
c) VT and h’
d) VT and v
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Answer: c
Explanation: When the line or its extension intersects the vertical plane (VP), the vertical trace (VT) is obtained. A VT is necessarily a point on VP, and therefore, its top view is on the reference line and is represented as v. When the line or its extension intersects the horizontal plane (HP), the horizontal trace (HT) is obtained. An HT is necessarily a point on HP, and therefore, its front view is on the reference line and is represented as h’.

9. The inclination of FV and TV of the line with xy when the line is inclined to both the planes are ___ than the true inclination with HP and VP, respectively.
a) Greater
b) Equal
c) Less
d) 2 times greater
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Answer: a
Explanation: The physical inclination of the line in space with the reference planes. The angle made by the line with HP is denoted by θ and the angle made with VP is denoted by ᴓ. Similarly to the true length, these angles are not visible in the projections.

10. The HT is _______
a) The intersection of the extended line with HP
b) The intersection of the extended line with VP
c) The intersection of the perpendicular drawn from VT with xy line
d) The intersection of the perpendicular drawn from VT with the extension of the top view
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Answer: a
Explanation: When the line or its extension intersects the horizontal plane (HP), the horizontal trace (HT) is obtained. An HT is necessarily a point on HP, and therefore, its front view is on the reference line and is represented as h’.

11. The front view gives the actual length of the line AB, which is on the _____ plane of projection planes.
a) horizontal
b) vertical
c) reference
d) diagonal
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Answer: b
Explanation: Any line that lies or parallels to any of plane in projection planes the true length will be found at a view which drawn on to that plane that is where the line is in a vertical plane so the view which falls on a vertical plane gives the true length which is other than the front view.

12. A line PQ lies in both the vertical plane and profile plane the front and side views of that line does not coincide at vertical reference line.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Given a line present in both the planes but it is known that two perpendicular planes meet at a line which is reference line so the given line might present on that line that coincides with that line so the views also get coincide at that line.

13. If a line RS lie on both ___ and ____ then front and top views coincide to give a line again.
a) horizontal and isometric
b) vertical and isometric
c) vertical and Horizontal
d) diagonal and isometric
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Answer: c
Explanation: Isometric view is that the three dimensions of a solid are not only shown in one view. Here given the line is present in the vertical and horizontal plane so the line will coincide in the front view and top view.

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