Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Limits, Tolerance and Types of Fits

This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Limits, Tolerance and Types of Fits”.

1. Limit system accepts the variations with permissible values.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In production and manufacture workman are given marginal values that lie between two extreme permissible values. The limit system is one such where variations in values are accepted.

2. The relation between mating parts is called _____
a) Connection
b) Fits
c) Joints
d) Link
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Answer: b
Explanation: Fits gives the relationship between two mating parts, based on the limits of the sizes of connecting parts the fits are again classified.

3. _______________ is the difference between the size of the manufactured product and the corresponding basic size.
a) Deviation
b) Upper deviation
c) Actual deviation
d) Allowance
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Answer: c
Explanation: The size obtained after the manufacturing is called actual size. The difference between actual size and the corresponding basic size is called the actual deviation.

4. Upper deviation is the algebraic difference between the ____________________ and corresponding basic size.
a) actual size
b) minimum limit of the size
c) maximum limit of the size
d) design size
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Answer: c
Explanation: The difference between the upper limit of the size from the given permissible sizes to the corresponding basic size is called an upper deviation.

5. Lower deviation is the algebraic difference between the ____________________ and corresponding basic size.
a) actual size
b) minimum limit of the size
c) maximum limit of the size
d) design size
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Answer: b
Explanation: The difference between the lower limit of the size from the given permissible sizes to the corresponding basic size is called a lower deviation.
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6. The difference between the maximum and minimum permissible limits of the sizes is called _________
a) Deviation
b) Allowance
c) Tolerance
d) Actual deviation
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Answer: c
Explanation: For a given system some allowable marginal dimensions in the permissible limits are given, as exact dimensions are impossible economically. The difference between these extreme variations is tolerance.

7. The difference between the maximum material limits of the mating parts is called _________
a) Deviation
b) Allowance
c) Tolerance
d) Actual deviation
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Answer: b
Explanation: Allowance is the difference between the sizes of the mating parts. They are provided to get the desired class of fits. Clearance and interference depend on the allowance.

8. Minimum clearance is the difference between ________ size of the hole and the _________ size of the shaft.
a) minimum, maximum
b) minimum, minimum
c) maximum, maximum
d) maximum, minimum
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Answer: a
Explanation: Clearance fits have a minimum and maximum clearance. The difference between the minimum size of the hole and the maximum size of the shaft is called minimum clearance.

9. Maximum clearance is the difference between ________ size of the hole and the _________ size of the shaft.
a) minimum, maximum
b) minimum, minimum
c) maximum, maximum
d) maximum, minimum
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Answer: d
Explanation: Clearance fits have a minimum and maximum clearance. The difference between the maximum size of the hole and the minimum size of the shaft is called maximum clearance.

10. If the allowance is positive, which of the following is true between the mating parts?
a) Minimum clearance
b) Maximum clearance
c) Minimum interference
d) Maximum interference
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Answer: a
Explanation: Allowance is the difference between the sizes of the mating parts. They are provided to get the desired class of fits. Clearance and interference depend on the allowance. When allowance is positive then it results in minimum clearance between the mating parts.

11. If the allowance is negative, which of the following is true between the mating parts?
a) Minimum clearance
b) Maximum clearance
c) Minimum interference
d) Maximum interference
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Answer: d
Explanation: Allowance is the difference between the sizes of the mating parts. They are provided to get the desired class of fits. Clearance and interference depend on the allowance. When allowance is negative then it results in maximum interference between the mating parts.

12. Maximum interference is the magnitude of the difference between ________ size of the hole and the _________ size of the shaft.
a) minimum, maximum
b) minimum, minimum
c) maximum, maximum
d) maximum, minimum
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Answer: a
Explanation: Interference fits have a minimum and maximum interference. The magnitude of the difference between the minimum size of the hole and the maximum size of the shaft is called maximum interference before assembly.

13. Minimum interference is the magnitude of the difference between ________ size of the hole and the _________ size of the shaft.
a) minimum, maximum
b) minimum, minimum
c) maximum, maximum
d) maximum, minimum
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Answer: d
Explanation: Interference fits have a minimum and maximum interference. The magnitude of the difference between the maximum size of the hole and the minimum size of the shaft is called minimum interference before assembly.

14. Tolerance for the holes is indicated with the letter symbols ranging from a to ZC.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Tolerance is denoted by a letter symbol and a number called grade. For holes, the letter symbols used ranges from A to ZC, and for shafts, it is a to ZC.

15. If the allowance of 0.05 mm for clearance is given and the shaft diameter is 30mm, then the design size is ________
a) 30.05 mm
b) 29.05 mm
c) 29.95 mm
d) 30.95 mm
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Answer: c
Explanation: Design size depends on the allowance and the given basic size. If the given allowance is 0.05 mm for clearance then it must be subtracted from the given basic size. Hence design size is 30 – 0.05 = 29.95 mm.

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