Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Projection of Oblique Plane

This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Projection of Oblique Plane”.

1. If a plane is inclined with both the reference plane then the plane come under ____________
a) auxiliary plane
b) oblique plane
c) perpendicular plane
d) cross planes
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Answer: b
Explanation: Sometimes every detail can’t be understood if the view falls on only reference planes so then auxiliary planes help in finding unknown measure there is no such rule it should incline to both references but oblique planes are inclined to both the reference planes.

2. If a plane is inclined to both the reference planes then the traces would meet at _________ line except the plane perpendicular to picture plane.
a) XY reference
b) Vertical reference
c) Above the XY reference plane
d) Below the XY reference plane
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Answer: a
Explanation: If a plane is perpendicular to picture plane which perpendicular to both the reference planes the vertical trace and horizontal trace will not intersect on xy reference line but intersect on vertical reference line.

3. When a surface of the plane is inclined to the H.P and an edge is parallel to the H.P and inclined to V.P. The projections are drawn in 2 stages.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Initially the pane is assumed to be parallel to the H.P and an edge perpendicular to the V.P. then tilted so as to make required angle with H.P. Finally the plane is made to rotate up to required angle with V.P.

4. A square is placed in between the reference planes in such a way that one diagonal is inclined to H.P and another diagonal inclined to V.T. Projections are drawn. The front views in 1, 2 and 3 stages are _______ _________ and __________ respectively.
a) line, line, parallelogram
b) line, parallelogram, line
c) square, line, parallelogram
d) square, rhombus, rhombus
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Answer: a
Explanation: As initially the plane is assumed to be parallel to H.P the front view will be line and then the plane is tilted with respect to H.P to required angle the front view (line makes angle with H.P) remains line. Finally the plane is tilted with respect to V.P then parallelogram will form in front view.

5. A square is placed in between the reference planes in such a way that one diagonal is inclined to H.P and another diagonal inclined to V.T. Projections are drawn. The top views in 1, 2 and 3 stages are _______ _________ and __________ respectively.
a) line, line, parallelogram
b) line, parallelogram, line
c) square, line, parallelogram
d) square, rhombus, rhombus
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Answer: d
Explanation: As initially the plane is assumed to be parallel to H.P the top view will be square and then the plane is tilted with respect to H.P to required angle the top view will be square compressed to rhombus. Finally the plane is tilted with respect to V.P then rhombus will just turn w.r.t V.P.
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6. A rectangular plane surface of size 60 x 30 cm is positioned in the first quadrant and is inclined at an angle of 60 degrees with the H.P and 30 degrees with the V.P. The front views while drawing projections in 1, 2 and 3 stages are _______ _________ and __________ respectively.
a) line, line, parallelogram
b) line, parallelogram, line
c) rectangle, square, square
d) rectangle, square, parallelogram
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Answer: a
Explanation: As initially the plane is assumed to be parallel to H.P the front view will be line and then the plane is tilted with respect to H.P to required angle the front view (line makes angle with H.P) remains line. Finally the plane is tilted with respect to V.P then parallelogram will form in front view.

7. A rectangular plane surface of size 60 x 30 cm is positioned in the first quadrant and is inclined at an angle of 60 degrees with the H.P and 30 degrees with the V.P. The top views while drawing projections in 1, 2 and 3 stages are _______ _________ and __________ respectively.
a) line, line, parallelogram
b) line, parallelogram, line
c) rectangle, square, square
d) rectangle, square, parallelogram
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Answer: c
Explanation: As initially the plane is assumed to be parallel to H.P the top view will be a rectangle and then the plane is tilted with respect to H.P to 60 degrees angle the top view will be rectangle compressed to square (60 x cos (60)= 30). Finally the plane is tilted with respect to V.P then square will just turn w.r.t V.P.

8. An equilateral triangle is positioned in the first quadrant and is inclined at an angle of 30 degrees with the H.P and 30 degrees with the V.P. The front views while drawing projections in 1, 2 and 3 stages are _______ _________ and __________ respectively.
a) line, equilateral triangle, line
b) line, line, scalene triangle
c) equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, isosceles triangle
d) equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, scalene triangle
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Answer: b
Explanation: As initially the plane is assumed to be parallel to H.P the front view will be line and then the plane is tilted with respect to H.P to required angle the front view (line makes angle with H.P) remains line. Finally the plane is tilted with respect to V.P then scalene triangle will form in front view.

9. An equilateral triangle is positioned in the first quadrant and is inclined at an angle of 30 degrees with the H.P and 30 degrees with the V.P. The top views while drawing projections in 1, 2 and 3 stages are _______ _________ and __________ respectively.
a) line, equilateral triangle, line
b) line, line, scalene triangle
c) equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, isosceles triangle
d) equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, scalene triangle
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Answer: c
Explanation: As initially the plane is assumed to be parallel to H.P the top view will be an equilateral triangle and then the plane is tilted with respect to H.P to required angle the top view will be equilateral triangle compressed to isosceles triangle. Finally the plane is tilted with respect to V.P then isosceles triangle will just turn w.r.t V.P.

10. When a surface of the plane is inclined to the V.P and an edge is parallel to the V.P and inclined to H.P. The projections are drawn in 3 stages.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Initially the pane is assumed to be parallel to the V.P and an edge perpendicular to the H.P. then tilted so as to make required angle with V.P. Finally the plane is made to rotate up to required angle with H.P.

11. A rectangular plate of sides 60 x 30 cm has its shorter side in the V.P, inclined to 60 degrees with V.P and 30 degrees with the H.P. The front view while drawing projections in 1, 2 and 3 are ______ ________ and ________ respectively.
a) line, line, parallelogram
b) line, parallelogram, line
c) rectangle, square, square
d) rectangle, square, parallelogram
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Answer: c
Explanation: As initially the plane is assumed to be parallel to V.P the front view will be rectangle and then the plane is tilted with respect to V.P to 60 degrees angle the top view will be rectangle compressed to square (60 x cos (60)= 30). Finally the plane is tilted with respect to H.P then square will just turn w.r.t H.P.

12. A rectangular plate of sides 60 x 30 cm has its shorter side in the V.P, inclined to 60 degrees with V.P and 30 degrees with the H.P. The top view while drawing projections in 1, 2 and 3 are ______ ________ and ________ respectively.
a) line, line, parallelogram
b) line, parallelogram, line
c) rectangle, square, square
d) rectangle, square, parallelogram
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Answer: a
Explanation: As initially the plane is assumed to be parallel to V.P the top view will be line and then the plane is tilted with respect to V.P to required angle the top view (line makes angle with V.P) remains line. Finally the plane is tilted with respect to H.P then parallelogram will form in top view.

13. A circular surface plane is making 30 degrees with both H.P and V.P. The front view will be _________
a) line
b) circle
c) oval
d) ellipse
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Answer: d
Explanation: While drawing projections in the 1st stage the front view and top view will be either line or circle and in 2nd stage the front and top view will be line and ellipse and in 3rd stage the front and top view will ellipse both.

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