Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Perspectives of Circles and Solids

This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Perspectives of Circles and Solids”.

1. The perspective view of a circle in any type of typical position be_________
a) circle
b) ellipse
c) oval
d) lemniscate
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Answer: b
Explanation: The station point in anywhere from the picture plane if a circle is placed in any angle with the ground plane in the maximum possible critical position the perspective of the circle will always be an ellipse.

2. To draw the perspective view of a circle the circle should be enclosed in _______ and then pointing points and next steps goes on.
a) square
b) rectangle
c) rhombus
d) parallelogram
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Answer: a
Explanation: To obtain points on an ellipse, the circle should be enclosed in a square and mid points of sides and intersection of diagonals with the circle are 8 points. Lines are drawn through these points, parallel to the sides of the square.

3. The perspectives of concentric circles are not concentric __________
a) circles
b) ellipses
c) spheres
d) ellipsoids
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Answer: b
Explanation: Perspectives of concentric circles are not concentric ellipses. Though the both circles give ellipses but inner ellipse might be closer to one of side of outer ellipse and also might be closer to only one side of outer ellipse.

4. Given all are regular cylinders. Identify the one which is in perspective view.
a) The one which is in perspective view all are regular cylinders - option a

b) The one which is in perspective view all are regular cylinders - option b

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c) The one which is in perspective view all are regular cylinders - option c

d) The one which is in perspective view all are regular cylinders - option d
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Answer: a
Explanation: In orthographic projection, isometric projection the parallel faces in the solid which having same dimensions will show true exact sizes or in proportions and also in parallel faces but in perspective view the parallel line, edges, faces show differ in dimensions.

5. Given all are cubes. Identify the one which is in perspective view.
a) The one which is in perspective view for all are cubes - option a

b) The one which is in perspective view for all are cubes - option b


c)The one which is in perspective view for all are cubes - option c

d) The one which is in perspective view for all are cubes - option d
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Answer: a
Explanation: In orthographic projection, isometric projection the parallel faces in the solid which having same dimensions will show true exact sizes or in proportions and also in parallel faces but in perspective view the parallel line, edges, faces show differ in dimensions.

6. Curve of any shape can be drawn in perspective by enclosing it in a ___________
a) rectangle
b) cube
c) cylinder
d) square
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Answer: a
Explanation: Curve of any shape can be drawn in perspective by enclosing it in a rectangle and then drawing horizontal and vertical lines through a number of points on the curve similar to a circle which is enclosed in square.

7. Which of the following is not in a perspective view? All given figures are regular shapes only.
a) The following is not in a perspective view for figures are regular shapes - option a

b) The following is not in a perspective view for figures are regular shapes - option b

c) The following is not in a perspective view for figures are regular shapes - option c

d) The following is not in a perspective view for figures are regular shapes - option d
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Answer: c
Explanation: In orthographic projection, isometric projection the parallel faces in the solid which having same dimensions will show true exact sizes or in proportions and also in parallel faces but in perspective view the parallel line, edges, faces show differ in dimensions.

8. The perspective will remain same even if the station point changes.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The position of the station point is of great important. Upon its position, the general appearance of the perspective depends. Hence, it should be so located as to view the object in the best manner.

9. For large objects such as buildings, the station point is usually taken at the eye level of a person of normal height that is about _____ meters.
a) 2
b) 1
c) 1.5
d) 1.8
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Answer: d
Explanation: For large objects such as buildings, the station point is usually taken at the eye level of a person of about 1.8 meters. For small objects, the station point should be fixed at such a height which gives good view of top faces and side faces.

10. The position of picture plane relative to the object is independent of a size of perspective view.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The perspective will show the object reduced in size when it is placed behind the picture plane. If the object is moved nearer the picture plane the size of the perspective will increase and vice versa.

11. The perspective will show the object _________ in size when it is placed behind the picture plane. If the object is moved nearer the picture plane the size of the perspective will ___________
a) reduced, decrease
b) reduced, increase
c) increased, reduce
d) increased, increase
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Answer: b
Explanation: The perspective will show the object reduced in size when it is placed behind the picture plane. If the object is moved nearer the picture plane the size of the perspective will increase and vice versa.

12. The perspective will show the object _________ in size when it is placed in front of the picture plane. If the object is moved nearer the picture plane the size of the perspective will ___________
a) reduced, decrease
b) reduced, increase
c) increased, reduce
d) increased, increase
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Answer: c
Explanation: The perspective will show the object increased in size when it is placed in front of the picture plane. If the object is moved nearer the picture plane the size of the perspective will reduce and vice versa.

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