This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Projection of Line Perpendicular to one of the Plane”.
1. A line of length 15 cm touching the vertical plane and perpendicular to it held at a distance of 20 cm away from horizontal plane and 5 cm away from the profile plane. Which of the following is false?
a) Front view will be point
b) The line is parallel to horizontal and profile plane
c) The length of the line in side view is 15 cm
d) One end of line is on the horizontal plane
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Explanation: As with knowledge of views we can say the views from different sides and next if a line is perpendicular to one plane of projection planes it will parallel to other planes. Given one end is on vertical plane so the other end can’t be on a perpendicular plane.
2. A line of length 15 cm touching the vertical plane and perpendicular to it at a distance of 20 cm away from horizontal plane and 5 cm away from the profile plane. Which view gives the distance from line to profile plane is 5 cm?
a) Front view
b) Left side view
c) Top view
d) Right side view
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Explanation: Given a line of length 15 cm touching the vertical plane and perpendicular to it at a distance of 20 cm away from the horizontal plane and 5 cm away from the profile plane. So the view gives the distance from line to profile plane is 5 cm is top view.
3. A line of length 7 m touching the vertical plane and perpendicular to it at a distance of 2 m away from horizontal plane and 5 m away from the profile plane. Which view gives the distance from line to horizontal plane is 2 m?
a) Front view
b) Left side view
c) Top view
d) Right side view
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Explanation: Given a line of length 7 m touching the vertical plane and perpendicular to it at a distance of 2 m away from horizontal plane and 5 m away from the profile plane. So the view gives the distance from line to horizontal plane is 2 m.
4. A line is perpendicular to profile plane, the perpendicular distance from 1st end of the line to vertical plane is 20 cm and perpendicular distance of 2nd end of line to horizontal plane is 10 cm. What is the distance from 1st end of line to vertical plane?
a) 15 cm
b) 20 cm
c) 10 cm
d) Can’t say
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Explanation: As the projection of planes are mutual perpendicular plane if a line is perpendicular to one of the planes then it would be parallel to rest of the planes that is both ends will be equidistant from plane.
5. A line is perpendicular to horizontal plane, the perpendicular distance from the line to vertical plane is 8 inches and perpendicular distance from the line to profile plane is 5 inches. What is the distance from the line to vertical reference line if it is viewed from front view?
a) 8 inches
b) 5 inches
c) 3 inches
d) 0 inches
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Explanation: Given a line is perpendicular to horizontal plane, the perpendicular distance from the line to vertical plane is 8 inches and perpendicular distance from the line to profile plane is 5 inches. So the distance from the line to vertical reference line if it is viewed from front view is 5 inches.
6. A line is perpendicular to profile plane, the perpendicular distance from the line to vertical plane is 10 cm and perpendicular distance from the line to horizontal plane is 5 cm. What is the distance from the line to vertical reference line if it is viewed from a side view?
a) 10 cm
b) 5 cm
c) 7.5 cm
d) 0 cm
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Explanation: Given the line is perpendicular to profile plane, the perpendicular distance from the line to vertical plane is 10 cm and perpendicular distance from the line to horizontal plane is 5 cm. So the distance from the line to vertical reference line if it is viewed from side view will be 5cm.
7. A line of 12 cm length is perpendicular to profile plane and the least distance from this line to profile plane is 6 cm. This is at a distance of 4 cm from the vertical plane and 5 cm from the horizontal plane. What is distance from the point on line far away from the profile plane to profile plane?
a) 12 cm
b) 9 cm
c) 18 cm
d) 6 cm
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Explanation: Given a line of 12 cm length is perpendicular to profile plane and the least distance from this line to profile plane is 6 cm. This is at a distance of 4 cm from vertical plane and 5 cm from the horizontal plane. So the distance from the point on line far away from the profile plane to profile plane is 18 cm.
8. A line can’t be perpendicular to two perpendicular planes at the same time.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Plane is collection of infinite lines the lines present in it will parallel to all the other lines in it. Perpendicular plane is such that the lines present in it will perpendicular to all the lines present in perpendicular plane. So a line perpendicular to one plane will can’t be perpendicular to perpendicular plane.
9. A line of 12 cm length is perpendicular to profile plane and the least distance from this line to profile plane is 6 cm. This is at a distance of 4 cm from vertical plane and 5 cm from the horizontal plane. What is distance from the line to xy reference line in top view?
a) 6 cm
b) 4 cm
c) 5 cm
d) 0 cm
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Explanation: Given a line of 12 cm length is perpendicular to profile plane and the least distance from this line to profile plane is 6 cm. This is at a distance of 4 cm from vertical plane and 5 cm from the horizontal plane. So the distance from the line to xy reference line in top view is 4 cm.
10. A line of 12 cm length is perpendicular to profile plane and the least distance from this line to profile plane is 6 cm. This is at a distance of 4 cm from vertical plane and 5 cm from the horizontal plane. What is the distance from the line to xy reference line in front view?
a) 0 cm
b) 6 cm
c) 4 cm
d) 5 cm
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Explanation: Given a line of 12 cm length is perpendicular to a profile plane and the least distance from this line to profile plane is 6 cm. This is at a distance of 4 cm from vertical plane and 5 cm from the horizontal plane. So the distance from the line to xy reference line in front view is 5 cm.
11. A line is in vertical plane and perpendicular to horizontal plane at a distance of 10 cm from horizontal plane and 5 cm from profile plane. What is the distance from vertical reference line to line?
a) 10 cm
b) 0 cm
c) 5 cm
d) 7.5 cm
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Explanation: Given the line is in vertical plane and perpendicular to a horizontal plane at a distance of 10 cm from horizontal plane and 5 cm from profile plane. So the distance from vertical reference line to line is 5 cm.
12. A line is in vertical plane and perpendicular to horizontal plane at a distance of 10 cm from horizontal and 5 cm from profile plane. What is the distance from xy reference line to line in top view?
a) 10 cm
b) 5 cm
c) 6 cm
d) 0 cm
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Explanation: Top view gives the distance from object to xy reference line and object to reference line between the profile plane and horizontal plane. But here the line is placed vertical to horizontal plane so the view will be point and also the line is in vertical plane to distance will be zero.
13. If a line is perpendicular to one of the projection planes and lies on other two planes then the line will lies on reference line accordingly.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: If a line is perpendicular to one of the projection planes and lies on other two planes then the line will lies on reference line accordingly. As any line lies on two planes it will definitely passes through the reference line and so which is perpendicular to other plane.
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