This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Drawing Tools and their Uses – 2”.
1. The accuracy of the drawing depends on the quality of the instruments used.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Drawing instruments play a vital role in the quality of the drawing. Factors such as accuracy, precision, correctness, etc depend on the quality of the said instruments. There are many drawing instruments which help in increasing the accuracy of the drawing.
2. Which of the following instrument is made of thin strips of wood arranged in a line to form a rectangle and on which, the drawing is made?
a) Mini – drafter
b) Drawing Board
c) Protractor
d) Scale
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Explanation: The drawing board is made up of thin sheets of seasoned softwood, arranged in a line so as to form a rectangle. Then it is fitted with two battens on the respective parallel sides of the board. The battens are attached with the help of screws.
3. Which of the following tools is used to draw horizontal lines?
a) Mini – drafter
b) Protractor
c) T – square
d) French curve
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Explanation: T – squares are made up of hard wood, plastics, etc. It consists of two parts; stock and blade. The stock slides on the drawing board and the horizontal lines are drawn from the working edge on the side of the blade. The angle between the stock and the blade is 90˚.
4. Which of the following instrument can be used to draw accurate perpendicular lines, parallel lines and angular lines?
a) Mini – drafter
b) T – square
c) Protractor
d) Set square
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Explanation: Mini – drafters are used to draw perpendicular lines, parallel lines and angular lines. They consist of blades, protractor head, double bar link mechanism, screw and clamp. The blades have markings corresponding to the engineering scale.
5. According to the Indian Standard Institute (ISI), which among the following designation has the size 1000 x 700 (in mm)?
a) B0
b) B1
c) B2
d) B3
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Explanation: The designation B1 is 1000 x 700 mm in size whereas B0, B2 and B3 designations are 1500 x 1000 mm, 700 x 500 mm and 500 x 300mm respectively. These designations denote the dimensions of the drawing boards. Standard dimensions are used to simplify the production process.
6. Which is the most common tool used for drawing circles?
a) French curve
b) Mini – drafter
c) Divider
d) Compass
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Explanation: Compass is used to draw circles. Its design is similar to the divider, except in compass there is a provision for the attachment of pencil or lead in one of the legs of the compass. The divider is used to measure and repeat the dimensions when they are repeated.
7. For drawing circles with a large radius, which of the following tool is used?
a) Bow compass
b) Lengthening bar compass
c) Divider
d) Protractors
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Explanation: In a lengthening bar compass, there is a provision for increasing the radius of the circle greater than the total open length of the compass. This helps in drawing very large circles with the help of medium sized compasses.
8. Which of the following drawing tools is used by architects for making blueprints?
a) Drawing Pencils
b) Dusters
c) Ink Pen
d) Erasers
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Explanation: Ink Pen is used to draw the blueprints by architects and draftsmen. They are used to draw lines onto the tracing paper. They are used for making the final drafts of the drawing made in pencil. Drawing pencils have generally leads which drawn on paper can be erased. This does not happen with the ink pen.
9. Which of the following drawing tool is not used to set the drawing sheet onto the drawing board?
a) Drawing clips
b) Drawing pins
c) Divider
d) Adhesive Tape
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Explanation: Divider is a drawing tool used to replicate the dimensions when the dimensions are repeated. Drawing clips, drawing pins and adhesive tapes are used to attach the drawing sheet onto the drawing board. These attachments are temporary attachments and can be removed after the drawing is completed.
10. According to the Indian Standard Institution (ISI), what is the size of the designation A3 in mm?
a) 420 x 297
b) 841 x 594
c) 1189 x 841
d) 297 x 210
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Explanation: The size of the designation A3 in mm is 420 x 297. The designations A0, A1, A2, A4 and A5 have sizes 1189 x 841 mm, 841 x 594 mm, 594 x 420 mm, 297 x 210 mm and 210 x 148 mm respectively. Standardizing helps in uniformity of the products all over the nation and will avoid local variations.
11. Which of the following drawing tool is used to transfer dimensions when there is a repetition of the dimensions?
a) Compass
b) Protractor
c) Divider
d) Mini – Drafter
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Explanation: Divider is used to transfer dimensions when there is a repetition of the dimensions. It is the faster method than using a scale and then marking the dimension again. Protractors are only used to mark angles and the compass is used to draw circles.
12. Which of the following grades of leads is the hardest?
a) 6B
b) 5H
c) 4B
d) 6H
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Explanation: 6H is the hardest grade of lead. The softest grade is 6B. HB is the medium soft grade. Generally, for educational purposes, 2HB pencils are used to make drawings. B is soft and H is medium hard. As the prefix number increases, the softness increases in B and the hardness increases in case of H.
13. For marking angles, which of the following drawing tool is used?
a) Protractor
b) Divider
c) Compass
d) French curve
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Explanation: Protractors are used to mark angles from 0˚ to 180˚. There are markings on the semicircular area of the protractor. The least count of protractor for educational purpose is 1˚. The accuracy of marking angles is highest in protractor.
14. Using 30˚ – 60˚ – 90˚ and 45˚ – 45˚ – 90˚ set squares, which of the following angle is not possible to draw?
a) 45˚
b) 30˚
c) 10˚
d) 90˚
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Explanation: Using the proper combination of both the set squares, one can draw multiple angles with a 30˚ angle minimum. If T-square and mini-drafter also used, the minimum accurate angle that we can draw is 15˚. Set squares are generally used to draw vertical and inclined lines.
15. Which is the instrument used to draw parallel lines fast?
a) Set square
b) Ruler scale
c) Protractor
d) Roll-n-draw
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Explanation: Using roll-n-draw scales, we can draw parallel lines very accurately and fast. They are used to draw parallel lines in the horizontal direction, vertical direction and also in inclined planes. The general dimension of the roll-n-draw scale is 30 cm and 15 cm. The scale is rolled on the paper to achieve parallel lines.
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