Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Plane Scales – 2

This set of Engineering Drawing Question Bank focuses on “Plane Scales – 2”.

1. A scale of 1:25 is to be constructed to show centimeters and it should be long enough to measure 10 meters. What is the length of the scale?
a) 4 cm
b) 0.4 cm
c) 40 cm
d) 400cm
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Answer: c
Explanation: The length of the scale is calculated as the product of the representative fraction and the maximum length to be measured. Hence, length of the scale = 1 ÷ 25 x 10 x 100 = 40 cm. While calculating it is very important to note the units of the dimensions.

2. From the following figure what is the maximum length that can be measured?
Find the maximum length that can be measured from the following figure
a) 11 dm
b) 10 dm
c) 13 dm
d) 12 dm
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Answer: d
Explanation: From the scale given in the figure it is clear that the maximum length that can be measured is 12 decimeters. It is clearly seen that we can measure 11 decimeters and then by adding 10 centimeters which is equal to one decimeter. Hence the maximum length is 12 dm.

3. What is the length of the scale? (R.F. = 1/5)
Find the length of the scale from the given diagram
a) 2.4 cm
b) 24 cm
c) 240cm
d) 0.24cm
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Answer: b
Explanation: The length of the scale is calculated by the formula, length of the scale = R.F. x maximum length to be measured. Hence, length of centimeter scale = 1 ÷ 5 x 12 x 10 = 24 cm. Here, the representative factor is 1/5.

4. Using the given scale, we can measure 13.7 dm.
Find the measure 13.7 dm from the given diagram
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The maximum length that can be measured is 12 dm. Any measurement beyond that using the given scale is not possible. As we can clearly see we can measure 11 dm and the rest 1 dm can be measured using 10 cm.

5. What is the least count of the given scale?
Find the least count from the given diagram
a) 1 cm
b) 0.1 cm
c) 1dm
d) 10 cm
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Answer: a
Explanation: The smallest value that can be measured is 1 cm or 0.1 dm. The maximum value that can be measured using the above scale is 12 dm. 10 cm equals to 1 dm. It is clear that 11 dm can be measured but in addition to it, we can measure 10 cm.
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6. What is the maximum length that can be measured using the given scale?
Find the maximum length that can be measured using the given scale
a) 7 inches
b) 7 feet
c) 8 feet
d) 12 inches
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Answer: c
Explanation: It is clearly visible that the maximum length that can be measured using the given scale is 7 feet. The rest twelve inches can be measured. Since 12 inches = 1 foot, we can measure 1 foot in addition to the 7 feet. Hence we can measure 8 feet maximum using the above scale.

7. What is the scale in the following figure?
The representative factor is 1/12 for the scale 1 12 in given figure
a) 1:2
b) 1:12
c) 1:4
d) 1:7
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the figure it is clearly shown that the representative factor is 1/12. Hence the scale is 1:12. The representative fraction is measured as the length of the drawing divided by the actual length of the object.

8. What is the length of the scale?
Length of scale is calculated as length of scale representative fraction x maximum length
a) 7 feet
b) 7 inches
c) 8 feet
d) 8 inches
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Answer: d
Explanation: The length of the scale is calculated as, length of the scale = representative fraction x maximum length to be measured. Hence length of the scale = 1 ÷ 12 x 8 x 12 = 8 inches. While calculating, the units are to be noted.

9. What is the least count of the given scale?
Find the least count from the given diagram for minimum amount of length
a) 3“
b) 1“
c) 12”
d) 7”
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Answer: b
Explanation: The least count is the minimum amount of length that can be measured. Here in the given scale, the least count is 1 inch or one twelfth of a foot = 1/12th foot. The maximum length that can be measured is 8 feet.

10. From the given scale we can measure 3 feet 10”.
Find measurement of 3 feet 10 from the given diagram in type of plain scale
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: From the given scale we easily measure 3 feet. In addition to that we can measure 10 inches using the inches scale. In this type of plain scale we can measure using both feet and inches as 12 inches = 1 foot.

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