This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Cam”.
1. The shape of the cam to transmit uniform linear motion is determined by the application of the principle of ___________________
a) Logarithmic spiral
b) Archimedean spiral
c) Equitorial spiral
d) Fibonacci spiral
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Explanation: Archimedean curve is traced out by a point moving in such a way that its movement towards or away from the pole is uniform such that the angle and distance follow the linear function from the starting line. This is used in teeth profiles of helical gears and cam profiles etc.
2. Cam converts ____________ to ___________
a) force, energy
b) rotary motion, linear motion
c) kinetic energy, potential energy
d) potential energy, kinetic energy
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Explanation: Spring stores the forces in form of potential energy but cam is just a machine member which is designed as shaft or plate etc. as for required movement follower either uniform or variable, depending upon the shape of cam profile.
3. What is the following term not related to cam?
a) Base circle
b) Rise, fall
c) Dwell period
d) Pitch
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Explanation: Base circle is the minimum rise contour that follower can make from cam profile. Rise and fall are the movement of follower as per profile of cam. Dwell period is that during which the follower will not rise or fall from its position. Pitch is related to a helix.
4. A cam profile is drawn which gives a uniform rise and fall of 40 mm to a point during each revolution of cam. The follower will rise to a distance of 20 mm if the shaft is rotated to an angle of _____
a) 180 degrees
b) 90 degrees
c) 120 degrees
d) 150 degrees
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Explanation: Given a cam profile is made throughout without any dwell and also with continuous rise- fall period. So 180 = maximum rise. And since the given profile is uniform it follows the linear function. 40 is for 180 and 20 is for 90 degrees.
5. A cam profile is drawn which gives a uniform rise and fall of 60 mm to a point during each revolution of cam. The follower will rise to a distance of ____ mm if the shaft is rotated to an angle of 180 degrees.
a) 20
b) 40
c) 30
d) 60
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Explanation: Given a cam profile is made throughout without any dwell and also with continuous rise- fall period. So 180 = maximum rise = 60 mm and further the follower fall uniformly while shaft rotating from 180 degree position to 360 degree position.
6. A cam should be designed only using uniform rise and fall throughout the cam without any dwell period and rise and fall periods should be same. The follower is making a rise of 40 mm when the shaft is rotated to an angle of 150 degrees. What is the maximum rise in a follower?
a) 48
b) 57.5
c) 62.5
d) 50
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Explanation: Given a cam profile is made throughout without any dwell and also with continuous rise- fall period. So 180 = maximum rise, since uniform the rise or fall follows linear function. (40/150) x 180 = 48 mm.
7. A cam should be designed only using uniform rise and fall throughout the cam, without any dwell period and rise and fall periods should be same. The maximum rise in follower is 50 mm. How much the follower will rise when the shaft is rotated to an angle of 120 degrees?
a) 25 mm
b) 43.3 mm
c) 33.3 mm
d) 30 mm
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Explanation: Given a cam profile is made throughout without any dwell and also with continuous rise- fall period. So at 180 degrees there will be maximum rise. Since it is uniform rise-fall it follows linear function. 50/180 x 120 = 33.3 mm.
8. A cam should be designed only using uniform rise and fall within half of the cam, the remaining is dwell period, and without any dwell period in between the rise -fall periods and rise and fall periods should be same. The maximum rise in follower is 30 mm. How much the follower will rise when the follower is 120 degrees from its initial position of a cam?
a) 30
b) 20
c) 15
d) 10
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Explanation: According to the given conditions there is only movement in follower up to 180 degrees of shaft rotation and between it at the middle the follower make maximum rise that is at 90 degrees. 120 – 90 = 30 degrees. For 90 degrees it is 30 mm so for 30 degrees it will be 10 mm when the follower is 120 degrees from its initial position of cam.
9. A cam should be designed only using uniform rise and fall within half of the cam, the remaining is dwell period, and without any dwell period in between the rise-fall periods and rise and fall periods should be same. The maximum rise in follower is 45 mm. How much the follower will rise when the follower is 45 degrees from its initial position of a cam?
a) 22.5
b) 0
c) 30
d) 15
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Explanation: According to the given conditions there is only movement in follower up to 180 degrees of shaft rotation and between it at the middle the follower make maximum rise that is at 90 degrees. 90- 45 = 45 degrees. For 90 degrees it is 45 mm so for 45 degrees it will be 45/2 = 22.5 mm when the follower is 45 degrees from its initial position of the cam.
10. A cam should be designed only using uniform rise and fall within the second half of cam profile, the first half is dwell period, without any dwell period in between the rise and fall periods and rise and fall periods should be same. The maximum rise in follower is 45 mm. How much the follower will rise when the follower is 120 degrees from its initial position of a cam?
a) 15
b) 30
c) 20
d) 0
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Explanation: According to the given conditions there is only movement in follower from 180 degrees to 360 degrees of shaft rotation and between it, at the middle of rise-fall period the follower make maximum rise that is at 270 degrees. So the follower will not move since there is no rise or fall at angle 120 in cam designed.
11. A cam should be designed only using uniform rise and fall within the second half of cam profile, the first half is dwell period, without any dwell period in between the rise and fall periods and rise and fall periods should be same. The maximum rise in follower is 55 mm. How much the follower will rise when the follower is 240 degrees from its initial position of a cam?
a) 18.3
b) 0
c) 27.5
d) 36.6
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Explanation: According to the given conditions there is only movement in follower from 180 degrees to 360 degrees of shaft rotation and between it, at the middle of rise-fall period the follower make maximum rise that is at 270 degrees. And this follows the linear function. 360- 180 = 180, 360- 270 = 90, 360-240= 120 degrees. For 90 degrees from 180 degree position it is 55 mm so for other 30 degrees it will be 55 x 1/3 = 18.3 mm when the follower is 240 degrees from its initial position of the cam.
12. A cam should be designed only using uniform rise and fall within first half of cam profile, the remaining is dwell period, and without any dwell period in between the rise-fall periods and rise and fall periods should be same. The maximum rise in follower is 35 mm. How much the follower will rise when the follower is 240 degrees from its initial position of a cam?
a) 17.5
b) 11.6
c) 0
d) 23.3
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Explanation: According to the given conditions there is the only movement in follower up to 180 degrees of shaft rotation and between it at the middle the follower make maximum rise that is at 90 degrees. So there will be no rise in the follower in the second half of cam profile.
13. The cam profile draws for knife edge follower and roller follower will be different.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Whatever the follower will be the cam profile is drawn only considering the rise, fall, dwell periods and what is function needed. But the terminology of circles that exist in cam profile changes a little bit.
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