Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Z-Type Nomographs

This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Z-Type Nomographs”.

1. Which of the following statement is false according to Z-type nomographs?
a) Z-type nomographs are more accurate than logarithmic parallel scale nomographs
b) Z-type nomographs are non-logarithmic scales
c) Z-type nomographs are non-parallel scales
d) Z-type nomographs are applied for multiplying and dividing
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Answer: a
Explanation: For the equations like f(Z) = \(\frac{f(X)}{f(Y)}\), where Z is the dependent variable, to which a Z or N shaped nomograph can be prepared which is non-logarithmic and non-parallel scales. As per the rule of thumb Logarithmic parallel scales, nomographs are more accurate than Z-type monographs.

2. The Z-type nomographs scales for the variable must begin at ________
a) one
b) zero
c) initial values of the function
d) minimum values of the function
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mostly the Z-type nomographs scales of variables begin with zero for more accurate and easy relationships. Using non-zero initial values of a function may lead to more complicated relationships while plotting.

3. Z-type nomographs and N-type nomographs are different types of nomographs.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Based on the shape of the nomographs they are called as Z-type or N-type nomographs. They both represent the same type of alignment chart which is non-parallel scale and is a non-logarithmic scales.

4. In Z-type nomographs, there are no limitations on the functional moduli.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: While plotting Z or N-type nomographs we do not need to limit the value of functional moduli as we do during the parallel nomographs. It makes an easy job to draw Z-type nomographs.

5. If in the Z-type nomographs the variable scales A, B, C are used where A and C scales have zero points and zeroth point on diagonal scale B overlaps the zeroth point on C scale. Then these nomographs can be used to calculate _____
a) B = C/A
b) A = B*C
c) C = B*B
d) B = A/C
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Answer: a
Explanation: Z-type nomograph of which the variable scales A, B, C where B scale is diagonal scale whose zeroth point is overlapping with the zeroth point on the C scale then this can calculate B = C/A. And cannot be used to calculate B = A/C.

6. From the following table find the function modulus of f(C) to construct a Z-type nomograph, for the function f(A) = \(\frac{f(B)}{f(C)}\). Considering the variable scale length value as 20 cm.

Variables Range
B 0 to 400 units
C 0 to 100 units

a) 0.2
b) 0.5
c) 0.1
d) 0.4
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the process of constructing Z-type nomographs we need to find the function modulus. The formula for finding function modulus is the length of scale divided by the difference between maximum to minimum values of the variable. Hence the function modulus of C, mc = \(\frac{20}{100-0}\) = 0.2.

7. From the following table find the function modulus of f(B) to construct a Z-type nomograph, for the function f(A) = \(\frac{f(B)}{f(C)}\). Considering the variable scale length as 20 cm.

Variables Range
B 0 to 400 units
C 0 to 100 units

a) 0.02
b) 0.05
c) 0.01
d) 0.04
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the process of constructing Z-type nomographs we need to find the function modulus. The formula for finding function modulus is the length of scale divided by the difference between maximum to minimum values of the variable. Hence the function modulus of B, mB = \(\frac{20}{400-0}\) = 0.5.

8. From the following table find the function modulus of f(A) to construct a Z-type nomograph, for the function f(A) = \(\frac{f(B)}{f(C)}\). Considering the variable scale length as 20 cm.

Variables Range
B 0 to 400 units
C 0 to 100 units

a) 2
b) 5
c) 1
d) 4
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the process of constructing Z-type nomographs we need to find the function modulus. The formula for finding function modulus is the length of scale divided by the difference between maximum to minimum values of the variable( f(A)max = 400/100 = 4, f(A) = 0 ) Hence the function modulus of A, mA = \(\frac{20}{4-0}\) = 5.

9. What is the purpose of drawing a temporary scale of a variable before plotting a Z-type nomograph?
a) To obtain the original scale of the variable
b) To make the plotting easy
c) To obtain the diagonal scale
d) To make the nomograph more accurate
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Answer: c
Explanation: Before plotting the nomograph we need to prepare a temporary scale to obtain a diagonal scale. To prepare a temporary scale we take a variable and using the equation B’ = \(\frac{m_b}{m_c}\)*d*A for the equation f(A) = \(\frac{f(B)}{f(C)}\), where mb and mc are function moduli of B and C, d is the distance from the origin of C-scale.

10. For the function f(A) = \(\frac{f(B)}{f(C)}\), to plot Z-type nomograph find the temporary plotting equation for B-scale (Variable in f(B)). If the function moduli of B, C are mb and mc respectively, d is the arbitrary distance from the origin of C-scale.
a) B’ = \(\frac{m_c}{m_b}\)*d*A
b) B’ = \(\frac{m_b}{m_c}\)*d2*A
c) B’ = \(\frac{m_b}{m_c}\)*d*A
d) B’ = \(\frac{m_b}{m_c}\)*d*A2
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Answer: c
Explanation: Before plotting the nomograph we need to prepare a temporary scale to obtain a diagonal scale. To prepare a temporary scale we take a variable B and using the equation B’ = \(\frac{m_b}{m_c}\)*d*A for the equation f(A) = \(\frac{f(B)}{f(C)}\) we plot a temporary scale to obtain the diagonal scale. Later we redraw the original scale and plot the nomograph.

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