Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Types of Dimensioning – 1

This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of Dimensioning – 1”.

1. The ratio of height to length of an arrow in dimensioning is ___
a) 1:2
b) 1:3
c) 1:4
d) 1:1.5
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Answer: b
Explanation: The standard ratio of height to length of an arrow in dimensioning should be kept only 1:3. Even if there are so many types of arrows like oblique stroke, closed, open small open circle etc. Generally closed and filled arrowhead is widely used and with 1:3 ratio.

2. Dimensioning doesn’t represent _____
a) height
b) length
c) depth
d) material
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Answer: d
Explanation: Dimensioning relates to the geometry of machine part/plot but not the material, transparency, physical, mechanical, chemical properties of machine part/plot. Other than the dimensions are placed near the title block of drawing sheet if necessary.

3. Which is the wrong statement regarding dimensions?
a) Every dimension must be given, but none should be given more than once
b) Every dimension should be written to the left side of the drawing
c) Dimensions should be placed outside the views
d) A centre line should not be used as a dimension line
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Answer: b
Explanation: There is no such rule that the dimensions should be placed only on left side of drawing because it may not possible to represent every dimension only on left side. So, it is given flexibility that dimensions can be given any side of drawing but none should be given twice or more.

4. Dimension lines should be drawn at least ________mm away from the outlines and from each other.
a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8
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Answer: d
Explanation: The standards are made as such that dimension lines should be drawn at least 8 mm away from the outlines and from each other. This gives clear, neat appearance in mentioning dimensions in drawing.

5. Two types of dimensions needed on a drawing are: i) size or functional dimensions and ii) location or datum dimensions.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Yes, the given statement is true. The former indicate sizes i.e. length, breadth, height, depth, etc. The second one shows locations or exact positions of various constructional details within the object.
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6. The wrongly represented line in the below figure is _______
The wrongly represented line in the below figure is outline represent main component
a) dimension line
b) extension line
c) outline
d) centre line
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Answer: c
Explanation: The line which is represented as outline is hidden line, the dark line which is to represent main component is outline of component, the remaining are correct. The 96 given there is the dimension figure.

7. An outline or a centre line should be used as a dimension line.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: An outline or a centre line should never be used as a dimension line. A centre line may be extended to serve as an extension line. Since the outline may be misunderstood if it is used as a dimension line.


8. Which is the wrong statement from the below options?
a) As far as possible all dimensions should be given in millimeters, omitting the abbreviation mm
b) The height of the dimension figures should be from 3mm to 5mm
c) A zero must always precede the decimal point when the dimension is less than unity
d) The dimensions should only be given in mm
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Answer: d
Explanation: There is no need to give the dimensions only in mm. Some of the drawings may be very large in size it is not convenient to give dimensions in millimeters and another unit is used but only one dimension should be used among the whole drawing.

9. Location and datum dimensions indicates __________
a) length
b) diameter
c) height
d) position
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Answer: d
Explanation: The location or datum dimension which are generally shown by letters F and L respectively, and shows the location or exact position of various constructional details within the object. The letter F represents functional dimensions.

10. Size or functional dimensions does not indicate _________________
a) thickness
b) radius
c) depth
d) position
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Answer: d
Explanation: Size or functional dimensions only represents dimensions, figures of length, breadth, height, depth, and diameter. But not show the locations or positions these are indicated by location or datum dimensions.

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