This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Principle of Construction of Nomographs of Three Variables”.
1. What does the term Nomography refers to?
a) Making of mathematical laws
b) Graphical representation of mathematical laws
c) Making mathematical relations
d) Naming the laws
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Explanation: Nomography is a term derived from the Greek, where nomos means laws and graphein means to write. It refers to representing the mathematical laws and relations graphically by data plotting.
2. Scales with constant space between the divisions is called ________
a) Logarithmic scale
b) Uniform scale
c) Non-linear scale
d) Multiple scales
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Explanation: Scale is the graphical representation of quantities mostly physical quantities, on a straight or curved line with selected length. They are classified as linear and non-linear scale. Where the linear scale is also called uniform scales or natural scales, and they have constant space between the divisions.
3. Scales with non-uniform space between the divisions is called ________
a) Logarithmic scale
b) Uniform scale
c) Linear scale
d) Natural scale
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Explanation: Scale is the graphical representation of quantities mostly physical quantities, on a straight or curved line with selected length. They are classified as linear and non-linear scale. Where the non-linear scale is also called logarithmic scales, and they have non-uniform space between the divisions.
4. ________________ is the length of the scale for unit value of the functional variable.
a) Scale modulus
b) Factor
c) Functional modulus
d) Scale
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Explanation: Functional modulus is the length of the scale for a unit value of the scale. Mathematically, it is represented as m = L*[1/(f(Xmax)- f(Xmin)].
5. Functional modulus, m = _____________
a) L*[1/(f(Xmax)]
b) L*[1/f(Xmin)]
c) L*[1/(f(Xmax)- f(Xmin)]
d) L*[1/(f(Xmax)- f(Xmin)]
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Explanation: Functional modulus, is the length of the scale for a unit value of the scale. Mathematically, it is represented as m = L*[1/(f(Xmax)-f(Xmin)], where l is scale length, Xmax and Xmin are corresponding values of X.
6. _____________ is the product of functional modulus and common constant coefficient of a functional variable.
a) Scale modulus
b) Factor
c) Functional modulus
d) Scale
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Explanation: Scale modulus is the term used for the product of the functional modules and the common constant of the function. It is indicated by M and defined as functional modulus x constant coefficient of function.
7. The minimum number of scales required for the nomogram for three variables is ________
a) Two scales
b) Four scales
c) Three scales
d) One scale
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Explanation: For the graphical representation of the mathematical function containing three variables need three scales for each variable to represent graphically through nomographs.
8. Relation for the functional moduli mx, my, and mz.
a) mz = mx*my*(1/[mx-my])
b) mz = mx+my*(1/[mx-my])
c) mz = mx*my*(1/[mx+my])
d) mz = mx*my+(1/[mx+my])
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Explanation: For the construction of the nomographs of three variable, When the function moduli of three variables are given as mx, my, and mz, the relation between them is written as mz = mx*my*(1/[mx+my]).
9. For the function Z = X + Y, and the function modulus is m, what will be the scale modulus?
a) m
b) 2m
c) 3m
d) 4m
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Explanation: Scale modulus is the term used for the product of the functional modules and the common constant of the function. It is indicated by M and defined as functional modulus x constant coefficient of function. Here constant coefficient of the given equation is one, hence scale modulus is equal to function modules.
10. For the function Z = 3X + 3Y, and the scale modulus is M, what will be the scale modulus?
a) M
b) M/2
c) M/3
d) M/4
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Explanation: Scale modulus is the term used for the product of the functional modules and the common constant of the function. It is indicated by M and defined as functional modulus (m) x constant coefficient of function. Here constant coefficient of the given equation is three, hence (m) function modulus is equal to M/3.
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