This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Basic Geometrical Construction and Engineering Curves”.
1. In the first step, what do we do to find the center of an arc?
a) Draw a straight line connecting the ends of arcs
b) Bisect the curve
c) Draw two chords
d) Draw a triangle inside the curve
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Explanation: At the center of the arc, all the chord bisectors meet. Using this principle, we can find the center of an arc. Draw two chords anywhere inside the arc and bisect them. The intersection point of the chord bisectors inside the arc is the center of the arc.
2. Which of the following instrument is not needed to construct a square?
a) Set-square
b) T-square
c) French curves
d) Compass
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Explanation: In drawing square, we either use T-squares and set squares or we just use a compass. We use French curves for drawing curves that cannot be drawn using a compass, the longest possible curves can be easily drawn using French-curves.
3. Arrange the following stages in a sequence, such that they result in an ogee curve between two parallel lines AB and CD, such that they are the tangents to the arc.
m) Join the adjacent ends B and C with a straight line.
n) Divide the line BC into four parts using the points P1, P2, P3.
o) Draw lines such that they pass through the points P1, P2, P3, and are perpendicular to the line BC.
p) Draw the perpendicular lines through the points B and C such that they cut the lines passing through P1, P3 respectively at E and F.
q) With the center E draw an arc BP2 and with center F draw an arc P2C, thus arc BP2C is required ogee curve.
a) m, n, o, p, q
b) m, o, p, q, n
c) m, n, p, q, o
d) p, q, o, n, m
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Explanation: For the two parallel line AB and CD, if we want to draw an ogee curve such that they are tangents of the arc, then we need to connect the two adjacent endpoint B and C. Then divide the line BC into four equal parts using perpendicular lines to the line BC through points P1, P2, P3, then project the perpendicular line from the points B and C onto the dividing lines, with the intersecting points as center draw the arcs from BP2 and P2C. Finally, we get BP2C is required ogee curve.
4. External tangents are drawn on the same side of the two circles with centers at different points and are not intersecting.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: We can draw common tangents to two circles with different centers, and are not intersecting each other. Extern tangents are such tangents which are drawn on the same side of two circles.
5. When all the adjacent ends of the perpendicular diameters of the circle are connected, which of the following is the outcome?
a) Inscribed square
b) Circumscribed square
c) Inscribed triangle
d) Circumscribed triangle
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Explanation: We get four endpoints for the two perpendicular diameters of a circle, joining the adjacent ends results in four equal lines perpendicular to each other. That means it is a square inscribed in that circle.
6. Which of the following curves are used for the design of gear tooth profile of a dial gauge?
a) Spirals
b) Helix
c) Cycloidal curves
d) Evaluates
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Explanation: For designing of gear tooth profiles of the dial gauge, basically we use cycloidal curves which are the paths traced by a fixed point on the circumference of a circle rolling on a fixed straight line or a circle without slipping.
7. Which of the following curves are used for tooth profile of the gear wheels?
a) Spirals
b) Helix
c) Cycloidal curves
d) Involutes
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Explanation: Involutes are the curves traced out by a point on the straight line which rolls on a circle or a polygon without slipping. These curves are used while designing the tooth profile of the gear wheels.
8. For any curve, we can trace out only one evaluate.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Evaluate is the locus of the center of curvature of a curve. When two points on the circle are moved to converge at a point, which is considered as the center of curvature, then the locus of this point results in evaluate. Hence we can have only one evaluate for a curve.
9. Which of the following curves are used for the design of profiles of cams?
a) Spirals
b) Helix
c) Cycloidal curves
d) Involutes
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Explanation: Tracing a point which is moving in one direction along a line which is rotating in a plane about fixed endpoint results in the formation of spirals. These are used in the design of cam profiles and helical gears.
10. Which of the following curves principle is used in the construction of screw threads?
a) Spirals
b) Helix
c) Cycloidal curves
d) Involutes
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Explanation: Helix is a curve which is traced by a point which is moving around the surface of the right circular cone or cylinder and uniformly moving in the direction of their axis. This principle is used in the construction of screw threads.
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