Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Development of Surfaces

This set of Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Development of Surfaces”.

1. Which method of development is employed in case of prisms?
a) Parallel-line development
b) Approximation method
c) Triangulation development
d) Radial-line development
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Answer: a
Explanation: Parallel-line method is employed in case of prisms and cylinders in which stretch out-line principle is used. Radial-line development is used for pyramids and cones in which the true length of the slant edge or the generator is used as a radius.

2. Which method of development is employed in case of cones?
a) Parallel-line development
b) Approximation method
c) Triangulation development
d) Radial-line development
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Answer: d
Explanation: Parallel-line method is employed in case of prisms and cylinders in which stretch out-line principle is used. Radial-line development is used for pyramids and cones in which the true length of the slant edge or the generator is used as a radius.

3. Which method of development is employed in case of double curved objects?
a) Parallel-line development
b) Approximation method
c) Triangulation development
d) Radial-line development
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Answer: b
Explanation: Approximation method is used to develop objects of double curved or warped surfaces as sphere, paraboloid, ellipsoid, hyperboloid and helicoid. Triangulation method is used for transition pieces. This is simply a method of dividing a surface into number of triangles and transferring them into the development.

4. Which method is used to develop transition pieces?
a) Parallel-line development
b) Approximation method
c) Triangulation development
d) Radial-line development
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Answer: c
Explanation: Approximation method is used to develop objects of double curved or warped surfaces as sphere, paraboloid, ellipsoid, hyperboloid and helicoid. Triangulation method is used for transition pieces. This is simply a method of dividing a surface into number of triangles and transferring them into the development.

5. Which method of development is employed in case of sphere, ellipsoid?
a) Parallel-line development
b) Approximation method
c) Triangulation development
d) Radial-line development
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Answer: b
Explanation: Approximation method is used to develop objects of double curved or warped surfaces as sphere, paraboloid, ellipsoid, hyperboloid and helicoid. Triangulation method is used for transition pieces. This is simply a method of dividing a surface into number of triangles and transferring them into the development.

6. Developments of the lateral surface of a prism consist of the same number of __________ in contact as the number of the sides of base of the prism.
a) squares
b) rectangles
c) triangles
d) parallelograms
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Answer: b
Explanation: Developments of the lateral surface of a prism consist of the same number of rectangles in contact as the number of the sides of base of the prism. One side of the rectangle is equal to the length of the axis and the other side equal to the length of the side of the base.

7. The development of the lateral surface of a cylinder is a rectangle having one side equal to the _____________ of its base-circle and the other equal to its length.
a) circumference
b) area
c) diameter
d) radius
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Answer: a
Explanation: The development of the lateral surface of a cylinder is a rectangle having one side equal to the circumference of its base-circle and the other equal to its length. Length is the distance between the two bases.

8. The development of lateral surface of a pyramid consists of a number of equal ____________triangle in contact.
a) equilateral
b) isosceles
c) scalene
d) right angled
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Answer: b
Explanation: The development of lateral surface of a pyramid consists of a number of equal isosceles triangles in contact. The base and sides of each triangle are respectively equal to the edge of the base and slant edge of the pyramid.

9. The development of the curved surface of a cone is a __________ of a __________
a) sector, circle
b) segment, circle
c) segment, ellipse
d) arc, parabola
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Answer: a
Explanation: The development of the curved surface of a cone is a sector of a circle, the radius and the length of the arc of which are respectively equal to the slant height and the circumference of the base-circle of the cone.

10. The development of the surface of a cube consists of ____ equal squares, the length of the side of the squares being equal to the length of the edge of the cube.
a) 4
b) 6
c) 12
d) 8
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Answer: b
Explanation: The development of the surface of a cube consists of 6 equal squares, the length of the side of the squares being equal to the length of the edge of the cube. It is 6 squares because the cube is bounded by equal squares and only 6 faces are there.

11. A zone is portion of the sphere enclosed between two planes parallel to the axis.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: A zone is portion of the sphere enclosed between two planes perpendicular to the axis. A lune is the portion between the two planes which contain the axis of the sphere. A sphere is approximately developed by these two methods.

12. Which method of development is employed in case of pyramids?
a) Parallel-line development
b) Approximation method
c) Triangulation development
d) Radial-line development
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Answer: d
Explanation: Parallel-line is employed in case of prisms and cylinders in which stretch out-line principle is used. Radial-line development is used for pyramids in which the actual length of the slant edge or the generator is used as a radius.

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