Here are 1000 MCQs on Highway Engineering (Chapterwise).
1. What is Highway Engineering?
a) Highway Engineering is a specialized field of Civil Engineering
b) Highway Engineering is a specialized field of Concrete Technology
c) Highway Engineering is a specialized field of Transportation Engineering
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Within the area of Transportation Engineering, Highway Engineering is a specialized field. Highway engineers also plan highways with the goal of improving traffic flow and safety for all vehicles that use them.
2. What is the use of highways?
a) Highways were created to connect cities and villages
b) Highways is the quickest option
c) Highways reduce travel time by half
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: When traveling between cities, highways are frequently the quickest option. Highways were created to connect cities and villages, and because they’re wide and have high-speed limits, they cut travel time in half.
3. The road foundation for modern highways construction, was developed by which of the following scientists?
a) Telford
b) Macadam
c) Tresguet
d) Both Telford and Macadam
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Explanation: Road foundation for modern highways construction was developed by Telford and Macadam simultaneously.
4. The New highway project is divided into how many stages?
a) Four
b) Three
c) Two
d) One
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Explanation: The new highway project is divided into (i) Selection of route, alignment and geometric design. (ii) Collection of materials (iii) Construction stages including quality control.
5. Which of the following does not include in the phases of highway planning?
a) Financing
b) Showing the phasing of a plan in the five-year plan
c) Assessment of road length requirement
d) Preparation of master plan
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Explanation: Financing of the highway is done after the planning of the highway after getting approval from the government, before the assessment, preparation, and DPR are prepared.
6. Which of the following is a commercial element in highway construction?
a) Material
b) Environmental aspects
c) Installation technique
d) Traffic
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Explanation: There are two elements in highway construction – technical and commercial. Technical elements include materials, their quality, traffic, installation techniques whereas commercial elements include environmental aspects, public concerns, legal aspects, political aspects, etc.
7. The maximum number of cities and towns are connected by which type of highway?
a) State highway
b) Village road
c) National highway
d) Major district road
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Explanation: The national highway connects most of the cities and towns in the country. State highway connects in the state, village road in villages and other roads connect the remote areas.
8. Which of the following is the longest international highway?
a) Karakoram highway
b) Australia highway 1
c) Pan-American highway
d) Trans-Canada highway
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Explanation: Pan-American highway is nearly 25,000 kms long. It connects many countries in America. Trans-Canada is longest national highway. Karakoram is the highest international highway. Longest national highway circuit is Australia’s highway 1.
9. As per the Nagpur plan, the un-surfaced roads were meant for _____________
a) Other district road and village road
b) Major district road
c) State highway
d) National highway
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Explanation: The Nagpur plan classified the roads into two categories, category one was meant for the national highway, state highway, and major district road. The un-surfaced roads were meant for other district roads and village roads.
10. Which of the following is not considered when designing highways?
a) Settlement
b) Cross section
c) Level of service
d) Sight distance
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Explanation: To design foundation, settlement is an important parameter. For designing highways: the number of lanes, cross section, level of service, sight distance, alignment, lane width and so on are important considerations.
11. Which of the following is the process of removing and controlling excess surface and sub soil water within the roadway?
a) Highway finance
b) Highway drainage
c) Highway Engineering
d) Highway maintenance
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Explanation: The removal of excess surface and sub surface soil within the roadway or right of way is considered highway drainage.
12. Which of the following types of roads are most preferred for highways?
a) Unpaved surfaces
b) Bituminous roads
c) Cement concrete roads
d) Gravel roads
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Explanation: The most preferred type of road is bituminous roads. They are cheap for initial construction when compared to other types of surfaced roads.
13. Design of road intersections is a part of ___________
a) Harbour engineering
b) Highway engineering
c) Railway engineering
d) Traffic engineering
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Explanation: Design of road intersections is a part of highway engineering in which types of intersections, the advantages and disadvantages are studied.
14. The surveys of highway alignment are completed in how many stages?
a) Four
b) Three
c) Two
d) One
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Explanation: The surveys are completed in 4 stages namely map study, reconnaissance, preliminary survey and detailed survey.
15. Highway should be planned for __________
a) Traffic studies
b) Present requirements
c) Present requirements and future requirements
d) Traffic developments
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Explanation: A highway should be planned such that the present and future requirements of the highway are satisfied.
16. Which of the following will be most preferred for highway lighting during highway construction?
a) Intersections
b) City
c) Village
d) Town
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Explanation: During the construction of the highway, more highway lighting preference is given to intersections, as it is the most critical place.
17. The scope of highway engineering is divided into how many parts?
a) Four
b) Three
c) Two
d) One
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Explanation: The scope of highway engineering is divided into 2 parts called phases and details. In these phases overall review is given and in the details it is planned in detail.
18. What is the first step in highway construction after paperwork?
a) Evaluation
b) Bill of quantities
c) Surveying
d) Estimation
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Explanation: The first step after the office work in the highway design is surveying, after surveying the design is approved.
19. The design speed on a highway is 60kmph; calculate the super elevation if radius of curve is 150m and coefficient of friction is 0.15.
a) 0.15
b) 0.04
c) 0.038
d) 0.07
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Explanation: e+f=v2/127R
20. Which of the following requirement is given most importance in highway design?
a) Maintenance
b) Seasonal
c) Functional
d) Structural
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Explanation: The structural design like highway speed, geometric design is given the most importance in design.
21. The current highway development works in India are undertaken by?
b) State governments
c) Govt. of India
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Explanation: The highway works all across the country are undertaken by NHAI, It was formed in 1988 and it has the mandate to follow all the NHDP (national highway development program) which is implemented in phases.
22. The highway research Board was set up in which year?
a) 1963
b) 1973
c) 1947
d) 1953
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Explanation: The highway research board was set up in the year 1973 by IRC to give good guidance for road development in India.
23. The economical highway can be achieved by __________
a) More transport cost and less quality aggregate
b) Cheap aggregate
c) Good quality aggregate
d) Good aggregate and less transport cost
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Explanation: The maximum cost of aggregate doesn’t affect the highway cost, it is the transport cost which has a greater effect.
24. Which is the most preferred type of transition curve by IRC for highways?
a) Parabola
b) Lemniscate
c) Cubic parabola
d) Spiral
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Explanation: The most preferred type of transition curve by IRC for highway is parabola, for its ease of construction and other field work.
25. The vertical alignment of a highway includes?
a) Highway lighting
b) Design of valley curves and gradients
c) Sight distance and traffic intersection
d) Widening of pavements
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Explanation: The design of valley curves, summit curves and gradient are included in the vertical alignment of highway.
26. The highway accidents occur mostly at __________
a) Both day and night
b) Early morning hours
c) Night time
d) Day time
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Explanation: The highway accidents occur mostly at night time if adequate lighting is not provided.
27. Which of the following pavement is better for highway lighting?
a) Gravel roads
b) WBM
c) Black top surface
d) Cement concrete
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Explanation: Cement concrete roads have a better visibility than other all roads, but they are more expensive.
28. Which of the following materials are not included in highway construction?
a) Petrol
b) Soil
c) Stone
d) Dust
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Explanation: Petrol is not used directly in highway construction, but by-product like bitumen is used. Stone, dust and soil may be used in subgrade and base.
29. Who will prepare the specifications for the highway?
b) BIS
c) IRC
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Explanation: The specifications for the highway are prepared by MORTH, which is the Ministry of Road Transport and Highway.
30. Which of the following is the maximum density that is desirable in highway embankments?
a) O.M.C
b) M.D.D
c) Dry density
d) Saturated density
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Explanation: The maximum density which is desirable in highway embankments is M.D.D, if it is greater than MDD then it’s density decreases.
31. The skid number for highways should not be less than __________
a) 25
b) 35
c) 45
d) 55
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Explanation: The skid number for highways should not be less than 55 for national highways to ensure a smooth ride, if it is less than 55 then suitable precautions have to be taken.
32. What is the temperature used in highway pavement in degrees centigrade?
a) 175
b) 115
c) 130
d) 120
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Explanation: The temperature varies between 130 and 175 degrees centigrade and it may also be above it, depending on the exposure of heat and time taken, usually it cools down very fast.
33. The surface of the highway pavement should be designed to allow __________
a) No rolling resistance
b) Very high rolling resistance
c) Low rolling resistance
d) High rolling resistance
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Explanation: The surface of highway pavement should be designed to allow no rolling resistance for safety purposes.
34. Which of the following measure is not adopted in the reconstruction of a new highway?
a) Use of inferior quality material
b) Use of modern machinery
c) Designing as per traffic
d) Providing effective drainage system
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Explanation: The measure not adopted is the use of inferior material, superior quality materials should be used.
35. The design thickness of the CC slab of important highway with heavy traffic is?
a) 300 mm
b) 275 mm
c) 125 mm
d) 250 mm
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Explanation: The range of the pavement thickness for the heavy traffic is 280 to 320 mm, of such heavy thickness is not provided then pavement will fail.
36. The highway drainage system consists of how many types?
a) Four
b) Three
c) One
d) Two
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Explanation: The drainage system is classified as surface drainage system and sub surface drainage system.
37. The roads passing through hilly terrain and leading to the villages and towns near hills are called __________
a) Hill road
b) Village road
c) State highway
d) National highway
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Explanation: The roads which pass through hilly terrain and leading to the villages on hills are called as hill roads.
38. What is the width of a pavement of 2 lane national highway?
a) 8.80 m
b) 3.00 m
c) 3.75 m
d) 7.0 m
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Explanation: The width of a pavement of a two lane national highway is 7.0 m, for single lane it is 3.75 m and including parapet it is 8.8 m.
39. The cross drainage structure of a highway is considered in which aspect?
a) Road user amenities
b) Maintenance aspects
c) Highway factors
d) Highway traffic factors
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Explanation: The cross drainage structure is considered in the highway factors which includes the geometry and drainage works, highway traffic and road users are also benefit by the drainage system.
Chapterwise Multiple Choice Questions on Highway Engineering
- Highway Engineering Basics
- Highway Development and Planning
- Highway Alignment and Project Preparation
- Geometric Design of Highways
- Traffic Engineering
- Properties of Highway Materials
- Design of Highway Pavements
- Highway Construction
- Soil Stabilized Roads
- Highway Maintenence
- Highway Drainage
- Hill Roads
- Road Side Development
- Highway Economics and Finance
1. MCQ on Highway Engineering Basics
The section contains Highway Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on transportation basics.
2. Multiple Choice Questions on Highway Development and Planning
The section contains Highway Engineering questions and answers on road construction development, highway development in india, highway planning, planning surveys and interpretation.
3. Highway Engineering MCQ on Highway Alignment and Project Preparation
The section contains MCQ Questions on highway alignment, engineering surveys, highway projects, detailed project report and preparation, drawings and report.
4. Highway Engineering MCQ on Geometric Design
The section contains Highway multiple choice questions and answers on geometric design of highways, highway cross section elements, sight distance, horizontal and vertical alignment designs.
5. MCQ on Traffic Engineering
The section contains questions and answers on Traffic engineering, traffic characteristics, traffic engineering studies and analysis, traffic flow, traffic regulation and control, traffic intersections design, parking facility design, pedestrian facilties, highway lighting, traffic planning and management.
6. Highway Engineering MCQ on Properties of Highway Materials
The section contains MCQ Questions on highway construction materials, soil, stone aggregates, bituminous binders and paving mixes, portland cement and cement concrete.
7. Highway Engineering MCQ on Design of Highway Pavements
The section contains Highway Engineering multiple choice questions with answers on highway pavements design, flexible pavement components and performance, flexible pavement design method, rigid pavements and their functions, rigid pavements stresses and design methods.
8. MCQ on Highway Construction
The section contains question with answer on highway construction features, embankment and subgrade, earth excavation, flexible pavements construction, cement concrete pavements and low volume roads.
9. Highway Engineering MCQ on Soil Stabilized Roads
The section contains Highway Engineering MCQs on soil stabilized roads, mechanical soil stabilization, soil cement and soil lime stabilization, soil stabilization using bituminous materials and soil stabilization special problems.
10. Multiple Choice Questions on Highway Maintenance
The section contains multiple choice questions with answers on highway maintenance works, road infrastructure damages, maintenance requirements in road components, distress in rigid and flexible pavements and maintenance measures, flexible pavements evaluation and strengthening by overlay.
11. MCQ on Highway Drainage
The section contains Highway Engineering questions and answers on highway drainage system objects, importance and requirements of highway drainage, surface drainage system for roads, hydrologic analysis, hydraulic design and sub surface drainage.
12. Highway Engineering MCQ on Hill Roads
The section contains MCQ Questions on hill roads, hill roads alignment, hill roads maintenance problems, hill roads geometrics and construction.
13. Highway Engineering MCQ on Road-side Development
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on road side development and arboriculture.
14. MCQ on Highway Economics and Finance
The section contains Highway Engineering questions and answers on highway costs and finance.
Wish you the best in your endeavor to learn and master Highway Engineering!
Best Books on Highway Engineering:
- Highway Engineering Books
- Highway Materials Books
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Highway Engineering Online Tests:
- Highway Engineering Tests
- Highway Engineering Certification Test
- Highway Engineering Internship Test
- Highway Engineering Top Rankers
Important Links:
- Pavement Analysis & Design Multiple Choice Questions
- Traffic Engineering Multiple Choice Questions
- Railway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions
- Surveying Multiple Choice Questions
- Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions