Here are 1000 MCQs on Traffic Engineering (Chapterwise).
1. What is traffic engineering?
a) Traffic engineering optimizes the performance and efficiency of the movement of people, goods, and transportation
b) Traffic engineering mainly deals with improving traffic performance, traffic studies, and traffic networks
c) The main goal of traffic engineering is to reduce high-speed collisions
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: The branch of engineering that deals with the improvement of traffic performance, traffic studies and traffic network are called as traffic engineering, it also includes geometric design and other specifications. The main goal of traffic engineering is to reduce high-speed collisions.
2. Which is the most important objective of traffic engineering?
a) To provide a high speed road without any other priority
b) To increase the traffic
c) To reduce the accidents
d) To consider pedestrians as obstruction
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Explanation: The most important objective is to reduce accidents with considerable speed and the pedestrian should be considered as an element not obstruction.
3. Which branch of engineering deals with the improvement of traffic studies and traffic networks?
a) Traffic engineering
b) Traffic management
c) Railway engineering
d) Highway engineering
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Explanation: The branch of engineering that deals with improvement of traffic performance, traffic studies and traffic network are called as traffic engineering, it also includes geometric design and other specifications.
4. Which of the following is the first stage in the function of the traffic engineering department?
a) Collection of data
b) Planning and design
c) Finance
d) Investigations
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Explanation: The first stage in the function of the traffic engineering department is a collection of data followed by analysis and design.
5. Which is the first stage in traffic engineering studies?
a) Spot speed studies
b) Traffic volume studies
c) Origin and destination studies
d) Speed and delay studies
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Explanation: The first step in traffic engineering studies is traffic volume studies, which are carried out to understand the traffic characteristics.
6. The study of traffic engineering is divided into how many major categories?
a) Eight
b) Five
c) Six
d) Seven
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Explanation: The study of traffic engineering is divided into 7 major categories they are traffic characteristics, traffic studies and analysis, planning and analysis, geometric design, traffic operation, road safety and administration.
7. What does “3-Es” of traffic engineering stand for?
a) Engineering, education and enthusiasm
b) Engineering, education and enforcement
c) Engineering, education and expulsion
d) Enforcement, empowerment and eradication
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Explanation: The “3-Es” in traffic engineering represent Engineering, education and enforcement.
8. In traffic engineering, the elements are classified into how many categories?
a) Four
b) Three
c) One
d) Two
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Explanation: In traffic engineering, the elements are classified into two categories they are human and machine.
9. Which of the following is not a category of Traffic Studies?
a) Dynamic studies
b) Inventories
c) Economic studies
d) Administrative studies
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Explanation: Traffic Studies is categorized into three main categories- Inventories, Administrative studies, and Dynamic studies.
10. Which of the following is the traffic that is prepared based on 365 days of the year?
a) Annual average daily traffic
b) Average daily traffic
c) Average yearly traffic
d) Yearly traffic
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Explanation: The traffic that is prepared based on 365 days of the year is called as AADT or annual average daily traffic.
11. Which of the following is the first phase of traffic regulation?
a) Traffic flow regulations
b) General controls
c) Vehicle controls
d) Driver controls
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Explanation: The first phase of traffic regulation is driver controls followed by vehicle control, traffic flow regulation and general control.
12. Which of the following is the number of vehicles crossing a section of road in a unit time at any selected period?
a) Traffic density study
b) Traffic characteristic study
c) Traffic volume study
d) Traffic mass study
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Explanation: The number of vehicles crossing a section of road in a unit time at any selected period is called Traffic volume study. Its unit is vehicles/hr or vehicles/day.
13. The road traffic consists of how many types of traffic?
a) Vehicular and pedestrian traffic
b) No traffic
c) Pedestrian traffic
d) Vehicle traffic
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Explanation: The road traffic consists of both vehicular traffic and pedestrian traffic.
14. Which of the following traffic study uses traffic models to analyze traffic?
a) Accident studies
b) Traffic volume studies
c) Calibration studies
d) Parking studies
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Explanation: Calibration studies use traffic models to analyze traffic. Studies are done to calibrate key values in models to guarantee that they depict the conditions in real-life traffic.
15. Which of the following is the most vulnerable part of the traffic?
a) Cattle
b) Pedestrians
c) Vehicles
d) Traffic jam
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Explanation: Pedestrians are the most vulnerable part of traffic and they should be treated with the utmost care.
16. Which of the following traffic study determines total parking demand?
a) Parking studies
b) Travel time studies
c) Accident studies
d) Traffic volume study
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Explanation: Total parking demand is determined by Parking studies type of traffic study. Several counting methodologies are used to determine the parking need of people. Interview studies are done to see how parking facilities are used.
17. What is the purpose of a Travel Time and Delay Study?
a) To evaluate the traffic stream
b) For survey data
c) To assess the quality of traffic movement
d) To assess the time taken to travel by various vehicles
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Explanation: To assess the quality of traffic movement along a roadway and to determine the traffic delays, using a test vehicle, is the purpose of a Travel Time and Delay Study.
18. Which of the following is known as the time lost by traffic due to traffic friction and traffic control devices?
a) Setback time
b) Delay
c) Green time
d) Red time
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Explanation: The time lost by traffic due to traffic friction and traffic control devices is called delay. Delay is the added time spent by the drivers against their presumption.
19. Which of the following is not determined by traffic volume studies?
a) Number of vehicles
b) Movement of vehicles
c) Design criteria
d) Vehicle classification
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Explanation: Design criteria is not determined by traffic volume studies. Vehicle classification, number of vehicles, and movement of vehicles are determined by this method.
20. Which of the following is not a parameter of traffic stream?
a) Speed
b) PCU
c) Density of traffic
d) Flow of traffic
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Explanation: PCU is not a parameter of traffic stream. Density of traffic, flow of traffic and speed are the parameters of traffic stream. The traffic stream parameters can be macroscopic or microscopic.
21. Which of the following is not a way by which traffic volume data is presented?
a) Modal average
b) Traffic composition
c) Variation charts
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Explanation: Modal average is a way by which spot speed data is presented. There are various processes by which traffic volume data is presented. AADT, Variation charts, and Traffic composition are some of them.
22. Which of the following does the thickness of lines represents in Traffic flow maps?
a) Volume change
b) Boundary for expansion
c) Direction of flow
d) Traffic volume
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Explanation: In Traffic flow maps, the thickness of lines represents traffic volume. Traffic flow maps show volume along various roads using bands proportional to traffic volume carried.
23. Which of the following is not a factor affecting traffic capacity?
a) Traffic control devices
b) Gradient
c) Lane width
d) Lateral clearance
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Explanation: Traffic control devices is not a factor affecting traffic capacity. Roadway conditions such as lane width, lateral clearance, gradient, and shoulders affect traffic capacity. Traffic conditions such as number of traffic lanes, driver characteristics, types of vehicles on the road also affect traffic capacity.
24. Which of the following are the disadvantages of traffic signals?
a) The quality of the traffic flow improves
b) Traffic handling capacity increases
c) The rear end collision increases
d) Provide orderly moment at intersection
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Explanation: The rear end collisions are common in very highly populated cities, if there is a sudden stoppage of vehicles there is a chance of rear end collision.
25. When are mail-back postcard surveys usually used?
a) When traffic volume is low
b) When traffic is homogeneous
c) When traffic is heterogeneous
d) When traffic volume is high
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Explanation: Mail-back postcard surveys are usually used when traffic volume is high. This method has less traffic disruption compared to the Roadside interview method.
26. Which of the following is one of the uses of a collision diagram?
a) Demarcating area for parking
b) Record of accident occurrence
c) Interpreting traffic data
d) Redesign of traffic lights
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Explanation: A collision diagram is useful for the study and analysis of a specific intersection or curve at which a multiple numbers of accidents have occurred. It gives the record of accident occurrence in an area.
27. Which of the following type of parking has areas exclusively allotted for parking at some distance away from the mainstream of traffic?
a) 30 degrees parking
b) Right-angle parking
c) Off-street parking
d) Parallel parking
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Explanation: Off-street parking is the type of parking that has areas exclusively allotted for parking at some distance away from the mainstream of traffic. They are usually operated by public agencies or private corporations.
28. Which of the following represents traffic volume from one key area to another in a desire line map?
a) Dark line
b) Circles
c) Triangles
d) Dots
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Explanation: Dark line of varying widths represents traffic volume from one key area to another in a desire line map. The desire line map locates pictorially the major traffic routes.
29. Which of the following is the primary disadvantage of Roadside interview method?
a) Requires more manpower
b) Traffic disruption
c) Huge set of data
d) Skilled surveyors
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Explanation: Traffic disruption is the primary disadvantage of Roadside interview method. This method requires more traffic control at the location of the survey. But this method provides complete information.
30. Which one of the following is not a common application OD survey?
a) Traffic volume studies
b) Major activity centre studies
c) Weaving-area studies
d) Freeway studies
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Explanation: Weaving-area studies, freeway studies, and major activity centre studies are some of the applications of origin-destination studies. Traffic volume studies is not an application of OD studies.
31. Fixed delay does not depend on which of the following factor?
a) Traffic signals
b) Traffic volume
c) Markers
d) Level crossing
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Explanation: Fixed delay does not depend on traffic volume. Fixed delay occurs regardless of traffic volume on the road or impedance. Fixed delay depends on traffic control devices like signals, markers, and level crossings.
Chapterwise Multiple Choice Questions on Traffic Engineering
- Transportation System and Organisation
- Traffic Operation and Characteristics
- Traffic Engineering and Traffic Volume Studies
- Speed Studies
- Fundamental Principle of Traffic Flow
- Traffic Capacity
- Traffic Stream Models
- Travel Time and Delay Studies
- Traffic Surveys, Origin and Destination Studies
- Road Accidents
1. Traffic Engineering MCQ on Transportation System and Organisation
The section contains Traffic Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on transportation importance and history, transportation modes and organisation.
2. Multiple Choice Questions on Traffic Operation and Characteristics
The section contains Traffic Engineering questions and answers on studies, driver characteristics and requirements, piev theory, vehicular characteristics, road characteristics, traffic operation planning for pedestrians, cyclists and disabled people.
3. MCQ on Traffic Engineering and Traffic Volume Studies
The section contains Traffic Engineering MCQs on traffic studies types, travel time, delay studies, passenger car unit, volume counting techniques, traffic volume data presentation, aadt, adt, spot speed study, highest hourly volume and phv.
4. Traffic Engineering MCQ on Speed Studies
The section contains Traffic Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on speed study application, spot speed data presentation, model and median speed.
5. Traffic Engineering MCQ on Fundamental Principle of Traffic Flow
The section contains Traffic Engineering questions and answers on traffic flow element, flow density relationships, traffic streams, gap and gap acceptance.
6. Multiple Choice Questions on Traffic Capacity
The section contains Traffic Engineering MCQs on highway capacity basics, two lane and multilane highway capacity, basic freeway capacity, weaving sections and rotary capacity.
7. Traffic Engineering MCQ on Traffic Stream Models
The section contains Traffic Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on greenshield’s macroscopic steam model, greenberg’s logarithmic and underwood’s exponential models.
8. Traffic Engineering MCQ on Travel Time and Delay Studies
The section contains Traffic Engineering questions and answers on speed delay studies methods, floating car method and fixed delays.
9. MCQ on Traffic Surveys, Origin and Destination Studies
The section contains Traffic Engineering MCQs on origin and destination studies purpose and representation, data collection methods and parking surveys.
10. Traffic Engineering MCQ on Road Accidents
The section contains Traffic Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on accident studies, collision diagram, accident investigation techniques and analysis.
Wish you the best in your endeavor to learn and master Traffic Engineering!
Best Books on Traffic Engineering:
- Traffic Analysis and Design Books
- Transportation Engineering Books
- Teletraffic Engineering Books
- Theories of Traffic Flow Books