Logic Design Questions and Answers – Computer-Aided Design

This set of Logic Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Computer-Aided Design”.

1. Which of the following CAD tools accepts logic circuits, state table or state graphs as input and generates minimized logic equations?
a) Schematic capture
b) Simulation
c) Generation and minimization of logic equations
d) SimUaid
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Answer: c
Explanation: Generation and minimization of logic equations is the right answer. Programs of this type accept logic diagrams, state graphs or tables as input and generates minimized logic equations.

2. What is the feature of the tool “Schematic capture”?
a) Generating minimized logic equations
b) Generating PLA/PAL designing files for PLD designers
c) Creating and editing logic diagrams for logic design
d) Virtually simulating any circuit
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Answer: c
Explanation: Schematic capture is a tool where the related programs allow the designer to interactively create or edit various types of logic circuits. For this purpose it also provides various libraries and components such as logic gates, flip-flops, registers, counters etc.

3. Which one of the following is the main purpose of the tool “Simulation”?
a) Generating PLA/PAL designing files for PLD designers
b) Creating and editing logic diagrams for logic design
c) Generating minimized logic equations
d) Resolving errors and critical timing problems before any hardware is actually built
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Answer: d
Explanation: Simulation means to simulate any circuit virtually. That is achieved by creating a desired circuit virtually and resolving errors and timing problems by running the circuit virtually.

4. Which of the following tools simulates function for small digital systems?
a) Schematic Capture
b) SimUaid
c) Test Generation
d) PC board layout
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Answer: b
Explanation: Simulation is a process of virtually designing circuits and observing their working function. SimUaid is a simulation tool that performs the schematic capture for the small digital systems. It automatically generates a structural VHDL description from the schematic.

5. Which of the following languages is a hardware definition language?
b) C
c) C++
d) Assembly language
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Answer: a
Explanation: Hardware Definition Languages are used to implement hardware logics through codes. The language VHDL stands for VHSIC Hardware Definition Language. It was developed in the early 1980s as a spin-off of a high speed IC research project.

6. How many types of CAD softwares are there?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
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Answer: d
Explanation: CAD stands for Computer Aided Design. There are 5 categories of CAD softwares. They are 2D CAD, 2.5D CAD, 3D CAD, 3D Wireframe and surface modeling.

7. Which one of the following is most appropriate for Computer Aided Design?
a) Ink-jet printer
b) Pen plotter
c) Graph plotter
d) Laser printer
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Answer: b
Explanation: Pen plotter can be used manually by hand to plot any design on the screen. Hence it is more handy and easier to handle smaller designs. Hence Pen plotter is the right option.

8. Which of the following is used by computer for data processing?
a) DNC
b) CNC
c) NC
d) FNC
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Answer: b
Explanation: CNC stands for Computerized Numerical Control. This device is used for processing a specific data to build a design. Hence the correct answer is CNC.

9. Which type of software is CAD?
a) Operating Software
b) System Software
c) Application Software
d) Programming Software
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Answer: c
Explanation: Operating and system softwares are used to boot operating system that runs the machine. Programming softwares are used to run programming language. Hence CAD softwares are application software those are used for a specific design application.

10. Which of the following is the right code to draw a 4 inch line that is 60 degrees from the from the end point of the line created above the drafter?
a) @4 < 60
b) @4 / 60
c) &4 < 60
d) &4 / 60
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Answer: a
Explanation: According to the codes and syntaxes of AutoCAD software, @4 < 60 is the right command to build draw a 4 inch line that is 60 degrees from the end point of the line created above the drafter. The other options are not in right syntax. Hence @4 < 60 is the right answer.

11. What is the full form of UCS in AutoCAD?
a) User Cooperation Server
b) User Controlled Server
c) User Coordinate System
d) User Controlled System
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Answer: c
Explanation: UCS stands for User Coordinate System in AutoCAD. It is useful in 2D designing. User can select, move and rotate the UCS icon to change the current UCS.

12. How many workspaces are available in AutoCAD?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
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Answer: b
Explanation: CAD, or computer-aided design and drafting (CADD), is technology for design and technical documentation, which replaces manual drafting with an automated process. There are three workspaces available to switch between in AutoCAD. These are drafting and annotation, 3D basics and 3D modelling.

13. Which key combination is used to obtain properties palette in AutoCAD?
a) Ctrl + 1
b) Ctrl + 2
c) Ctrl + 3
d) Ctrl + 4
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Answer: a
Explanation: CAD, or computer-aided design and drafting (CAD), is technology for design and technical documentation, which replaces manual drafting with an automated process. Thus we use some commands to perform tasks in the software. Ctrl + 1 is used to obtain properties of palette in AutoCAD.

14. Which one of the following commands draws a rectangle?
a) ARC
b) POL
c) REC
d) CO
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Answer: c
Explanation: CAD, or computer-aided design and drafting (CAD), is technology for design and technical documentation, which replaces manual drafting with an automated process. Thus we use some commands to perform tasks in the software. By the command REC, we can draw a rectangle.

15. On which technology, the modern CAD systems are based on?
a) ICG
b) GCI
c) GIF
d) IFG
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Answer: a
Explanation: ICG is interactive computer graphics. It denotes a user-oriented system in which computer is used to create, transform and display data in pictorial or symbolic forms.

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