Machine Drawing Questions and Answers – Dimensioning a Sketch & Methods

This set of Machine Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Dimensioning a Sketch & Methods”.

1. In dimensioning a 2D sketch, to dimension the radius of the arc ________
a) click on the two end points of arc
b) click on the arc only
c) click one of the end point and the arc
d) click on the center point and arc
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Answer: b
Explanation: To dimension the radius of arc it is important to click on the arc only. Clicking on the end points and by defining the center point, radius cannot be dimensioned. Also it is not necessary to click a center point with an arc.

2. To dimension the true length of arc __________
a) click on the arc, then the two end points
b) click on the two end points, then the arc
c) click on the arc only
d) click on the end points only
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Answer: a
Explanation: To dimension the true length of arc, first click on the arc and then the two end points of the arc. Clicking the arc only will give radius of the arc. Also, clicking on the end points only will not give true length of arc, because radius is not defined.

3. In a multiple view sketching, dimension should be placed on ___________
a) front view only
b) each view
c) the face that describe the feature most clearly
d) the face which has maximum dimensions to show
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Answer: c
Explanation: In a multiple view sketching, dimension should be placed on the face that describes the feature most clearly. It is not mandatory to place dimension on every view. Also, it is not necessary that it should be front or top or side view.

4. Clicking on the model edge and a line intersecting it will dimension for the _______
a) length of model edge
b) length of intersecting line
c) angle between them
d) length of both lines
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Answer: c
Explanation: Clicking on the model edge and a line intersecting it will dimension for the angle between them. Clicking on both lines never defines the length of any. Here, the placement of the dimension affects the way the angle is measured.

5. To dimension the perpendicular distance from a point to a line, click on the point on the line and the point.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: To dimension the perpendicular distance from a point to a line, click the point and a line directly. No need to select a point. It is difficult to select a point on the line which is exactly perpendicular to the point. Selecting any other point on the line and outside point will place the dimension of (inclined) length.
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6. The various dimensioning methods include ____________
a) Parallel dimensioning
b) Vertical dimensioning
c) Inclined dimensioning
d) Horizontal dimensioning
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Answer: a
Explanation: The various dimensioning methods are parallel dimensioning, rectangular coordinate dimensioning, chain dimensioning, superimposed running dimensioning, combined dimensioning and tabular dimensioning. In parallel dimensioning the dimensions are given parallel to the object. In chain dimensioning, the dimensions are given in chain form.

7. The method which it indicates the distances by linear dimensions measured parallel or perpendicular to reference axes or two perpendicular datum is called _________
a) parallel dimension
b) chain dimensioning
c) rectangular coordinates dimensioning
d) tabular dimensioning
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Answer: c
Explanation: Dimensioning of arbitrary points is written separately as X and Y or in a tabular form. Rectangular coordinate dimensioning mention or show the linear dimensions measured parallel or perpendicular to reference axes or two perpendicular datum. By using arbitrary point i.e. X and Y point is given for the object with any small displacement.

8. The method in which the series of dimensions are applied from one point to other is called _________
a) Parallel dimension
b) Chain dimensioning
c) Combined dimensioning
d) Tabular dimensioning
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Answer: b
Explanation: The disadvantage of this method is that tolerances of all the dimensions may be accumulated. In this method the dimension is given continuously without the breaking of dimension. The name indicates chain means give dimension in chain format.

9. The method which starts with a circle is called as ___________
a) parallel dimensioning
b) superimposed running dimensioning
c) combined dimensioning
d) tabular dimensioning
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Answer: b
Explanation: It is important in dimensioning method in which the no of dimension which is in series manner by showing only one arrowhead and all on the line. It is a simplified convention method which is used for dimension. Superimposed running dimensioning method starts with a circle.

10. The dimension which is measured with the help of the reference line is called _________
a) parallel dimensioning
b) superimposed running dimensioning
c) combined dimensioning
d) tabular dimensioning
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Answer: a
Explanation: In parallel dimensioning, number of dimensions start from a common reference line. Hence each distance is measured with the common reference line. Here, the tolerances do not increase after dimensions.

11. The method in which it uses the same reference or datum which is used by another dimensioning method is called __________
a) vertical dimensioning
b) inclined dimensioning
c) combined dimensioning
d) horizontal dimensioning
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Answer: c
Explanation: The method in which it uses the same reference or datum which is used by another dimensioning method is called combined dimensioning. This method is a combination of two dimensioning method i.e. chain dimensioning and parallel dimensioning. In this method, one or more than one method is used for dimensioning in a single complex object.

12. The method in which it uses the alphabet for dimensioning is called as ________
a) vertical dimensioning
b) tabular dimensioning
c) combined dimensioning
d) horizontal dimensioning
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Answer: b
Explanation: The method in which it uses the alphabet for dimensioning is termed as tabular dimensioning. In various other methods of dimensioning the object is surrounded maximum with dimensions. It may be confusing for understanding, for overcoming this drawback tabular dimensioning is used. Here, dimensions are given in the tabulated form.

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