Aircraft Maintenance Questions and Answers – Aviation Communication Systems -…

This set of Aircraft Maintenance Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Aviation Communication Systems – VOR-2”.

1. The VORs are assigned radio channels between _________
a) 10.80 MHz and 117.95 MHz
b) 10.80 Hz and 117.95 MHz
c) 108.0 Hz and 117.95 Hz
d) 108.0 MHz and 117.95 MHz
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Answer: d
Explanation: The VORs are assigned radio channels between 108.0 MHz and 117.95 MHz. VOR range is limited to the horizon, or closer if mountains intervene.

2. The channels 108.10, 108.15, 108.30, 108.35 and so on, are reserved for ILS in the US.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: b
Explanation: True, the channels 108.10, 108.15, 108.30, 108.35 and so on, are reserved for ILS in the US.

3. What is the spacing between VOR channels?
a) 50 kHz
b) 50 Hz
c) 50 MHz
d) 5000 Hz
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Answer: a
Explanation: The spacing between VOR channels is 50 kHz. The frequencies lie in the very high frequency (VHF) range and VOR stations rely on line of sight. Further, to leave channels for ILS, in the range 108.0 to 111.95 MHz, the 100 kHz digit is always even.


4. Which of the following systems shares the first 4 MHz from VOR radio channels?
a) GPS
c) ILS
d) CAT
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Answer: c
Explanation: ILS, or instrument landing system shares the first 4 MHz from VOR radio channels. The four MHz to be shared, start from the frequency 108.0 MHz.

5. The conventional 30 Hz reference signal is frequency modulated on a __________ sub carrier.
a) 96 Hz
b) 99,960 Hz
c) 960 Hz
d) 9,960 Hz
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Answer: d
Explanation: The conventional 30 Hz reference signal is frequency modulated on a 9,960 Hz sub carrier. The omnidirectional signal usually contains an amplitude modulated voice channel.

6. What is the full form of HSI?
a) Horizontal situation indicator
b) Height situation indicator
c) Heading situation indicator
d) Heat situation indicator
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Answer: a
Explanation: HSI refers to Horizontal situation indicator. It is a flight instrument that combines VOR-ILS display, thus reducing the pilot’s workload.

7. A typical light-airplane VOR indicator may also be called __________
a) Bearing indicator
b) Omni bearing indicator
c) Omni indicator
d) VHF indicator
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Answer: b
Explanation: A typical light-airplane VOR indicator may also be called Omni bearing indicator, or OBI. It consists of a knob to rotate an Omni Bearing Selector, referred to as OBS. This OBS is used to set the desired course.


8. What are the upper air routes known as in the US?
a) Jet Routes
b) Air Routes
c) Victor Airways
d) Vector Airways
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the United States, the upper air routes are referred to as jet routes. Further, the routes are named as such as most countries around the world, use separate systems of airway at different levels.

9. What is a collocated VOR and TACAN beacon called?
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Answer: d
Explanation: VOR and TACAN beacons that are collocated together are referred to as VORTAC. A VOR equipment collocated solely with a DME equipment is referred to as a VOR-DME. All these are radio based navigational aids for pilots.


10. What is the predicted accuracy of the VOR system?
a) ±1.9°
b) ±1.0°
c) ±1.4°
d) ±2.4°
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Answer: c
Explanation: The predicted accuracy of a typical VOR system is ±1.4°. It is assumed that for approximately 99.94% outcomes, a VOR based system has less than ±0.35° error.

11. All radio navigation beacons monitor their own output.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: b
Explanation: True, all the radio navigation beacons monitor their own output. This is a necessary requirement for such beacons because they use redundant systems and thus failure of one system will lead to a change over to the available standby systems.

12. Which of the following is not a parameter monitored by the VOR beacons?
a) Bearing accuracy
b) Signal level
c) Temperature
d) Presence of notches
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Answer: c
Explanation: Temperature is not a parameter monitored by the VOR beacons. However, bearing accuracy, signal level, presence of notches along with the reference and variable signal modulation indices are the five parameters monitored by the VOR beacons.

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