Aircraft Maintenance Questions and Answers – Aircraft Systems and Aviation – Fuel Storage-1

This set of Aircraft Maintenance Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Aircraft Systems and Aviation – Fuel Storage-1”.

1. What is the full form of LNG?
a) Liquefied Natural gas
b) Light Natural Gas
c) Low Natural Gas
d) Lightning Natural Gas
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Answer: a
Explanation: LPG refers to liquefied natural gas. It is one of the fuel feedstocks that aircraft could switch to, other than conventional fossil oil. For example, turbofans can be operated on a number of different fuels.

2. Which of the following is the most important criterion in selecting an appropriate fuel to power an aircraft?
a) Cost
b) Density
c) Specific energy
d) Efficiency
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Answer: c
Explanation: In order to select the appropriate fuel that could be used to power an aircraft, specific energy levels are studied extensively and are the most important criterion for selection. Other selection criteria’s include cost, density and efficiency of the fuel.

3. Aviation fuel is also called as ________
a) Engine fuel
b) Jet fuel
c) Gasoline
d) Air fuel
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Answer: b
Explanation: The term jet fuel may be used to refer aviation fuel. Such fuels are used for more critical applications and offer better quality and performance as compared to fuels used for road transport.


4. Which of the following tanks are used by combat aircraft, which need to discard them after use for performance reasons?
a) Tip tank
b) Internal tank
c) Drop tank
d) Attack tank
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Answer: c
Explanation: Drop tanks are used by combat aircraft, which need to discard them after use for performance reasons. These tanks are used to extend the range of an aircraft.

5. In larger aircraft, fuel tanks are also present in the __________
a) Tail
b) Fuselage
c) Nose
d) Rudder
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Answer: b
Explanation: In larger aircraft, fuel tanks are also present in the fuselage. The fuel load affects the center of gravity of the aircraft and thus restricts the amount of fuel carried.

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6. Few single-engine aircraft use __________ probes in the fuel tanks.
a) Capacitive
b) Inductive
c) Resistive
d) Radiative
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Answer: a
Explanation: Few single-engine aircraft use capacitive probes in the fuel tanks. As the fuel is burned, more air enters the fuel tank, in turn capacitance increases, and the remaining fuel is calculated and displayed to the pilots.

7. The Tupolev Tu-155 was designed to run on LNG.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: b
Explanation: True, the Tupolev Tu-155 was designed to run on LNG. However, low specific energy of natural gas even in liquid form as compared to conventional fuels acts as a big disadvantage for flight applications.

8. Aviation gasoline is also referred to as __________
a) Petrol
b) Diesel
c) Avgas
d) Kerosene
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Answer: c
Explanation: Aviation gasoline is also referred to as avgas. It is used in spark ignited internal combustion engines in aircraft. It has a higher octane rating than motor gasoline.

9. Jet-A fuel ignites at temperatures at or above _________
a) 49 °C
b) 100 °C
c) 31 °C
d) 75 °C
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Jet-A fuel is a mixture of pure kerosene and ignites at temperatures at or above 49 °C. This category of fuel is generally used in modern commercial airliners.


10. Kerosene based fuel has a higher flash point as compared to gasoline-based fuel.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: b
Explanation: True, kerosene based fuel has a higher flash point as compared to gasoline-based fuel. Thus, it requires significantly higher temperatures to ignite and it fails the purity and quality tests for use on jet aircraft.

11. Which of the following is referred to as the fuel selector?
a) Fuel control valve
b) Fuel pump
c) Fuel hose
d) Fuel tank
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Answer: a
Explanation: The fuel control valve is referred to as the fuel selector. The valve serves several functions. One such function is to act as a fuel shut-off valve.

12. What is the density of BP Avgas 80 at 15 °C?
a) 6,900 kg/m3
b) 69 kg/m3
c) 690 kg/m3
d) 60,900 kg/m3
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Answer: c
Explanation: The density of BP Avgas 80 at 15 °C is 690 kg/m3. The fuel has a net energy content of 44.65 MJ/kg. The net energy content for different aviation fuels depends on their composition.

13. For performance calculations, airliner manufacturers use a density of jet fuel around _________
a) 2 kg/l
b) 0.2 kg/l
c) 8 kg/l
d) 0.8 kg/l
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Answer: d
Explanation: For performance calculations, airliner manufacturers use a density of jet fuel around 0.8 kg/l. There are some exceptions, for example, Embraer in its manual for the E195 aircraft uses an adopted fuel density of 0.811 kg/l.

14. In case of pressure refueling, fuel is pumped in at _________ kilopascals.
a) 275
b) 1,000
c) 100
d) 180
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Answer: a
Explanation: When an aircraft or vehicle is refueled by means of pressure refueling, fuel is pumped into the vehicle at a pressure of about 275 kilopascals. The fuel is transferred via a high pressure hose.

15. Underwing fueling is exclusively used for jet fuel.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: b
Explanation: True, underwing fueling is exclusively used for jet fuel. It is also called single point refueling or pressure refueling and is not dependent on gravity. It is mostly used on larger aircraft.

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