This set of Aircraft Maintenance Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Base or Major maintenance”.
1. What is considered an aircraft cycle?
a) Takeoff and landing
b) Landing
c) Takeoff
d) Flying hours
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Explanation: The occurrence of aircraft maintenance checks varies by the cycle count or the number of hours flown since the last check. Aircraft cycle count refers to the takeoff and landing.
2. Preflight inspection is a part of __________
a) Landing
b) Base Maintenance
c) Takeoff
d) Line Maintenance
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Explanation: The pilots are required to conduct their own preflight Inspection. The pilot also takes an external inspection of the aircraft to check its airworthiness. This inspection is a part of the line maintenance.
3. How many pressurization cycles can a Boeing 747 endure?
a) 3,500
b) 350
c) 35,000
d) 35
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Explanation: A Boeing 747 can endure about 35,000 pressurization cycles, post that metal fatigue sets in and the aircraft requires to undergo heavy maintenance and overhaul.
4. Airlines and other commercial operators of large or turbine-powered aircraft follow a continuous inspection program approved by the __________
d) FAA
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Explanation: The continuous inspection program is approved by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) in India or by other airworthiness authorities such as Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) in the USA, Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) in Australia or the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in Europe.
5. Category B-check is performed at a __________
a) Hangar
b) Apron
c) MRO site
d) Parking bay
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Explanation: Category B-check needs about 150 man-hours and is usually performed within 1-3 days at an airport hangar. This check cannot be performed at the apron, like the Category-A check.
6. How many checks are there in the base maintenance cycle?
a) 2
b) 16
c) 10
d) 6
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Explanation: The base maintenance cycle consists of six checks. These six checks are often referred to as C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 and C6 checks. These checks are a part of the base maintenance of an aircraft.
7. Which one of the following is not true with respect to base maintenance?
a) Costlier than line maintenance
b) Greater man power required
c) Requires smaller space
d) More extensive than line maintenance
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Explanation: Base maintenance usually demands greater man-hours and it can generally take up to 8 weeks to complete, depending on the aircraft and the number of technicians involved. It also requires the most space of all maintenance checks, and as such must be performed at a suitable maintenance base.
8. How much time is required for C-check?
a) 2 weeks
b) 2 months
c) 2 days
d) 2 years
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Explanation: C-check requires lesser space and manpower as compared to D-check. Such checks usually require up to 6000 man hours and are performed at a hangar or indoor facility.
9. D-checks are unscheduled.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: No, D-checks are scheduled checks. These checks require a significant amount of manpower and equipment and are performed at a suitable MRO site, thus need to be planned well in advance.
10. Base maintenance is more extensive than Line Maintenance.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Line maintenance tasks are to be performed quite frequently. In many aircraft types, typical line maintenance tasks include a daily check, however in base maintenance, a greater number of technicians and equipment are involved.
11. D-Check is also known as __________
a) Heavy Maintenance Visit
b) Light Maintenance Visit
c) Regular Maintenance Visit
d) Unscheduled Maintenance Visit
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Explanation: D-check occurs approximately every 5–6 years. During a D-check, more or less the entire aircraft is taken apart for inspection and overhaul purposes. It is the most extensive aircraft maintenance check and maybe referred as Heavy Maintenance Visit.
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