Aircraft Maintenance Questions and Answers – Cockpit Overview – Head up Display-1

This set of Aircraft Maintenance Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Cockpit Overview – Head up Display-1”.

1. Head up display is a ________ display.
a) Translucent
b) Transparent
c) Reflective
d) Opaque
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Answer: b
Explanation: Head up displays are transparent displays that are primarily used in aircrafts to ease the pilot’s workload. These displays help the pilots to read data which otherwise may not be visible to them in a certain position.

2. Head up displays were primarily developed for ________ aviation.
a) Combat
b) Charter
c) Commercial
d) Military
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Answer: d
Explanation: These displays were primarily developed for military aviation. Although, they are being used in commercial aircrafts as well as in automobiles and other professional applications.

3. Which of the following is the first modern military fighter to not have a fixed HUD?
a) F-16
b) F/A-18
c) F-35 Lightning II
d) Eurofighter
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Answer: c
Explanation: The F-35 Lightning II is the first modern military fighter to not have a fixed HUD. However, the F/A-18, F-16, and Eurofighter, use both a HUD and HMD concurrently.

4. A typical HUD contains six primary components.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: False, a typical HUD contains three primary components. The three components are: a projector unit, a combiner, and a video generation computer.

5. Which of the following HUDs use a CRT to generate an image?
a) Second generation HUDs
b) First generation HUDs
c) Third generation HUDs
d) Fourth generation HUDs
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Answer: b
Explanation: Head up display devices are broadly classified into four generations. The first generation displays make use of a CRT to generate the image. These are the most common type of displays being used in aircraft.

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6. Which of the following HUDs generate image on a phosphor screen?
a) First generation HUDs
b) Second generation HUDs
c) Third generation HUDs
d) Fourth generation HUDs
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Answer: a
Explanation: The first generation head up displays use a phosphor screen to generate the image. Such screens have a shorter shelf life as the screen coating may degrade with time, making the equipment unusable.

7. The fourth generation HUDs use a ________ to display images and video imagery on a clear transparent medium.
a) Radiating antenna
b) Scanning antenna
c) Radiating laser
d) Scanning laser
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Answer: d
Explanation: The fourth generation HUDs use a scanning laser to display images and video imagery on a clear transparent medium. This is the latest generation of HUDs.


8. Which of the following aircraft has HUDs as standard equipment?
a) Airbus A320
b) Boeing 737MAX
c) Boeing 787
d) Airbus A380
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Answer: c
Explanation: The Boeing 787 has HUDs as standard equipment. HUDs were introduced to commercial aviation in the 1970s and the technology is becoming more common day by day.

9. Which of the following is not a factor in the design of a HUD?
a) Cabin pressure
b) Field of view
c) Boresight
d) Compatibility
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cabin pressure is not a factor in the design of a HUD. However, field of view, boresight and compatibility are all factors that interplay in the design of a HUD.


10. The modern HUD eye boxes are usually about 5 lateral by 6 longitudinal inches in size.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: True, the modern HUD eye boxes are usually about 5 lateral by 6 longitudinal inches in size. These dimensions allow the pilot to view the entire display, as long as one of the eyes is inside the eye box.

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