This set of Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Pedestrian Facilities”.
1. The road traffic consists of how many types of traffic?
a) Vehicle traffic
b) Pedestrian traffic
c) Vehicular and pedestrian traffic
d) No traffic
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Explanation: The road traffic consists of both vehicular traffic and pedestrian traffic.
2. Which of the following is not a consequence of pedestrian using roadway?
a) Reduction in effective roadway
b) Reduction in running speed
c) Reduction in capacity of road
d) Increase of zebra crossings
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Explanation: Zebra crossings are meant only for a crossing of pedestrians, it is not related to roadway.
3. In which type of transport, walk mode is mandatory?
a) Personal vehicles
b) Public transport
c) Ships
d) Airways
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Explanation: Mostly in public transport like bus and metros, walking is mandatory for a long distance.
4. What is the most vulnerable part of the traffic?
a) Traffic jam
b) Vehicles
c) Pedestrians
d) Cattle
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Explanation: Pedestrians are the most vulnerable part of traffic and they should be treated with the utmost care.
5. What is the main objective of the pedestrian facility?
a) To minimize the pedestrian conflicts
b) To minimize the traffic conflicts
c) To minimize the traffic on road
d) To maximize the pedestrians on road
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Explanation: The main objective of the pedestrian facility is to minimize pedestrian conflicts caused by vehicles.
6. The studies that are conducted for planning the facilities of pedestrians is called __________
a) Pedestrian studies
b) Pedestrian volume studies
c) Geometric studies
d) Statistics
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Explanation: The studies that are conducted for planning the facilities of pedestrians are called pedestrian volume studies.
7. The width requirement of side walk depends on __________
a) Pedestrian flow
b) Traffic flow
c) Pedestrian and traffic flow
d) Climatic conditions
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Explanation: The width requirement of side walk depends on the pedestrian flow of that area, traffic doesn’t travel on footpath and climate doesn’t affect the pedestrian but affects the design.
8. The pedestrian facilities are planned for __________
a) Present requirement
b) Estimated growth of population
c) Past population
d) Both present and past requirements
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Explanation: The facilities like footpath and sidewalks are planned for the future estimated population.
9. What is the minimum width of side walk?
a) 1.0m
b) 1.5m
c) 1.75m
d) 2.0m
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Explanation: The minimum width of side walk is considered as 1.5m it may be more depending on the requirement.
10. The width requirement of side walk is decided with the help of __________
a) Pedestrians
b) Vehicles
c) Pedestrian flow
d) Vehicular flow
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Explanation: The width requirement of side walk is decided with the help of pedestrian flow, its width is decided based on pedestrian flow.
11. The dead width usually considered as __________
a) 0.5m
b) 1.0m
c) 1.5m
d) 2.0m
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Explanation: The dead width usually is considered as 1.0m and in shopping areas it may be more, it is a width which is not mostly used, usually left for a setback.
12. If the side walk is 1.5m, then the capacity of pedestrians in one way is __________
a) 1200
b) 800
c) 1600
d) 2400
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Explanation: If the side walk is 1.5m, then the capacity of pedestrians in one way is 1200, it increases with increase in the width.
13. The cross slope of paved footpath may be __________
a) 1 to 2%
b) 2 to 3%
c) 3 to 4%
d) 4% only
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Explanation: The cross slope of footpath may be 3 to 4% and in unpaved it may be 4 to 6%.
14. Which of the following is a controlled type of pedestrian crossing?
a) Pavement marking
b) Studs
c) Warning signs
d) Pedestrian signals
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Explanation: Pedestrian signals are a type of traffic signals used to control the pedestrian traffic, warning signals are for traffic.
15. The approach velocity as per IRC for pedestrian crossing facilities is __________
a) 60kmph
b) 65kmph
c) 70kmph
d) 75kmph
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Explanation: The approach velocity as per IRC is considered as 65kmph, for the safety of pedestrians but it may depend varying on the conditions.
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