Highway Engineering Questions and Answers – Rigid Pavements-Components and their Functions

This set of Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Rigid Pavements-Components and their Functions”.

1. The PQC denotes __________
a) Paved quality cement
b) Paved quality concrete
c) Pavement quality concrete
d) Paved quantity cement
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Answer: c
Explanation: The PQC denotes the pavement quality concrete which is used in rigid pavement.

2. The layer not required in cement road is __________
a) Sub grade
b) Sub base
c) Base
d) Surface
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Answer: c
Explanation: The base course may be required but in cement road it is not mandatory, it is better if it is provided.

3. The cement slab is provided with __________
a) Long joints
b) Longitudinal joints
c) Transverse joints
d) Both Longitudinal and transverse joints.
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Answer: d
Explanation: A cement slab is provided with both the longitudinal and transverse joints in both the direction as a slab is not laid at a stretch, it may be useful for identification.

4. The soil sub grade design is done by __________
a) Plate bearing test
b) CBR
c) Plate load test
d) Shear test
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Answer: a
Explanation: The most commonly used test is plate bearing test which was developed by Westergard.

5. Failure in rigid pavement occurs due to __________
a) More compaction
b) Less compaction
c) More load
d) Less load
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Answer: b
Explanation: The greater compaction effort does not lead to any loss but if the compaction is less then there may be a failure.
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6. What is the size of particles preferred in GSB layer of pavement?
a) 0.075 mm
b) 0.150 mm
c) 0.300 mm
d) 0.600 mm
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Answer: a
Explanation: The size of aggregate used in pavement GSB layer should be 0.075mm and have 5% fines.

7. What is the failure in GSB layer of rigid pavement?
a) Pumping
b) Blowing
c) Pumping and blowing
d) Fatigue
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Answer: c
Explanation: The most commonly found failure in the GSB layer is pumping and blowing, these failure mainly take place due to the water.

8. The drainage layer of pavement can __________
a) Increase the pavement life
b) Decrease the pavement life
c) Increase the pavement thickness
d) Decrease the pavement thickness
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Answer: a
Explanation: The pavement thickness is constant and does not depend on granular sub base layer and if maintained properly it can increase the life span.

9. The base course uses __________
a) RCC
b) Wet lean concrete
c) Dry lean concrete
d) Heavy weight concrete
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Answer: c
Explanation: The most commonly used concrete for base is high quality concrete of lean concrete.

10. The spacing between construction joints in rigid pavement is?
a) 4.5 m
b) 5.0 m
c) 5.5 m
d) 6.0 m
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Answer: b
Explanation: The spacing between construction joints in rigid pavement is formed for expansion and contraction of pavement which is 5.0 m.

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