Highway Engineering Questions and Answers – Flexible Pavement Design Method – 2

This set of Highway Engineering online test focuses on “Flexible Pavement Design Method – 2”.

1. The heavy commercial vehicles are considered if their weight exceeds __________
a) 3.0 t
b) 4.0 t
c) 5.0 t
d) 6.0 t
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Answer: a
Explanation: The HCV are used to study the pavement design if their weight exceeds 3 tonnes.

2. Axle load studies are carried out on a minimum sample of __________
a) 10%
b) 15%
c) 20%
d) 25%
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Answer: c
Explanation: The minimum sample size of axle load considered in India is 20%.

3. The overlay design is laid for a maximum life span of __________
a) 5 years
b) 7 years
c) 9 years
d) 10 years
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Answer: d
Explanation: The maximum life span of an overlay design is 10 years, it may be also 5 years for small roads.

4. What is the most commonly used overlay?
a) Flexible over rigid
b) Rigid over flexible
c) Flexible over flexible
d) Rigid over rigid
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Answer: c
Explanation: The most commonly used overlay is flexible over flexible, rigid over flexible and rigid over rigid are also used but flexible is the most preferred and used pavement.

4. The average vehicles considered for pavement studies are __________
a) 150
b) 1500
c) 150 to 1500
d) 15000
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Answer: c
Explanation: The commercial vehicles per day are considered as 150 to 1500 for pavement design studies.
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5. The VDF of a lane if the CVPD is greater than 1500 in plain terrain is?
a) 4.5
b) 2.5
c) 3.0
d) 4.0
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Answer: a
Explanation: The VDF in plain terrain is 4.5 if the CVPD is greater than 1500, it mainly depends on the commercial vehicle and terrain.

6. The VDF in hilly terrain for CVPD less than 1500 is?
a) 1
b) 1.5
c) 2.0
d) 2.5
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Answer: b
Explanation: The VDF in hilly terrain is less than that in plain and rolling terrain so it is 1.5, because hill roads don’t have traffic as plain terrain.

7. The depth of rutting criterion is obtained by __________
a) Micro strain
b) Macro strain
c) Traffic
d) Elasticity modulus
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Answer: a
Explanation: Based on research the rutting criterion depends on the vertical strain on sub grade, which is responsible for developing cracks.

8. The lane distribution factor on undivided roads with single lane carriage way is __________
a) 0.5
b) 1
c) 1.5
d) 2
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Answer: b
Explanation: The lane distribution factor is assumed as 1 on an undivided road with single carriage way.

9. The least lane distribution factor value is least for __________
a) Single lane
b) Double lane
c) Three lanes
d) Four lanes
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Answer: d
Explanation: The least lane distribution factor is least for four lane highway which is 0.45, because any vehicle can move in it’s own lane and is independent so it is less.

10. The joint filling sand should have fines are __________
a) 75 microns
b) 85 microns
c) 95 microns
d) 100 microns
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Answer: a
Explanation: The joint filling sand should have passed 2.36 mm and fines should pass 75 microns to be used in highway construction.

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