Data Structure - II Multiple Choice Questions Highlights
- 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) in Data Structure - II with a detailed explanation of every question.- These MCQs cover theoretical concepts, true-false(T/F) statements, fill-in-the-blanks and match the following style statements.
- These MCQs also cover lots of code, code snippets and/or complete programs.
- These MCQs are organized chapterwise and each Chapter is futher organized topicwise.
- Every MCQ set focuses on a specific topic of a given Chapter in Data Structure - II Subject.
Who should Practice Data Structure - II MCQs?
– Students who are preparing for college tests and exams such as mid-term tests and semester tests on Data Structure - II.- Students who are preparing for Online/Offline Tests/Contests in Data Structure - II.
– Students who wish to sharpen their knowledge of Data Structure Subject.
- Anyone preparing for Aptitude test in Data Structure.
- Anyone preparing for interviews (campus/off-campus interviews, walk-in interview and company interviews).
- Anyone preparing for entrance examinations and other competitive examinations.
- All - Experienced, Freshers and College / School Students.
Data Structure - II Chapters
Here's the list of chapters on the "Data Structure - II" subject covering 100+ topics. You can practice the MCQs chapter by chapter starting from the 1st chapter or you can jump to any chapter of your choice.- Searching
- Sorting
- String Matching
- Number Theory
- Computational Geometry
- Graph Search
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Shortest Path
- Flow Networks
- Matching
- Minimum Cut
- Graph Coloring
- Bipartite Graphs
- Recursion
- Greedy Algorithms
- Backtracking
- Dynamic Programming
- Cryptography
- Checksum, Complexity Classes & NP Complete Problems
- Page Replacement Algorithms
- Miscellaneous
1. Searching
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on linear and binary search iteratives, linear search recursive, jump search, exponential search, uniform binary search and fibonacci search, interpolation and substring searching algorithms.
2. Sorting
The section contains questions and answers on sorting techniques like selection sort, bubble sort, merge sort, pancake sort, insertion sort, quicksort, shellsort, heapsort, introsort, timsort, binary tree sort, comb sort, cube sort, cycle sort, library sort, strand sort, cpcktail sort, gnome sort, pigeonhole sort, bogosort, bucket sort, bead sort, stooge sort, recursive bubble sort, tree sort, binary and recursive insertion sort, sleep sort, lsd and msd radix sort, inplace merge sort, bottom-up mergesort, counting sort, odd even and permutation sort.
3. String Matching
The sections contains MCQs on rabin-karp and quick search algorithms.
4. Number Theory
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on euclids algorithm, strassens algorithm, permutations and combinations generation, partitions and subsets generation, inclusion and exclusion principles.
5. Computational Geometry
The sections contains questions and answers on line point distance, cross product, closest pair problem, quickhull and chan’s algorithm.
6. Graph Search
The sections contains MCQs on depth first search, non recursive dfs, branch and bound, breadth first search and best first search.
7. Minimum Spanning Tree
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on minimum spanning tree, kruskal’s and prim’s algorithm.
8. Shortest Path
The section contains questions and answers on dijkstra’s algorithm, bellman ford and floyd warshall algorithms.
10. Matching
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on stable marriage problem and maximum bipartite matching.
11. Minimum Cut
The sections contains questions and answers on minimum cut.
12. Graph Coloring
The sections contains MCQs on chromatic number, vertex and edge coloring.
13. Bipartite Graphs & Eulerian Tour
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on complete bipartite graph, bipartite graphs and its properties.
14. Recursion
The section contains questions and answers on recursion, factorial using recursion, fibonacci using recursion, sting reversal using recursion, matrix multiplication, gcd and lcm using recursion, decimal to binary conversions, length of a string, array, linked list using recursion, recursive selection sort, master’s theorem, searching element in array and linkedlist by using recursion.
15. Greedy Algorithms
The sections contains MCQs on fractional knapsack problem, activity selection problem and huffman code.
16. Backtracking
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on backtracking, eight queens and n queens problem.
17. Dynamic Programming
The sections contains questions and answers on dynamic programming, fibonacci using dynamic programming, coin change problem, kadane algorithm, longest increasing subsequence, rod cutting, minimum no of jumps, 0/1 knapsack problem, matrix chain multiplication, longest common subsequence, edit distance problem, wagner-fischer algorithm, balanced partition, dice throw problem and counting boolean parenthesizations.
18. Cryptography
The sections contains MCQs on monoalphabetic cipher, morse code, polyalphabetic and vigenere cipher, transposition and columnar transposition, pigpen cipher, atbash and gronsfeld cipher, beaufort cipher, autokey and playfair cipher, hill cipher, railfence and route cipher, trithemius cipher, polybius square, running key cipher, bifid and affine cipher.
19. Checksum, Complexity Classes & NP Complete Problems
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on hamming code, hamiltonian path problem, subset sum and set partition problems, p, np, np-hard and np-complete complexity classes.
20. Page Replacement Algorithms
The section contains questions and answers on optimal page replacement and first in first out algorithm.
21. Miscellaneous
The sections contains MCQs on topological sorting, quickselect, coordinate compression and square root decomposition.
Wish you the best in your endeavor to learn and master Design and Analysis of Algorithms!