Here are 1000 MCQs on Irrigation Engineering (Chapterwise).
1. Which of the following type of irrigation system is practised on small scale in India?
a) Lift Irrigation
b) Flood Irrigation
c) Natural sub-irrigation
d) Artificial sub-irrigation
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Explanation: It is a system in which open joint drains is artificially laid below the soil, to supply water to the soil by capillarity. So, therefore it is very costly and can only be practiced in special cases, like favorable soil conditions and for cash crops of good return.
2. Which of the following is the other name of perennial irrigation system?
a) Flood Irrigation
b) Controlled Irrigation
c) Direct Irrigation
d) Storage Irrigation
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Explanation: As the perennial irrigation system works on perennial water sources, the flow of water in those sources can be controlled by the construction of canals, weirs, check dams, dams etc. So in this way there is no sudden rush of water during irrigation unlike in uncontrolled irrigation.
3. Which of the following type of irrigation method is also called as trickle irrigation?
a) Furrow Irrigation Method
b) Check Flooding
c) Sprinkler Irrigation Method
d) Drip Irrigation Method
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Explanation: In this type of method, it involves laying a system of the head, mains, sub-mains, laterals, and drip nozzles. From these nozzles, water oozes or trickles out at a small rate into the plant roots area. Hence the name trickle irrigation method.
4. Which of the following type of irrigation methods uses supply ditch, borders, ridges?
a) Check Flooding
b) Basin Flooding
c) Drip Irrigation Method
d) Border Flooding
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Explanation: This type of method uses borders to divide the land into strips of with 10 to 20 meters, 100 to 400 meters in length each. Ridges are provided between borders so as to prevent overtopping during irrigation. Supply ditches run perpendicular to borders either on one side of the field to provide water for irrigation.
5. Which of the following type of irrigation methods uses artificial rain to irrigate the land?
a) Border Irrigation Method
b) Furrow Method
c) Sprinkler Irrigation Method
d) Drip Irrigation Method
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Explanation: In this method, water is applied to the field through a network of pipes connected to sprinklers of different types, and through these sprinklers, water comes out as artificial rain and waters the crops in the field.
6. Which of the following is the quality of a good irrigation method?
a) Leached Fertilizers
b) Increased Yield
c) Drainage Troubles
d) Soil Erosion
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Explanation: Because good irrigation has uniform water distribution for both light irrigation and heavy irrigation. It also reduces conveyance and labor losses. It also facilitates mechanized farming. So, these advantages lead to increased yield.
7. Which of the following type of irrigation method can be used for both flat lands and relatively steep lands?
a) Free Flooding
b) Basin Flooding
c) Furrow Method
d) Drip Irrigation Method
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Explanation: Irrigation by this type of method is done, by dividing the entire land to be irrigated into a number strips called laterals. These laterals may be perpendicular to the sides of the field or perpendicular to the contour lines. So, as this method uses contour lines of field it is suitable for both flat lands and steep lands.
8. Flow irrigation system doesn’t have lower duty than a lift irrigation system.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In lift irrigation system due to the commanded area of each well near to it, gives a high value of duty when compared to flow irrigation system.
9. Which of the following type of method is adopted for research studies on crops?
a) Lysimeter Method
b) Drip Irrigation Method
c) Phytometer Method
d) Furrow Irrigation Method
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Explanation: Actually lysimeter method is used to determine the AET. This method consists of a tight tanker filled with a block of soil and is installed in a field of growing plants. The conditions to maintain this tanker on par with conditions of the field and the measurement of water added to the tanker to maintain moisture content are time-consuming and costlier field studies.
10. What is the field irrigation requirement (FIR)?
a) Amount of water required to meet the field irrigation requirements plus water lost in conveyance through the canal system
b) The water required to meet the evaporation needs of a crop
c) Amount of water required to delivered at the field to meet evapotranspiration and leaching needs
d) Amount of water required to meet the net irrigation requirements plus water lost due to surface runoff and percolation
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Explanation: FIR can be defined as the water required meeting the net irrigation requirements plus the amount of water lost as surface runoff and through deep percolation.
Mathematically, FIR = NIR / Na where Na = application efficiency and NIR = Net irrigation requirement.
11. Which of the following is the correct formula for Gross irrigation requirement?
a) Cu – Re
b) CIR + leaching losses
c) NIR/Na
d) FIR/Nc
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Explanation: It is defined as the amount of water required to meet the field irrigation requirements plus the amount of irrigation water lost in conveyance through the canal system by evaporation and seepage.
Mathematically, GIR = FIR/Nc.
12. Canal irrigation is generally preferred in __________
a) non-alluvial canal
b) non-perennial canal
c) feeder canal
d) alluvial canal
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Explanation: Direct irrigation using a weir or barrage (canal irrigation) is generally preferred in alluvial soil as compared to storage irrigation. Alluvial soil is a fine-grained fertile soil and due to its porosity and texture provides good drainage making it highly productive and suitable for agriculture.
13. Which of the following canal acts as an irrigation canal as well as a feeder canal?
a) Carrier canal
b) Feeder canal
c) Permanent canal
d) Inundation canal
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Explanation: A carrier canal is a canal used for both direct irrigation and for feeding water to another canal. Thus, it acts as an irrigation canal as well as a feeder canal. Upper Chenab Canal is an example of this type of canal.
14. What is the Annual Intensity of irrigation (AII)?
a) Cultivable Command Area/Gross Irrigated Area
b) Net Irrigated Area/Cultivable Command Area
c) Cultivable Command Area/Net Irrigated Area
d) Gross Irrigated Area/Cultivable Command Area
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Explanation: The AII is the sum total of intensities of irrigation of all the seasons of the year. IT can also be defined as the percentage of CCA which may be irrigated annually. It is thus obtained by dividing the gross irrigated area by the CCA.
15. Which of the following characteristics is wrong about extensive irrigation?
a) Agricultural production and protection against famine will be at optimum levels
b) The crop production will be minimal per unit of available water
c) It creates a perpetual scarcity of water
d) The irrigation extends to a large area with the lowest available supply
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Explanation: In spite of the fact that this method requires good control and monitoring on the release of water, it is usually adopted in India. The production would be the maximum per unit of available water, though it may not be optimum of the land covered.
16. Irrigation water is a costly commodity.
a) False
b) True
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Explanation: For good quality of irrigation products and to avoid crop failures due to natural famines and scarcity of water a huge amount of capital should be invested in the irrigation projects. For example in our country for the five year plan (1997 – 2002) the capital invested in the irrigation projects is 115000 lakh crores. This says that irrigation water is a costly commodity.
17. Which of the following is a remedial measure for water-logging?
a) By lowering the F.S.L of the canals
b) Quick disposal of rainwater
c) Installation of lift irrigation systems
d) Controlling seepage from the canals
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Explanation: Installation of lift irrigation system is one of the remedial measures adopted to reclaim the water-logged area and others are preventive measures which keep the land free from water-logging. It is found to be a very effective method of reclaiming water-logged land.
18. Due to inadequate drainage which of the following factor causes waterlogging with constant percolation?
a) Flat Topography
b) Inadequate Surface Drainage
c) Over and Intensive Irrigation
d) Impervious Obstruction
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Explanation: During rains storm water gets mixed with irrigation water. The irrigation water should be removed so as to not mix with storm water as this leads to percolation. Moreover, if proper drainage is not present constant percolation happens and water table rises.
19. Which of the following factor causing waterlogging suggests extensive irrigation?
a) Excessive Rains
b) Seepage of Water from High Lands
c) Impervious Obstruction
d) Over and Intensive Irrigation
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Explanation: When intensive irrigation is practiced, it only irrigates a small portion of the whole irrigable land. Due to this over irrigation it leads to heavy percolation which leads to rising of water table causing waterlogging. So, to prevent waterlogging extensive method of irrigation is recommended.
20. If the salt concentration of the irrigation water ranges from 0.5 – 2 g/L, then what is the restriction on its use?
a) No dependency on the salt concentration
b) It is not generally advised for use unless consulted with specialists
c) No restriction on its use
d) It should be used with appropriate water management practices
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Explanation: If the salt concentration is less than 0.5 g/L, then there is no salinization risk and no restriction on the use of irrigation water. If the concentration is more than 2 g/L, there is high risk and is not generally advised for use. If the concentration is in between there is slight to moderate risk and it should be used with appropriate water management practices.
21. On which of the following factor does the pricing of irrigation water is done at a flat rate?
a) For the Whole Field Sown
b) Per Hectare
c) Amount of Irrigation Water Used
d) Type of Crops Sown
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Explanation: When the pricing of irrigation water is done on the flat rate or crop rate basis, then these rates are specified per hectare of each sown crop, cultivated by the cultivators.
22. Which of the following policy was framed in India to reduce the losses?
a) Water Law
b) Policy of Water
c) National Water Policy
d) Irrigation Water Policy
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Explanation: In order to reduce the huge losses and subsidies, given by the government in operations of irrigation water systems and the urgent need to increase the water rates a new policy was framed in India in 1987.
23. What is the main agenda of the National Water Policy?
a) Recommendations to States
b) Recover Charges
c) Quality Check of Irrigation Water
d) Maintenance of the Irrigation Structures
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Explanation: The main aim or agenda of the National Water Policy is that to recover the revenue rates to adequate the annual operation and maintenance charges and a part of the fixed capital. In this way, we can also convey the scarcity value of natural resources to the consumers.
24. Which of the following is the committee appointed by the government on 23-10-1991?
a) Committee on Pricing of Irrigation Water
b) Committee on Revenue Collection on Irrigation Water
c) Committee on Finding the Irrigation Structures
d) Committee on Recovery of Charges
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Explanation: With an initiative to rationalize the irrigation water rates in different states, the planning commission of India has appointed a Committee on Pricing of Irrigation Water on 23-10-1991.
25. Which of the following best is the Hirakud reservoir?
a) Reservoir for irrigation and power
b) Reservoir for flood control, power, and irrigation
c) The purpose is Recreation and fishery
d) Reservoir for irrigation and water supply
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Explanation: It is one of the first major multipurpose river valley projects and is built across the Mahanadi River in Orissa. The dam was constructed to regulate the flow of the river and produce hydroelectricity through several plants. It irrigates almost 75,000 km2 of land.
26. An irrigation project is classified as a major project when the CCA involved in the project is more than ___________
a) 2500 hectares
b) 10000 hectares
c) 2000 hectares
d) 5000 hectares
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Explanation: Culturable Command Area is the basis for the design of watercourse and the basis for the design of an irrigation project. The irrigation schemes in India are classified into three parts viz. Minor, Medium and Major Irrigation schemes depending upon the areas involved. Major irrigation scheme is the one where CCA involved in the project is greater than 10,000 hectares.
27. According to the Central Board of Irrigation and Power, the PA ratio for graded aquifer should be _______________
a) > 15.5
b) 9 – 12.5
c) < 9
d) 12 – 15.5
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Explanation: The Central Board of Irrigation and Power suggested the following criteria for PA ratio.
i. For uniform aquifers (having Cu < or = 2.0), the PA ratio should be in between 9 – 15.5
ii. For graded aquifers (having Cu > 2.0), the PA ratio should be in between 12 – 15.5.
28. Which of the following strainer is used for shallow irrigation tube wells particularly in deltaic regions of developing countries?
a) Pipe strainer with fine mesh jackets
b) Coir rope strainers
c) Louver type of strainer
d) Continuous slot type of strainer
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Explanation: Coir rope strainers are low-cost strainers and are generally used for shallow irrigation tube wells. The main disadvantage of such a strainer is its short life of 3 to 5 years. The rusting of the iron bars of the supporting frame and the loosening of the coir rope which expands on wetting are the causes of its failure.
29. Which of the following is a dam reservoir catering to flood control, irrigation, and water supply basically designed for irrigation alone?
a) single-purpose reservoir
b) multipurpose reservoir
c) retarding basins
d) distribution reservoir
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Explanation: A reservoir planned, designed and constructed for one purpose is called a single purpose reservoir whereas a reservoir planned and constructed to serve various purposes together is a multipurpose reservoir. A small storage reservoir constructed within a city water supply system is called distribution reservoir
30. Which of the following is the incorrect statement?
i. Cattle crossings also provide safety to cattle that are swept away by currents besides their usual function of helping the cattle to cross the canal.
ii. A canal escape helps in supplying irrigation water to the downstream watercourses.
iii. Bed bars are constructed in canals at the toe of the canal lining to prevent slippage of the lining.
a) ii and iii
b) ii only
c) i only
d) i, ii, and iii
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Explanation: Canal escape helps in removing surplus water from an irrigation canal into a natural drain. The cattle crossing are not of much use on canals carrying considerable water depths and for the ones who don’t know swimming. Bed bars help in desilting the canal section during its maintenance and indicate the correct alignment and bed levels of the canal.
Chapterwise Multiple Choice Questions on Irrigation Engineering
- Techniques & Quality
- Water Requirements of Crops
- Canal Irrigation System
- Sediment Transport and Irrigation Channels Design
- Lining of Irrigation Canals and its Economics
- Water Logged Reclamation and Saline Soils for Agricultural Purposes
- Irrigation Revenue Rates
- Rivers Behaviour, Control and Training
- Diversion Head Works, Hydraulic Jump Usefulness in Irrigation Structure
- Seepage Theories and Weirs and Barrages Design
- Canal Falls
- Regulation Modules and Canal Structure
- Cross Drainage Work
- Culverts Small Road Bridges Construction
- Ground Water for Irrigation through Wells and Tubewells
- General and Particular Dams
- Reservoirs and Dam Reservoirs Planning
- Gravity and Dam Design Construction
- Earthen and Rock Fill Dams
- Spillways, Energy Dissipators and Spillway Gates
- Pressure Conduits, Outlet Works through Dams and Rivers
- Hydro Electric Power
- River Navigation and Tank Irrigation
- Arch and Buttress Dams
1. Irrigation Engineering Techniques & Quality MCQ
The section contains Irrigation Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on irrigation types.
2. Irrigation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on Water Requirements of Crops
The section contains Irrigation Engineering questions and answers on water distribution techniques in fram, crop and base period, duty and delta of crop, crop season and indian agriculture, irrigation water optimum utilisation, irrigation efficiencies, evapotranspiration consumptive use, effective rainfall, consumptive use estimation and soil moisture irrigation relationship.
3. MCQ on Canal Irrigation System
The section contains Irrigation Engineering MCQs on alluvial and non-alluvial canals, canal irrigation system alignment, channels curves, canal losses and regulation.
4. Multiple Choice Questions on Sediment Transport and Irrigation Channels Design
The section contains Irrigation Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on irigation canal design capacity, sediment load, bed and suspended load and also their measurements, sediment transport importance and its mechanics, non scouring design methods, india stable channels, irigation canal cross section and maintenance.
5. MCQ on Lining of Irrigation Canals and its Economics
The section contains Irrigation Engineering questions and answers on canal lining, channel cross-sections, lining advantages, hard surface, earth type or rigid linings, canal lining requirements and expansive soils.
6. Irrigation Engineering MCQ on Water Logged Reclamation and Saline Soils for Agricultural Purposes
The section contains Irrigation Engineering MCQs on salinity, water logging and its causes, surface or open drainage, sub-surface or tile drainage, saline and alkaline lands reclamation.
7. Multiple Choice Questions on Irrigation Revenue Rates
The section contains Irrigation Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on pricing irrigation methods, differences between economic water rates and prevailing revenue rates in india.
8. Irrigation Engineering MCQ on Rivers Behaviour, Control and Training
The section contains Irrigation Engineering questions and answers on rivers classification and behavior, indian rivers and their classification, rivers control and training.
9. Multiple Choice Questions on Diversion Head Works, Hydraulic Jump Usefulness in Irrigation Structure
The section contains Irrigation Engineering MCQs on weir and barrage, gravity and non-gravity weirs, hydraulic jump, diversion head works and its components.
10. Irrigation Engineering MCQ on Seepage Theories and Weirs and Barrages Design
The section contains Irrigation Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on hydraulic structure failure, bligh’s and lane’s eeighted creep theory, khosla’s theory, important india barrages, vertical drop weir design based on bligh’s theory, modern weirs and barrages design.
11. Irrigation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on Canal Falls
The section contains Irrigation Engineering questions and answers on canal falls type and location, syphon well drop design, canal falls design for vertical drop fall, baffer or inglis fall.
12. Irrigation Engineering MCQ on Regulation Modules and Canal Structure
The section contains Irrigation Engineering MCQs on canal regulation, canal escapes types, metering flumes and outlet types, non modular outlet types, semi modules types, rigid modules and cattle crossings types.
13. Irrigation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on Cross Drainage Work
The section contains Irrigation Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on cross drainage work design and types, aqueducts and syphon aqueducts types, joints provision and water bars in rcc ducts.
14. Irrigation Engineering MCQ on Culverts and Small Road Bridges Construction
The section contains Irrigation Engineering questions and answers on high flood discharge computation and bridge foundation depth.
15. Irrigation Engineering MCQ on Ground Water for Irrigation through Wells and Tubewells
The section contains Irrigation Engineering MCQs on infiltration, ground water controlling factors, aquifers and their type, open well, dug well and tube well.
16. Irrigation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on General and Particular Dams
The section contains Irrigation Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on dams categories, particular dam type selections, important and various types of dams in india.
17. Irrigation Engineering MCQ on Reservoirs and Dam Reservoirs Planning
The section contains Irrigation Engineering questions and answers on reservoirs, reservoir site capacity and area elevation curves, reservoir losses, reservoir capacity determination using hydrograph and mass-curve.
18. Irrigation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on Gravity Dam Design and Construction
The section contains Irrigation Engineering MCQs on gravity dam cross section and stability, gravity method, gravity daams design and galleries construction.
19. Irrigation Engineering MCQ on Earthen and Rock Fill Dams
The section contains Irrigation Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on earthen dams types, earth dams design criteria and failures, earthen slopes stability, seepage control through embankments and foundations.
20. Irrigation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on Spillways, Energy Dissipators and Spillway Gates
The section contains Irrigation Engineering questions and answers on spillway location, ogee spillway and profile, chute and shaft spillway, spillway energy dissipation and spillway gates types.
21. Irrigation Engineering MCQ on Pressure Conduits, Outlet Works through Dams and Rivers
The section contains Irrigation Engineering MCQs on dam outlet, river intakes and pressure conduites.
22. Irrigation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on Hydro Electric Power
The section contains Irrigation Engineering multiple choice questions and answers on thermal and hydropower, water power development, hydro electric scheme components, hydro electric power turbines types and their selection.
23. Multiple Choice Questions on River Navigation & Tank Irrigation
The section contains Irrigation Engineering questions and answers on navigable waterways requirements, tank irrigation, tank or surplus escape weirs design.
24. Irrigation Engineering MCQ on Arch and Buttress Dams
The section contains Irrigation Engineering MCQs on buttress dam types, arch dams types and design.
Wish you the best in your endeavor to learn and master Irrigation Engineering!