Highway Engineering Questions and Answers – Highway Cross Section Elements – 2

This set of Highway Engineering Interview Questions and Answers for freshers focuses on “Highway Cross Section Elements – 2”.

1. The minimum width of carriage way in urban roads is ___________
a) 2.5m
b) 3.0m
c) 3.5m
d) 3.75m
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Answer: d
Explanation: The minimum width of carriage way is 3.75m in urban roads; this value may be less in towns and villages depending on the requirement like 3.5 m.

2. A median is also called as ___________
a) Traffic separator
b) Traffic junction
c) Traffic check post
d) Traffic flow
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Answer: a
Explanation: The median may be a physical marking, divided area or protected by physical structure to avoid head on collisions.

3. The desirable width as per IRC for median on rural roads is ___________
a) 3m
b) 5m
c) 8m
d) 14m
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Answer: b
Explanation: The desirable width is 5m on rural roads which can be reduced to 3m if there is a restriction of land.

4. The height of low kerb is kept about ___________
a) 50mm
b) 75mm
c) 100mm
d) 200mm
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Answer: c
Explanation: A kerb is a structure used to separate pavement and median, pavement and shoulder, pavement and footpath. In low kerb height is restricted to 100mm only.

5. The minimum shoulder width recommended by IRC is ___________
a) 1.0m
b) 1.5m
c) 2.0m
d) 2.5m
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Answer: d
Explanation: The minimum shoulder width is 2.5m recommended by IRC, the shoulder provides lateral stability and act as emergency lanes for vehicles.
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6. The width of drive way should be ___________
a) Minimum
b) Maximum
c) Intermediate
d) Maximum or minimum
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Answer: a
Explanation: The width of drive way should be kept as minimum as possible to reduce the crossing distance of pedestrians.

7. A road running parallel to highway for some selected areas with grade separator are called ___________
a) Footage road
b) Urban road
c) Frontage road
d) Parallel highway
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Answer: c
Explanation: A frontage road is a road that is mainly laid in urban areas to connect some parts of the city without disturbing the highway.

8. The width of formation is calculated by adding?
a) Sum of the width of pavements
b) Width of pavement+ separators
c) Width of pavement + separators + shoulders
d) Width of pavement + separator + shoulders + side drains
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Answer: c
Explanation: The width of formation or roadway is the sum of pavements, shoulders and separator excluding side drains.

9. The boundary till which building activities are prohibited is called ___________
a) Right of way
b) Boundary line
c) Building line
d) Control line
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Answer: c
Explanation: The space left over for future expansion of roads without allowing any building activities is called as building line.

10. The normal width recommended in rural areas by IRC for a national highway is ___________
a) 45m
b) 29 m
c) 60 m
d) 25 m
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Answer: a
Explanation: The average width required for a national highway is 45m, it may be between 30m-60m for plain and rolling terrains.

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