Highway Engineering Questions and Answers – Highway Lighting

This set of Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Highway Lighting”.

1. The highway accidents occur mostly at __________
a) Day time
b) Night time
c) Both day and night
d) Early morning hours
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Answer: b
Explanation: The highway accidents occur mostly at night time if adequate lighting is not provided.

2. Highway lighting is more important at __________
a) Cities
b) Towns
c) Villages
d) Bridges
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Answer: d
Explanation: Highway lighting is more important at bridges because its boundaries should be visible even at night time.

3. Road lighting is a __________
a) Advantage for users
b) Disadvantage for users
c) Economically profitable
d) Obstruction for users
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Answer: a
Explanation: Road lighting is an added advantage for users, even headlight of vehicles may be sufficient but it would be better if it is provided.

4. During the construction of highway, more highway lighting preference is given to __________
a) Village
b) Town
c) City
d) Intersections
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Answer: d
Explanation: During the construction of highway, more highway lighting preference is given to intersections, as it is the most critical place.

5. If the object appears darker than the road surface it is called __________
a) Discernment
b) Partial discernment
c) Silhouette
d) Reverse silhouette
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Answer: c
Explanation: If the object appears darker than the road surface it is called as silhouette. If the reverse process occurs it is called reverse silhouette.

6. Which of the pavement is better for highway lighting?
a) Black top surface
b) Cement concrete
c) WBM
d) Gravel roads
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Answer: b
Explanation: Cement concrete roads have a better visibility than other all roads, but they are more expensive.

7. The objects adjacent to the pavement are seen by __________
a) Silhouette
b) Reverse silhouette
c) Lamps
d) Head lights
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Answer: b
Explanation: The objects adjacent to the pavement are seen by a process called as reverse silhouette.

8. The intensity of highway lighting is measured in __________
a) Lux
b) Candela
c) Lumen
d) Dioptres
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Answer: a
Explanation: The intensity of highway lighting is measured usually in lux, dioptre is unit of focal power, candela and lumen are also units of intensity of light, but not usually used.

9. The minimum amount of highway lighting to be provided on urban roads is __________
a) 10 Lux
b) 15 Lux
c) 30 lux
d) 40 Lux
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Answer: c
Explanation: IRC recommends a minimum of 30 lux on urban roads and 15 lux on rural roads.

10. Which of the design factors considered in roadway lighting provide all the necessary features?
a) Lamps
b) Luminaire distribution of light
c) Spacing of lighting
d) Lateral placements
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Answer: b
Explanation: The design factors considered in roadway lighting provide all the necessary features are luminaire distribution of light.

11. Which lamps are preferred at intersections?
a) Sodium-vapour
b) Mercury
c) Filament
d) Fluorescent
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sodium vapour lights are mostly preferred at intersections, as they provide more lighting and are economical.

12. The ratio of average illumination recommended by IRC is?
a) 0.3
b) 0.4
c) 0.5
d) 0.6
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Answer: b
Explanation: The ratio of average illumination recommended by IRC is 0.4, for national highway it is better if it is more than 0.4 for illumination purpose.

13. The clearance recommended by IRC for poles in urban roads is?
a) 0.3m
b) 0.4m
c) 0.5m
d) 0.6m
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Answer: d
Explanation: The clearance recommended by IRC is 0.6m from raise of kerb and in non-availability of space it may be reduced to 0.3m.

14. The spacing between the highway lamps is __________
a) 10 to 15m
b) 15 to 30m
c) 30 to 45m
d) 30 to 60m
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Answer: d
Explanation: The spacing between the highway lamps is between 30-60m, they are not fixed they may vary but they are recommended between 30-60m distance.

15. The maintenance factor of highway is assumed as __________
a) 0.5
b) 0.6
c) 0.7
d) 0.8
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Answer: d
Explanation: The average life or maintenance factor can be assumed as 80% or 0.8, this is an assumption only it may also be 100%.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Highway Engineering.

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