This set of Pavement Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Highway Maintenance – Failures in Rigid Pavements – 2”.
1. Which crack can occur both in the longitudinal and transverse direction in the rigid pavement?
a) Block crack
b) Shrinkage crack
c) Warping crack
d) Joint crack
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Explanation: The shrinkage cracks can occur both in longitudinal as well as transverse direction. Block cracks are formed in the flexible pavement. Warping cracks generally occur at the edge of the joints. There are joint reflection cracks that are formed in the flexible pavements.
2. The presence of polished aggregates is a failure that is caused when the aggregates are not ______ in shape.
a) Round
b) Irregular
c) Angular
d) Cuboidal
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Explanation: Mostly for any construction purpose, the angular aggregates are preferred due to their binding, stability and friction properties. The areas of the pavement where the aggregates extending above cement paste are very small or are not rough and angular lead to the polished aggregates. This reduces the skid resistance of the pavement.
a) Providing extra reinforcement
b) Full slab replacement
c) Providing an overlay
d) Using filler material
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Explanation: In the case of the corner break, the supporting layer or the slab is completely useless. The function of supporting the wheel loads can no longer be achieved, therefore the only option is to replace the whole slab or to repair the full depth of the slab.
4. The defect where a localized area of the concrete slab breaks into small pieces is called ______
a) Linear cracking
b) Smash out
c) Punch out
d) Line cracking
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Explanation: Sometimes a localized area in the slab can be broken down into small pieces. The defect is called punch out because of its appearance; it looks like a smashed piece of glass. This happens when the loading through the point is very heavy and repetitive.
5. Which of the below will lead to the complete disintegration of the whole slab?
a) S crack
b) D crack
c) C crack
d) M crack
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Explanation: There is failure called the durability crack which will result in the gradual breakdown of the slab. It is also called the D crack and is found as a dark spot or patch on the surface of the slab. In due course of time, it will definitely result in the disintegration of the whole slab.
6. The cracking in the interior of the slab is mainly due to the structural inadequacies.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The changes in the temperature is the main reason for the formation of cracks in the interior region of the pavement. The structural inadequacies result in the formation of cracks in the vicinity of the joints or the corners.
7. Excessive rate of pumping in the rigid pavement leads to which failure?
a) Corner breaks
b) Fatigue cracks
c) Shrinkage cracks
d) Joint breaks
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Explanation: As the rate of pumping increases beyond the limit, it transforms itself into another failure called the corner break. The excessive pumping removes the underlying material that supports the vehicle load, thus making it void. This leads to the corner breaks.
8. The shrinkage cracks generally do not cross ______ meters in length.
a) 2
b) 1
c) 0.5
d) 1.5
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Explanation: The shrinkage cracks are hairline cracks and hence they generally do not cross 2 meters in length. They do not extend throughout the full slab. They are caused during the curing process of the slabs due to excessive evaporation of water from the surface.
9. Which type of failure leads to the division of the slab into two or three pieces?
a) Linear cracking
b) Portion cracking
c) Block cracking
d) Crumb cracking
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Explanation: Linear cracking is the failure that divides the concrete slab into two or three pieces. The reasons for this type of failure is the repeated loading of traffic, the curling of slabs due to temperature effects and moisture changes.
10. In general, the failures in the rigid pavement occur due to the structural inadequacies in the pavement.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: There are two main categories of reasons for the failure in rigid pavements. They are the defects in pavement materials used for the construction and the structural inadequacies of the pavement.
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